
russian armor

Axis panzershrek spam blobs- i'm losing it

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22 Jan 2016, 10:38 AM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

From all allied factions brits are best against blobs, IS in trenches, vickers, bofos, mortar cover and other abilities, etc. But no late game artillery means something.
22 Jan 2016, 10:41 AM
avatar of Stafkeh
Patrion 14

Posts: 1006

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 01:29 AMPorygon


Well played.

Laughed hard when that T4 killed your Cromwell... :facepalm:
22 Jan 2016, 10:48 AM
avatar of Captain_Frog

Posts: 248

Just counter it with an allied m1919 blob SeemsGood
22 Jan 2016, 11:04 AM
avatar of Kozokus

Posts: 301

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2016, 10:31 AMKatitof

TBH unless you're picking up ppsh doctrine, more then 2 cons is a huge disadvantage on a long run. Literally any other unit is more efficient then cons without weapon upgrade and conspam is a dead end strat, you need maxims asap, every game.

It is a different strat i am ok with. The main goal of the one i presented is to go for the throat and use those conscript to quickly take the advantage, take the map controle and outcap the opponent to quickly transition to a T-70 or two (adding a ZIS if money allows it) and either to T34 or IS2 if the game goes that long. If possible adding a shock trooper in the T-70 timer (making shockrifle frontline doctrine perfectly fit for that strategy).
I did not mention Maxim because T2 wouldn't be produce until 5 conscripts are produced and they would come too late but there is tons of variation of course.
I tried a lot PPSH doctrines but i rarely find that useful, i prefer my conscripts to throw At grenades and molotovs infinite and not be restricted on munitions.
Of course adding ppsh and maxims are possible. But it is not the same strategy.*
This one can easily fail on the followings : an abundance of early microed sturmpioneer (2-3), assaultgrenadiers, an early AAHT well defended and mass MG (3-4). 1-2 Mg are not enough as you simply overrun and hoorahmolotov them.
This is only an exemple of a proactive strategy where you want to lead the pace of the game instead of reacting to your opponent.

23 Jan 2016, 00:35 AM
avatar of Virtual Boar

Posts: 196

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2016, 07:57 AMJohnnyB

Then, sorry to say that, you understood nothing from:

1. this faction's design
2. simple and efficient concept.

I don't know but in this game, like in any other thing you do, you would rather act simple and efficiently instead complicating things.
USF blob, OKW blob, any blob is the expression of this concept. You can still be punished if you blob. You can lose it all at once and game will be over.

I don't think at this game in terms of whining and bitching about the fact that a faction is not played as I imagine it should be. I just analyze if there are viable counters. And blobs can be countered, losing them meaning in most cases GG. So no problem in my view in OKW or USF build. I can beat blobs, I can use blobs to win. It's there in the game and allowed. Bye.


OKW pre-patch was how it was meant to be. High stakes faction.

Now it is just glorified spam mob with the most cost effective units in game.

Stick your arrogance where the sun don't shine mate.
25 Jan 2016, 03:28 AM
avatar of MrBananaGrabber.
Patrion 26

Posts: 328

OKW shrek blobs do make 3v3 and 4vs4 matches a farce. It's always the same:
Shrek blobs in the early and mid game followed by heavy tank spam in the late game.

It's basically the problem COH2 had for over two years with Ost, but now thanks to the Western Armies the problem has been moved to the OKW and US (at least the US can't spam heavy tanks, even if they wanted to).

How Relic could make the same mistake all over again is beyond comprehension.

It doesn't help that all the hard counters are either commander specific, late tier, or cost a lot of ammo/fuel (to counter cheap opening tier units).

This could so easily be fixed, so why isn't it.
25 Jan 2016, 04:33 AM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

3v3 and 4v4 arent a priority sadly.
25 Jan 2016, 04:44 AM
avatar of Spinflight

Posts: 680

Watching replays of players with good micro skills you can tell their eyes light up and they start thanking their lucky stars for Christmas coming early when someone blobs Shrecks against them.

They just run a medium tank in for the squish.. The key seems to be to keep the blob moving as they can only fire their Shrecks whilst standing still. Cromwells are brilliant at it though I think any medium armour will squish effectively.

