Do you actually realize that this topic have been discussed 1000 times already and the outcome is always the same, aka Spios are fine as starter units
I am sure it has been discussed and that I am not the only one that has an issue/trouble with dealing with it.
Another possible way to deal with it is to change things so that a truck converting to a building would require a spio to build. As in the truck starts the building but a spio has to construct it. This might force OKW to be more conservative in the very early game with the spio in order to have proper timing.
Or as others have suggested, change the way kubels interact with capture points.
I can admit that in my OP I was singularly frustrated with an issue that was cropping up multiple times but I still maintain that most of the suggestions made (ignoring L2Ps) still create an unfair advantage to the OKW player on small 1v1 maps in regards to tech timings. I often come away from these matches feeling that unless I play everything perfectly in the first 2-3 minutes I will have a very uphill battle ahead of me. Of course this also depends on how aggressive the OKW player is.
My real problem as a player, the thing holding me back most as far as I can see is understanding when to transition from early to mid. I often lose games in the 15-20 minute period because I did not know how to convert early game successes into mid game gains. I need to be more aware of what my successes mean regarding the enemies ability to project influence on the field and capitalize appropriately. Sometimes this means being more aggressive and sometimes it means going ham to punish mistakes. I have an innate fear of making mistakes which often causes me to squander opportunities.
If that means I need to L2P then so be it. I just wish people would be a little less shitty about it.
I think it also comes from not being able to historically trust most SU units to perform.