Yes we all know it is a fucking useless weapon but... Mathematically at least... This might be worth trying...
The Piat hits nothing on autofire, but does full deflection damage so irrespective of the opponents armour value it will deal full damage. Hence a PIV with 640 health should die to 6 hits. One of those nasty bastard Panthers to 7.
So, as we all love annoying the Axis fanbois yet another challenge, to one shot Axis armour!
The rules, Piat blob of 3 or 4 engineers, dual wielding Piats. Find Axis armour. Attack ground wherever they are likely to roam. See if you can twat them in one volley. Save a replay and post it if you succeed.
1 point per PIV, 2 per nasty bastard Panther and bonus points for Tiger, KT or whatever other monsters they throw at you. 3 points for a rage quit, 4 if the Axis gets stroppy about your mother in chat or calls you gay. 5 points for anyone who causes a Piat OP thread. 10 points if it is posted by Bannerman, PenisRumMuncher or whatever his fucking name is.
Sadly Latch has shaved his moustache however the prize will be equally as crap as the currently unclaimed UC challenge one.