
russian armor

1v1 vs Soviets.

20 Apr 2016, 09:08 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Ok, I have problem playing as Ostheer vs Soviets to break their frontline.

Cons+Guards, covered by 1-2 Maxim, 1-2AT guns and what's my biggest problem, 81mm or 120mm.

Those mortars shred me apart. Obvious choice is PzWefer but until that time I will be bleed out of MP.

Going for battle mortars vs mortars seems like to much RNG.

In other words, how to get to such mortars.

Just finished a game where I had Tiger, 2 Paks, HMG42, PzGrens, Assault Grens vs 2 ZiS, 2 120mm, 2 Maxims, Guards, Cons and recon mode T70.

I had literally no clue how to get to those 120mm.
Each attempt ened up in maxim suppression or when I forced maxim away, then always some 120shell landed on me forcing me to retreat.
T70 was few times really lucky to survive, like it should have died 3-4 times but rng.

Literally, no idea. I skipped Grens on purpose cause I had feeling like I will be dealing with mortars so static Grens seemed like a really bad idea, Assault Grens looked like a way better option to deal with support weapons but again, each attempt ened up with heavy bleed cause of mortars hidden behind all forces.
20 Apr 2016, 10:00 AM
avatar of CartoonVillain

Posts: 474

I would also like to know how to deal with this. :foreveralone:
20 Apr 2016, 10:26 AM
avatar of chipwreckt

Posts: 732

Yeah Soviets is the reason im not playing atm. Playing vs or as Soviets insta tilts me. Maxim set up time increase might make it better, but if it still insta suppress and insta kills models idk.
20 Apr 2016, 10:40 AM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

5 maxim oppening into AT partisans is the way you play game as a true commie
20 Apr 2016, 10:48 AM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

Well you did the hard part which was surviving the mid game maxims and T-70

my advice

1:tiger is not great against support weapon walls, a doctrine with command tank and two mortars of your own would have suited you better (pwerfer fuel is best spent on tanks)

2:you say he only had inf, T-70 and double ZiS. PIV's could have put some work in on the flanks where his ZIS can't get to you and got some nice wipes in

3: I don't know what map you played but in general grens are just better than assgrens, they're cheaper, have rifle nades and they scale better with LMG's
20 Apr 2016, 10:53 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Sorry, I missed part about T34/85.

3 games vs Soviets today - 3 losses.

Last one was agasint 5 Maxims. This was pure bs. No way to beat from my point of view.

Of course Grens are better than Assault Grens but not against double 120mm.
Sitting down behind cover when there are 2 120mm shooting at you is like asking for a wipe.
20 Apr 2016, 10:55 AM
avatar of aaa

Posts: 1487

3 or 5 your units got wiped before any mortar on the field. Will upload if rep is working
20 Apr 2016, 10:59 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2016, 10:55 AMaaa
3 or 5 your units got wiped before any mortar on the field. Will upload if rep is working

We were playing on Kholodny?

Cause Im after 3 games and not sure which was vs you.

And if you read you woud see it;s no about wiping from 120mm.
20 Apr 2016, 11:44 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

People only play 1v1 as Soviets? 4 game - 4 Soviets.

Ok, I figure out that flamer HT can do decent job with used carefully
20 Apr 2016, 11:56 AM
avatar of Pr3d4t0rS

Posts: 1146

well in the game vs me there were only 3 maxims and one stolen mg.

you did mistakes like bad capping order, no 222/ht from t2, 2 paks and puma vs 1 t70, mortar usage, just to name a few
20 Apr 2016, 12:23 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

well in the game vs me there were only 3 maxims and one stolen mg.

you did mistakes like bad capping order, no 222/ht from t2, 2 paks and puma vs 1 t70, mortar usage, just to name a few