It's a shame someone can't make a mod or somesuch which simply gives you lots of blobs to practice upon - the trouble being for us nubbinses that if you don't know what you're doing you'll just lose the tank, and the game, to crap infantry.
25 Jan 2016, 06:14 AM
avatar of Multihog

Posts: 83

Watching replays of players with good micro skills you can tell their eyes light up and they start thanking their lucky stars for Christmas coming early when someone blobs Shrecks against them.

They just run a medium tank in for the squish.. The key seems to be to keep the blob moving as they can only fire their Shrecks whilst standing still. Cromwells are brilliant at it though I think any medium armour will squish effectively.

It's a shame someone can't make a mod or somesuch which simply gives you lots of blobs to practice upon - the trouble being for us nubbinses that if you don't know what you're doing you'll just lose the tank, and the game, to crap infantry.

It's always a risky maneuver. Sure, it might work against a lone schreck blob early on, but if there's for example a raketen or a Panther (late game) protecting the blob, then you're essentially just suiciding your tank(s).
25 Jan 2016, 06:27 AM
avatar of MrBananaGrabber.
Patrion 26

Posts: 328

That's not so much a tactic, as appealing to the RNGod/game engine.
You'd ideally need to approach from a blind corner, so you don't take an initial volley of fire (potentially knocking one tank down to half health or less), and then hope you manage to get a decent enough amount of kills to force a retreat.
I noticed today that if you don't kill enough with the first thrust you're pretty screwed - unless there is no where for the infantry to go, and you can fully exploit the awful reaction ai.

If only ram worked without needing a target, it would make T34/76s a hard counter to blobs, and actually make the ability - and the tank - really useful.

25 Jan 2016, 07:01 AM
avatar of Glorious_kvasius

Posts: 20

I find Lend-Lease cheese to be good against OKW.
DShK HMG in buildings do miracles (instapin? Instapin!), as they alone are the best HMG's in the game IMO, and with AP rounds ability they can even kill a Luchs. Flanks are easily locked down by a couple of cons+guards (if you want, you can make a Quad out of M5 call-in). And a couple of M4C Sherman's are a nice choice to battle with OKW late (except KT). Good cannon, pretty fast and fast to repair because of Cons repair abitily.
25 Jan 2016, 08:05 AM
avatar of ashxu

Posts: 124

I find Lend-Lease cheese to be good against OKW.
DShK HMG in buildings do miracles (instapin? Instapin!), as they alone are the best HMG's in the game IMO, and with AP rounds ability they can even kill a Luchs. Flanks are easily locked down by a couple of cons+guards (if you want, you can make a Quad out of M5 call-in). And a couple of M4C Sherman's are a nice choice to battle with OKW late (except KT). Good cannon, pretty fast and fast to repair because of Cons repair abitily.

I agree, however you will struggle against the KT win button because you have no doctrine heavy tank.

Recently watched a game where HelpingHans fought Talismen at Go4Cup, Hans went Lend Lease and he was doing pretty good but he couldn't take out the KT. I really don't think SU AT guns should be so crap lol.
25 Jan 2016, 08:13 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

I find Lend-Lease cheese to be good against OKW.
DShK HMG in buildings do miracles (instapin? Instapin!), as they alone are the best HMG's in the game IMO, and with AP rounds ability they can even kill a Luchs. Flanks are easily locked down by a couple of cons+guards (if you want, you can make a Quad out of M5 call-in). And a couple of M4C Sherman's are a nice choice to battle with OKW late (except KT). Good cannon, pretty fast and fast to repair because of Cons repair abitily.

You'd have to be EXCEPTIONALLY bad at the game to lose Luchs to DSHK. MG42 incendiary rounds are much stronger and reliable then DSHK AP rounds. The ability doesn't even do good damage to Puma frontally.

M4Cs are good, but they aren't competition for OKW P4 or shreckvolks.

Con repair is useful, but cons who repair don't cap(because you certainly can't use them for fighting in mid/late game) and their repairing speed is something you don't want to resort to unless you reinforce and heal at base.
25 Jan 2016, 08:20 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

OKW is designed to blob shrecks.

