
russian armor

So uhm, how do you even counter this?

18 Jun 2016, 10:51 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

I played versus a brit player that totally bunkered down into simcity on langreskya. He build an early mortar pit that wiped a full health gren squad straight of the bat. He then got a huge chunk of the map because the mortar denied any of my weapon teams to help me control the map, so I constantly had to micro the lot.

I eventually destroyed the mortar pit with double 222 and pak 40 support, but by then he had gotten so much map control for quite some time that the first cromwell rolled out. I managed to beat it back with my pak 40s but then he made a new mortar pit, a bit further back and protected it with tommies, a vickers and a 6 pounder. The infantry and mgs were all in trenches.

He then build a bofors near the western vp and put a bren lgm tommie squad in a trench supported by the 6 pounder. I tried to react with double mortars, but you guesssed it: counter battery. It could hit everywhere and even into some parts of my base sector...

If you look at the image, you can see on the minimap display the entirety of his simcity efforts. The mortar pit kept pushing my mgs around, the counter barrage prohibited my counter light artillery and his lgm infantry and his cromwell kept me at bay. There was in my mind literally nothing I could do..

So, how do you counter this? He didn't have to micro anything apart from moving his units and tanks here and there. This seems really really broken..

18 Jun 2016, 11:16 AM
avatar of Zyswen

Posts: 149 | Subs: 1

smoke bofor, rush with flame HT with some support and u done
18 Jun 2016, 11:20 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2016, 11:16 AMZyswen
smoke bofor, rush with flame HT with some support and u done

uhm you do realize that if my mortars shoot once for putting up smoke ,they are insta barraged by the counter battery and the mortar pit. Then we have multiple vickers, a cromwell and a multitude of lmg tommies that cover everything. The problem is not the bofors, but the synergy of it all..
18 Jun 2016, 11:21 AM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Attack his base?
18 Jun 2016, 11:25 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2016, 11:21 AMmedhood
Attack his base?

That is a good idea!
18 Jun 2016, 11:30 AM
avatar of Obersoldat

Posts: 393

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2016, 11:16 AMZyswen
smoke bofor, rush with flame HT with some support and u done

Until you encouter a top 1000 player that knows how to attack ground :sibHyena:
18 Jun 2016, 12:13 PM
avatar of Antemurale
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 951

Have you seen HelpingHans' Tip of the Week?

Here's the link: https://www.coh2.org/guides/53031/hans-tip-of-the-week-13-countering-sim-cities

Take a look and see if it helps!
18 Jun 2016, 12:33 PM
avatar of Fortune
Donator 11

Posts: 532 | Subs: 1

from what the OP said it seems he did pretty much exactly what Hans suggested, insofar as getting the proper units (paks, 222s) to destroy the mortar pit.

Also this was not a "simcity", since that infers more than 1 mortar pit at a time, the OP is clearly talking about the strength of a single supported mortar pit used to hinge map control and propel the UKF player into a strong early-late game (fast comet) for which the Ostheer has no real counters after losing in resource income, economy, and having to lose models or squads over a longer period of time due to a unit that does not need any micro (mortar pit). Wow that was a long sentence without a full stop.

Anyway, the only recommendation I can make on personal experience is two-fold: If the map is larger (langreskaya) and the mortar pit is not positioned aggressively enough, you need to fight for the sides of the map and just plain forget about the VP for a while. Plant some mines, but mostly just fight for the side resources to try and get some tanks out.

If the map is small or the mortar pit is aggressively placed, this is where Hans' strategy/tip is useful - if the UKF is going to build a mortar pit fast, there are tell-tale signs. Sign #1: There are a maximum of 3 UKF squads out. Sign #2 the UKF is defending his cutoff whilst not responding to your harasses at the sides (this requires you to have active infantry play). There are more indicators than this, but they're not guaranteed - a good UKF player will know how to cover up their poker face.

Failing the above you have the choice of pre-picked doctrinal choices vs UKF. The single strongest doctrine vs. the UKF is Mechanized Assault - Do NOT tech past T2. Use your MP on double-pak, maybe 1 or 2 pgrens, but mostly rely on 4-5 grens to do the fighting for you. This is a lot of infantry, but it leaves you with fuel reserves. I recommend going double StuG-E and then Tiger. The StuGs will bleed and punish the UKF infantry, their Vet 1 ability can jam the Comet's turret and has a near 100% chance to penetrate (sometimes RNG makes the shot miss, the pen values themselves are too high to deflect) which can buy you precious moments.

