As most dedicated 3v3+ players of CoH2 bortherhoodery know, cohbros/ is the ultimate underdog who aren't quite there in the throne but will put up a fierce fight.
We are growing rapidly! But let us start from the beginning.
Once upon a time, a dude was looking for a game to kill time during the insufferable summer of 2013. That dude was Ohme (Killhon back then). A mixed bread, the human embodiment of UN, ran into a pure Mexican bread who liked to gamble: Pokkerguy. It was a match not made in heaven but they were instantly attracted each other. Ohme was high on grass and Pokkerguy was high on casino booze and prescription pills. That is why they decided on a name as lame as "cohbros" with "/" at the end solely because "nobody had '/' in their tag". There you have it fellas; the inception of the legendary cohbros/ (no caps) clan.
The duo 2v2ed and laughed and had the time of their lives. Then they ran into Medman and Midconflict. Medman, a.k.a. the wise man and Midconflict a.k.a. the Fox News, were salvaged from the barren and desolated land of randoms. This was the time before the cohbros/ adapted TeamSpeak. With sixth senses, the cohbros/ got better and got into the game.
Then one day, a non-rts player who hated Starcraft, even though he is from S. Korea originally, bought CoH2 because he loved most things related to WWII. After a few 1v1s and 2v2s, the legend was ready to move on to other seemingly better games. Whilst he was 2v2 randoming, he ran into Ohme. Surprised by an outstanding show of competence from his random teammate, ecstatic Pigsoup said "you are the best player I have ever been teamed up with". Even with a whiff of desperation, Ohme was also impressed by Pigsoup. There it was. The OG and now the most important member of the clan teamed up and kicked ass from 2v2 up.
Rayray, the black dude, then joined and now remains as an OG honourary member due to lack of activity and communication.
Vu Zilla a.k.a. the maverick, rolled with the bros hardcore and transformed the 99% Allies only clan to 50/50 Allies/Axis clan. He was strategic, tactical and funny. Many times, he will fill the TS chat with time killers during the queue. He is now retired and remains as an outstanding honourary member.
Darksea, the joker, also was an active member for a while. His incredible humour and bright personalities were matched perfectly by his consistent ability to drop and crash during half of the games we played together. He is now retired and remains as an outstanding honourary member.
Then Doc Rockwell joined the flock... a.k.a. the drug guru came to us from the heavens. Constantly medicated, his chillness chilled all of us to the core. He goes on hiatus from time to time but the CoH2 blood runs think in him. Ohme, Pigsoup and Doc Rockwell once had 86 win streak as Axis in 3v3 AT.
Then the cohbros/'s main members, Medman, Midconflict, Pokkerguy, Pigsoup and Ohme were playing a lot and spreading the cohbros/ name. However, the real life got in the way. Medman lost his way. Pokkerguy went on hiatus. Ohme got busy, Pigsoup got busy and Midconflict dived into other games. The dark age of cohbros/ has dawned in mid 2014 to early 2015.
With Ohme, the glue/daddy, out of action, Pigsoup scrambled to keep the bros pumped. Pokkerguy came back, Midconflict came back then Medman and eventually Ohme.
Pokkerguy would sometimes invite m00 from The Angry Bears clan and acquaintance was made. But it would be a grueling months before m00 was given the honour of becoming an honourary member of the cohbros/.
After that came the second expansion period for the cohbros/. Out of the blue, Phalanx added Pigsoup to his Steam friends list. After accepting, Pigsoup instantly deleted him but they would meet again in the future and Phalanx would add Pigsoup again. Pigsoup then inquired and decided that Phalanx was cool. They played a lot together with Phalanx's close friend Marcus. Alixx and other friends of theirs would join many times but the bond between cohbros/ and the relationship between the three were solidified during Gdot's excellent 4v4 Flexi Time Tournament. After a disappointing yet helpful losses, the three were folded into the cohbros/ flock.
For now, 27-01-2016, the cohbros/ boasts 13 members:
- Ohme
Pokkerguy- (now disgraced and officially a non-bro, although he will always have a place in cohbros/ clan at list on paper)
- Medman
- Midconflict
- Pigsoup
- Rayray
- Vu Zilla
- Darksea
- Doc Rockwell
- Phalanx
- Marcus
- Alixx
- m00
During the lifetime of cohbros/ they have brushed shoulders with the best of the bests including TATUS, SOE, focus, HOI, RtN, USF all star and many other excellent groups/players.
Summer 2016 update:
Prior to the summer, Medman slowly lost his ways.... again. This affected Pigsoup and he slowly lost his ways. Ohme was busy and without the OG three, the clan foundered again. Then Pig was summoned to Korea by his mother for the summer. Now working on weekdays so that he cannot possibly play CoH2 with his bros during weekdays at all, another overall hiatus is taken by the cohbros/. With no lack of other good games, Midconflict and Phalanx also made due with other games.
Already marked by significant loss of skills in the first half of 2016 due to extreme atrophy, the cohbros/ will limp on yet again until the other leg gives off... but the bros will be bros and we will always have a place in each other's heart.