"To commemorate the events that occurred on June 6th, 1944, Company of Heroes 2 is holding a Free Commander Weekend for all of the Wester Front doctrines. From Saturday, June 4 to Monday, June 6 EOD PDT, all USF, OKW, and British commander have been made free to play. Simply login to CoH2 during this time to use any of the commanders for free over the D-Day weekend.
Experience firsthand the power of the USF Pershing Heavy tank with Heavy Cavalry Company or rain rockets from the sky using the Mobile Assault Regiment’s Land mattress of the British Forces. More of an Axis player? Then the time has come to blitz the Allied defenses with endless flames using the Feuersturm Doctrine or devastate their emplacements with the small but highly explosive Goliath using the Overwatch Doctrine. These commanders are free to use only for a limited time so don't miss out!"
Source : http://www.companyofheroes.com/blog/2016/06/02/d-day-weekend-event-2016