The StuG-Es will be your way to push the UKF back and deal consistent damage, but do not get greedy! Cutting off the UKF seems like a worthy goal but there is a maxim I've learned the hard way when playing any Axis faction: Denying the enemy resources is good. Having your own resource income is better. You will never be able to out-drain the UKF out of fuel unless you are winning every engagement, or if you manage to end the game prematurely. This however, is very difficult and it is far safer to be passive and make sure your own units do not get sacrificed for little gain.

Cutting off the resource income vs Soviets does not stop T2, which is strong enough to depend on until call-in tanks.
Cutting off the resource income vs UKF does not stop T2, which is also strong enough to hold on until call-in units.
Cutting off the resource income vs the USF does not stop Captain, because he is so cheap at 60 fuel and the player starts with enough that they can tech very quickly.

Cutting off the resource income vs Wehr does stop T2, because it's expensive both in terms of fuel and manpower, as well as time.
Cutting of the resource income vs OKW forces them to invest a lot of time building first a Mechanized for a Puma/Luchs and then a Battlegroup for healing. Or just the Battlegroup for healing and then waiting for call-in units, but this is a rarer tactic, most OKW players will want a fast luchs going into T4 and P4s.

Note that the cutting off of income has no long-term damage to allied factions, because Wehr has very few call-in options. It is why the StuG-E is so strong, it is perhaps Wehr's only choice against even a mediocre opponent let alone someone who knows their salt (pun intended).
For the OKW it's not as horrific, since Volks shrekblobs can deal with just about anything and require no big time investment for teching, and is nondoctrinal.

Most of my losses as Wehr lately, and there are a LOT of losses, are due to not going StuG-Es. It annoys me, because I love trying new things, but ultimately if you're not using something that is safe and adequate at dealing with a problem and instead you're opting to be creative, the loss is only your own fault.
18 Jun 2016, 12:39 PM
avatar of Dante

Posts: 47

i do ceche fuel get panzer warfer . when he made them in green defens . i rush pack and mg and my tiger or panzers . but motar pit wipe inf so strange
18 Jun 2016, 12:57 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2016, 12:39 PMDante
i do ceche fuel get panzer warfer . when he made them in green defens . i rush pack and mg and my tiger or panzers . but motar pit wipe inf so strange

THe panzer werfer will get insta destroyed by counter battery.. It reks it in one salvo lol
18 Jun 2016, 13:00 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Have you seen HelpingHans' Tip of the Week?

Here's the link: https://www.coh2.org/guides/53031/hans-tip-of-the-week-13-countering-sim-cities

Take a look and see if it helps!

I pretty much did what that video suggested and got rid of the first mortar pit. But then he just build another one that I couldn't reach so easily, but it could still reach most of the map. Then he snowballed into a victory with litle to no micro and me having to micro constantly to miss incomming mortar barrages and counter barrage cancer
18 Jun 2016, 13:53 PM
avatar of Dante

Posts: 47

panzerwerfer fireing time is 5-6 Second #LOL that u can hit and run #LOL
18 Jun 2016, 14:18 PM
18 Jun 2016, 16:06 PM
avatar of vietnamabc

Posts: 1063

Brit currently is broken, either as you play them or against them.
18 Jun 2016, 17:01 PM
avatar of dreamerdude
Benefactor 392

Posts: 374

THe panzer werfer will get insta destroyed by counter battery.. It reks it in one salvo lol

This is the part where you barrage, shift reverse into base or shift move it somewhere safe
19 Jun 2016, 05:36 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

This is the part where you barrage, shift reverse into base or shift move it somewhere safe

B-b-but I thought the panzerwefer was static artillery
19 Jun 2016, 08:59 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

B-b-but I thought the panzerwefer was static artillery

Yeah and counter battery fires instantly and is super accurate lol
19 Jun 2016, 20:06 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

Yeah and counter battery fires instantly and is super accurate lol

Sometimes I sit my mortars in the same spot because i know that shit wont hit anyways.
19 Jun 2016, 20:17 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Sometimes I sit my mortars in the same spot because i know that shit wont hit anyways.

yeahhh and then they get insta wiped by one hit lol. I understand what you are saying though, it is very rng dependend.
19 Jun 2016, 20:37 PM
avatar of PanzerGeneralForever

Posts: 1072

Counter battery getting nerfed, Bofors suppression getting nerfed, double mortars is the way to go.
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