I wanted to pick mechanized and get pzgrens in ht to attack maxims but I missclicked doctrine :D
As for 2 paks I knew T70 is coming so I need to neutrilize it.
As for Puma, well I missclicked doctrine so I had no other choice.
20 Apr 2016, 12:25 PM
avatar of aaa

Posts: 1487

I wanted to pick mechanized and get pzgrens in ht to attack maxims but I missclicked doctrine :D

Are y ok? You had mechanized. And had pzgrens in ht.
20 Apr 2016, 12:35 PM
avatar of Pr3d4t0rS

Posts: 1146

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2016, 12:25 PMaaa

Are y ok? You had mechanized. And had pzgrens in ht.

he meant our game though^^
20 Apr 2016, 17:57 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384


Brummbar is also really, really good against Zis or 57mm AT guns since they struggle to pen the front armour and it 2-3 shots them.
20 Apr 2016, 18:36 PM
avatar of ArnoLaz

Posts: 266

Ok, I have problem playing as Ostheer vs Soviets to break their frontline.

Literally, no idea. I skipped Grens on purpose cause I had feeling like I will be dealing with mortars so static Grens seemed like a really bad idea, Assault Grens looked like a way better option to deal with support weapons but again, each attempt ened up with heavy bleed cause of mortars hidden behind all forces.

In last quote u practicly answered to your question my friend. In even battle of support weapons for most part looses that who tries to brake it too soon, cause unprepared attack leads to big bleeds. Take as an example real life - WW1 battles, how much bleed was taken by attackers when they attacked fortified line without proper artilery support. The only other way without pounding your opponent with massive rocket/schells is using tanks.

But before going into battle - value your strenght and weakness by comparing it with opponents.

OST vs Soviet in support weapons - more or less even (HMG is slightly better in OST, mortars - slighty better on SOV).

Whats with infantry : If opponent uses guards - then he is more or less even with u (or even a better position) - cause of 2VP and slightly bigger cost than grens, on other hand, guards has better utility in mid/late game.

So where u are better at - T3. OST has great tanks in T3, mostly sufficient in 1v1 to not even touch T4 - rather build another P4 + stug. If u need late game pounch, bring in Tiger. Just dont overextend, and flank + micro.

In resume - Action against prepared defensive line

1. Dont bait into traps by doing yolo attemps on mortars.

2. Smoke and flank (lol, i used it), but seriously u can bring at least 1 mortar for smoke support. Better still, if u dont like RNG battle, mortar vs mortar : use mortar HT, just keep it safe from ats/guards and dont Yolo.

3. If he pushes defensive line further, dont rush head on to save your precious 10 metres of no mans land, wait for opportunity and attack overextended line where it hurts most.

4. Combined arms - arty + infranty + tanks.

5. Dont use more than 1 ass gren, they cost way too much for what they offer, and they are only viable as flanking unit while all of their army is distracted elsewhere. Rember they doesnt scale in mid game, god dam even kubel has bigger utility by then if managed to vet1, as map hacking tool.

And actualy..... There is no 1 answer to most of the coh2 problems. As in evenly played 1v1 u have to value your resources, u have to thik further. If u rushed t4 and went for PWerfer u lost 2 P4s, and by that i mean 2 freakin P4s + who would come earlier with much bigger impact. On the other hand, if u suck with tank micro... Then.. U have to pund em back to stone age.

20 Apr 2016, 23:38 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

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Welcome to ostheer world :).
21 Apr 2016, 02:12 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

Don't skip grens, you are setting yourself up for failure. 2 120 mm mortars is a fuckton of manpower, get a sniper and push off the maxims early game. He won't be able to hold any ground without more infantry. Cloaked sniper on hold fire is also a great way to see where maxims are facing, since they wont be walking around too much getting close to reveal you.
21 Apr 2016, 09:33 AM
avatar of Soheil

Posts: 658

iknow its hard to deal with but u should have heavy start till mid game,try to use sniper+mg beside grenaders , and later use mortar ht vs maxims+120
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