Which units are OP ? Which are UP ? Constructive criticism welcomed !
They have the same Tier system as the Soviet, however all their base buildings (except Tier 1 because that is the building provided at the beginning of the game) can be build in any friendly sector instead of only in the base sector, and only one of each type of base buildings may exist at one time, so no 2 T2s or 3 T3s etc. Their base buildings (again, except T1) is fragile.
- HEAT Grenades - 125 manpower, 25 fuel, allows Fucilieri Squad to fire HEAT grenades.
- Rifle Grenades - 125 manpower, 15 fuel, allows Fucilieri Squad to fire rifle grenades.
- Field Medic - 250 manpower, allows medic spawning at HQ to heal infantry.
Genieri Squad
Production/reinforce cost: 200/25 MP
Population cap: 5
4 man engineer squad with Carcano M1891 bolt action rifle. Good at mid range, but weaker than Sov Engineers at longer range and Ost Pioneers at close range, in other word, as middle as you can get. Can build base buildings and defensive structure, but not caches.
- Upgrades:
- Minesweeper and Wirecutter: 30 muni
- Flamethrower Modello 40: 60 muni
- Abilities:
- Build base buildings - costs listed below for each buildings
- Repair - free
- Razor wire - free
- Tank trap - free
- Cut wire - free, requires Minesweeper and Wirecutter upgrade
- Booby Trap - 60 munis, attaches an incendiary charge to a point (except Victory Points) or a building, triggered by enemy unit capturing that point or moving into the building, can be detected and defused by engineers with minesweeper. If detonated, create a fire pool that is 1.5 times as large as Volk's incendiary grenade centered on the squad activating the trap, and deals the same damage.
- Build HMG Nest - 250 MP, a Bunker that come automatically with HMG.
Fucilieri Squad
Production/reinforce cost: 240/25 MP
Population cap: 7
Basic troops with Carcano M1891 bolt action rifle. Good at mid range, but not as strong as Riflemen.
- Upgrades:
- Breda 30 LMG: 50 munis - weaker than Gren's MG42, but can be fired on the move and has faster aim time
- Abilities:
- Sandbag - free
- Fire HEAT grenade - 25 muni, very long range, damage comparable to Panzerfusilier's anti tank nade, high crit change. Required HEAT Grenade upgrade
- Fire rifle grenade - 30 muni, similar to Gren's. Required Rifle Grenade upgrade.
- Avanti! - 15 muni, speed bonus similar to Oohra! and immunity to suppression for 5 seconds, but the users take 30% more damage. Cannot break suppression.
Motorciclisti Team
Production cost: 200 MP
Population cap: 3
Recon vehicle, very weak armor, even weaker than Kubel's. Armed with Breda 30 LMG, weaker than LMG 42 but faster aim time. Camouflages in cover. Can capture point.
- Abilities:
- Hold fire - free
HMG Nest - 230 MP, built by Genieri Squad
Similar in damage to Ostheer MG Bunker, but has fewer HP and a wider firing arc. Can be upgraded to an Anti-Tank Nest.
- Upgrades:
- Anti-Tank Nest: 100 muni, replace the HMG with Cannone da 47/32 M35, similar in damage, range and ROF to the T-70's gun.
- Abilities:
- Priority Vehicle - free, requires Anti-Tank nest upgrade.
Tier 2 - Comando di Fanteria (Infantry Command)
Building cost: 200 manpower, 35 fuel
Any fallen friendly model within the territory on which the building is built grants 5 munitions
Breda M37 HMG
Production/reinforce cost: 240/18 MP
Population cap: 6
A 5 man Heavy Machine gun team. Quick set up and reload, similar to the Maxim squad. Arc of fire is between MG42 and Maxim, but it has lower damage and takes longer to suppress than either of them.
- Ability:
- Suppressive Barrage - 20 muni, unlocked at vet 1, fires a machine gun barrage at up to double the range to suppress enemy infantry. Deals very little damage, but has very high suppression.
Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35
Production/reinforce cost: 240/18 MP
Population cap: 6
Mortar, firing rate is between the Ost and Sov Mortar Team. Comes with crew of 5. Unlike other mortars, the 81/14 does not die when reduced to one crew member.
- Ability:
- Barrage - free, 4 rounds.
- Fire Smoke Barrage - free, 3 rounds.
- Hold Fire - free.
- Incendiary Mortar Barrage - 30 muni, unlocked at vet 1.
Bersaglieri Squad
Production/reinforce cost: 300/40 MP
Population cap: 9
Very tough elite troops armed with long-range rifles similar to Jaeger Light Infantry's that are effective against infantry, and have a chance to instant kill models with less than 60% health.
- Upgrades: The two following upgrades are mutually exclusive.
- Panzerschrecks - 120 muni, equips squad with two Panzershreck rocket launchers.