OKW took the early advantage: Blob + Luch into T3
You took the early advantage vs OKW: Blob + raken into T3/KT

Sometime it is better to let the OKW player win the early game so he get greedy and build some tanks and forget he only knows to blob so you wreck him and finally win the game.
25 Jan 2016, 13:53 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

Why fight at infantry with tank ? Use infantry / hmg to counter volk blob, not tanks.
25 Jan 2016, 14:03 PM
avatar of Night

Posts: 77

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jan 2016, 21:01 PMMittens
Forawrd retreat points, Fast reinforce time, cheap units, potentate vet, rather high long to midrange accuracy on the pshrek.

These issue above are all problematic in 2v2's in up in relation with OKW

The forward retreat points being the big hitting point as OKW is easily able to just smash the T key whenever they feel thretend. They will get half the retreat time, cheaper reinforce than USF/brits, and reinforce faster.

Kiting simply doesn't work due to the long range accuracy of the pshrek, sure it was reduced but 3/4 shots will often connect and to put that in prospective thats almost a whole Sherman.

Very good points.
2v2 and up is problematic, whether you are skilled or not.

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Jan 2016, 13:53 PMBlalord
Why fight at infantry with tank ? Use infantry / hmg to counter volk blob, not tanks.

As brit you have the vickers, which has good damage but slow suppression. This is problematic as the blob of doom will not stop before they have thrown 3 incendary grenades on your MG, making it totally useless. No one is telling you there is no counter, it's just problematic.

IN MY HUMBLE OPINION - OKW is a shit faction in teamgames, and I don't say that as allied fanboy, as I also like to play OKW in 1v1. But in 2v2 and up? Damn man, it's just total crap and fairly easy to play.
25 Jan 2016, 14:32 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

relic should delete OKW and create new nazi faction :romeoMug:
25 Jan 2016, 14:40 PM
avatar of Cafo

Posts: 245

only time I ever lose vehicles to shreck blobs is when pathing messes up, l2p issue Kappa
25 Jan 2016, 14:48 PM
avatar of RiCE

Posts: 284

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Jan 2016, 14:03 PMNight

As brit you have the vickers, which has good damage but slow suppression. This is problematic as the blob of doom will not stop before they have thrown 3 incendary grenades on your MG, making it totally useless. No one is telling you there is no counter, it's just problematic.

IN MY HUMBLE OPINION - OKW is a shit faction in teamgames, and I don't say that as allied fanboy, as I also like to play OKW in 1v1. But in 2v2 and up? Damn man, it's just total crap and fairly easy to play.

Every MG has incremental accuracy against infantry models. So blobbing is not rewarding against any MG. On the other hand OKW has no charge-up, oorah or smoke ability. All they can do against your vicker is to outnumber it. Actually vickers are pretty good against OKW.

Also where is the panzerschreck in this formula? I mean everyone complain about schreck blobs. They cant counter schreck blobs, so schrecks should be removed from volks. So if the OKW infantry is not upgraded with AT weapons, you will be able to counter them in numbers?

The thing is:
Rifles are better than Volks
IS are better than volks

If you upgrade volks, with schrecks the gap between those will be bigger. Counter volks with infantry and things will be much better. Put your infantry in cover to get maximum efficiency, and use mgs as support weapons.

The only thing that is really problematic is the soviets performance. Because conscripts are garbage, yet only 10 MP cheaper than volks. I would buff cons, and nerf maxims a bit to encourage soviets to use infantry instead of support weapon spam.
25 Jan 2016, 15:02 PM
avatar of Night

Posts: 77

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Jan 2016, 14:48 PMRiCE

Every MG has incremental accuracy against infantry models. So blobbing is not rewarding against any MG. On the other hand OKW has no charge-up, oorah or smoke ability. All they can do against your vicker is to outnumber it. Actually vickers are pretty good against OKW.

Rice my man, the AoE suppression and duration before the model gets pinned makes a huge difference.
I play Brit all the time and i'm in the top 250 so I know what i'm talking about. (I don't consider myself pro or anything near it, just saying).
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