- Solothurn AT rifles - 100 muni, equips squad with two Solothurn AT rifles which are similar in damage to Guard PTRS rifles, fire faster but have longer aim time. Also grant the Button Vehicle ability.
- Abilities:
- Bundled Grenades - 45 muni.
- Avanti! - 15 muni, speed bonus similar to Oohra! and immunity to suppression for 5 seconds, but the users take 30% more damage. Cannot break suppression.
- Button Vehicle - 40 munitions, requires Solothurn AT rifles; 20 seconds, reduces target vehicle's movement speed, line of sight and rate of fire
Tier 3 - Comando di supporto Meccanizzato (Mechanized Support Command)
Building cost: 200 manpower, 65 fuel
Any fallen friendly model within the territory on which the building is built grants 3 fuels.
Autocarro blindato Fiat 626 NM
Production cost: 180 MP, 30 fuel
Population cap: 5
Fast but unarmed truck that can hold two squads, has the same health and armour as the USF WC51, and can reinforce squad. Can be upgraded with 20mm AA cannon, but loses its transport and reinforce capablity.
- Upgrades:
- 20/65 AA autocannon - 120 munitions; removes transport and reinforcement ability, grants the truck an autocannon similar to the one on the Flak Halftrack, but do not have to deploy to fire.
Cannone da 75/32 modello 37
Production/reinforce cost: 320/18 MP
Population cap: 9
Similar to Ostheer's PaK40, with the exception of having 5 crewmen and a slower RoF, and faster movement speed.
- Abilities:
- Target Weak Point - 30 munitions, disables main gun temporarily.
- Priority Vehicle - free
Panzer III M
Production cost: 320 MP, 90 fuel
Population cap: 10
Main medium tank of the Heeresgruppe. Armed with a similar weapon to the one on the Puma, alongside a coaxial and a hull MG. Faster but more fragile than other medium tanks; more like a hybrid between light and medium. Comes with a side skirt similar to OKW PzIV. Can be upgraded to a Panzer III N.
- Upgrades:
- Pintle-mounted MG 42 - 50 muni
- Panzer III N - 100 muni, replaces the 5cm gun on the PzIII with a short barreled 7.5 cm KwK37, similar to the main cannon of the PzIV command tank. Weaker at anti-tank and with lower ROF but better against infantry with large AOE.
- Abilities:
- Treadbreaker - 40 munitions, causes engine damage to the target vehicle. Requires the default 5cm gun.
- Target Weak Point - 30 munitions, disables main gun temporarily. Requires the 7.5 cm KwK 37.
- Overdrive - 30 munitions, unlocked at vet 1; increase speed.
Tier 4 - Comando Blindata (Armoured Command)
Building cost: 300 manpower, 110 fuel - Requires Comando di Fanteria or Comando di supporto Meccanizzato
Three crates each contains 10 fuels or 15 munitions will be delivered to the bulding every three minutes if built inside a friendly territory (can toggle between fuel/munition). Three will be granted automatically after the building is finished
Semovente da 105/25
Production cost: 440 MP, 145 fuel
Population cap: 14
Heavy assault gun that fires a powerful area-of-effect round at decent range. Used mainly to engage enemy infantry and buildings, but can deal decent damage to vehicle as well, although it will have trouble hitting moving targets. Has decent armor, but slow movement speed. Similar to Brummbär, but with weaker main gun and weaker armor, but also has faster reload and movement speed.
- Upgrades:
- Pintled-mounted Breda 38 - 50 muni, similar to pintle-mounted MG42
- Abilities:
- Focused Sight - free; increases forward vision and reduces peripheral vision, reduces speed by 50% when active
- Bunker Buster round - 70 munitions; fires a single round that deals massive damage to anything it hits, with very large AOE.
Production cost: 490 MP, 175 fuel
Population cap: 16
Similar to Ostheer's Panther. That's about it.
- Upgrades:
- Pintle-mounted MG 42 - 50 muni
- Abilities:
- Overdrive - 30 munitions, unlocked at vet 1; increase speed.
Hummel Self-Propelled Artillery
Production cost: 500 MP, 200 fuel
Population cap: 18
Strongest self-propelled artillery units in the game, each of its shots does massive damage in a large radius. Has a much faster cooldown than normal rocket artillery, but has to deloy first to fire. Very expensive and fragile, so keep it safe.
- Upgrades:
- Hull-mounted MG 42 - 50 muni
- Abilities:
- Deploy - free, immobilizes the vehicle but allows it to fire. Takes 5 seconds to deploy, 5 seconds to undeploys. Cooldown 10 seconds
- 15 cm Howitzer Barrage - free, 5 rounds.
- Counter Barrage - free, unlocked at vet 1; unit automatically barrages firing enemy artillery units. Cannot fire normal barrage while Counter Barrage is active