
russian armor

new AEC is overpowered

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16 Jan 2016, 21:34 PM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

So for the people saying "it's fine", can someone explain to me how "it's fine" vs. OST?

With equal fuel incomes it seems to show up around the ~6min mark, meaning you'll barely have T2 up, let alone have a PAK in position. You can't hit it with a faust (kites inf), so it drives around like crazy taking out models everywhere. The only temporary solution I can think of is insanely lucky AT mines, but you'll only be able to afford 1 or 2 (at best), since you need MG42s on your grens to hold off the brit inf, and of course, it requires the AEC actually hitting it.

Honestly, I'd be fine with it if it hit the field at around 8-min. The unit itself is fine; it just shows up way before any counter.

welcome to brits vs luchs, l2adapt
16 Jan 2016, 22:00 PM
avatar of IGOR

Posts: 228

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Jan 2016, 21:34 PMpugzii

welcome to brits vs luchs, l2adapt

:snfPeter: basically this...
16 Jan 2016, 22:02 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

Can't believe this thread is still going.

This forum is a joke at times.
16 Jan 2016, 22:10 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

I think it is fine as is, maybe could swap 5 or so more fuel on but drop some manpower.

The issue is exacerbated in large team games. But in 1s it's okay so far. If you rush an AEC in 1s you're giving up a ton of capping power for your shock unit. Realistically you'll have three squads (probably two IS and one vickers) your engineers for sweeping/repairing and your AEC. In reality this leaves two squads for actual capping not to mention all the time invested early on where you lack infantry because you're putting so much MP into your tech so early on. It doesn't matter as much in team games because your allies can cap for you (team games should have more strat points that each give less resources per imo rather than such enormous sectors).

It is good at deterring the luchs and hunting it down if they get too aggressive with it and it is something that can run down an Ost sniper but it still gets destroyed (as it should) by PaK and Raks. Stop trying to kill it with only volks or a cheaper light vehicle, make proper AT to kill what is effectively (in coh2 unit roles) a light tank.

Plus the AEC is really manpower intensive for a faction that already suffers from the most expensive squads.

It was a really good change for brits because it helps in both match ups simultaneously, and I think it is no secret that UKF was greatly struggling in 1s. Honestly they probably will still be the weakest allied faction for 1s and probably only stronger than OKW. I think Ost still has the upper hand on many maps.
16 Jan 2016, 22:25 PM
avatar of Pancake Areolas

Posts: 230

Permanently Banned
The smoke is a bit much, only way to kill is if it hits a teller mine.
16 Jan 2016, 22:52 PM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Jan 2016, 21:34 PMpugzii

welcome to brits vs luchs, l2adapt

See, that's the thing. I've basically explicitly asked HOW to adapt, and all anyone ever says is "L2P". It's not an answer. I've given you (and well everyone) the opportunity to explain HOW I'm supposed to counter this thing, which would then allow me to change my opinion from "it's OP" to "it's fine". But instead, all I get is "L2P", which basically conveys the idea that there is no real counter.

Also, bringing up OKW's luch is a straw man when I specifically mentioned Ost....
16 Jan 2016, 22:58 PM
avatar of NorthWeapon
Donator 11

Posts: 615

It just needs to come later that is all
17 Jan 2016, 00:47 AM
avatar of Aurgelwulf

Posts: 184

Against OKW it's fine'ish but the only practical counter to the AEC as Ost is either T3 or a Puma, both of which you'll be lucky to get at the 10-12 min mark. The solution isn't necessarily to nerf the AEC, just reduce the cost and the command point requirement for the Puma in the mobile defence doctrine and that would go along way to balancing it.
17 Jan 2016, 01:16 AM
avatar of Cafo

Posts: 245

It needs a slight nerf it's basically a cheap t70. And comes faster.

Doesn't matter how long its been buffed thus far it's clearly over-performing.
17 Jan 2016, 01:59 AM
avatar of Carlos Danger

Posts: 362

Against OKW it's fine'ish but the only practical counter to the AEC as Ost is either T3 or a Puma, both of which you'll be lucky to get at the 10-12 min mark. The solution isn't necessarily to nerf the AEC, just reduce the cost and the command point requirement for the Puma in the mobile defence doctrine and that would go along way to balancing it.
I can't stand it when a very specific doctrinal unit is required to counter a non-doctrinal unit or strategy. Balance shouldn't work that way. You shouldn't be pigeonholed into a doctrine choice. As any faction. Mobile Defense might be an option - and a good option at that - but it sure as hell shouldn't be required.
17 Jan 2016, 02:11 AM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jan 2016, 01:16 AMCafo
It needs a slight nerf it's basically a cheap t70. And comes faster.

Doesn't matter how long its been buffed thus far it's clearly over-performing.

It costs more than the t70, but is probably slightly stronger overall. T70 will kill infantry better but the AEC has smoke, more range, more pen, more hp etc.

As Ost you need a PaK and/or schrecks and/or a teller. PaK being most reliable imo.
17 Jan 2016, 02:16 AM
avatar of Bananajoe

Posts: 17

So for the people saying "it's fine", can someone explain to me how "it's fine" vs. OST?

With equal fuel incomes it seems to show up around the ~6min mark, meaning you'll barely have T2 up, let alone have a PAK in position. You can't hit it with a faust (kites inf), so it drives around like crazy taking out models everywhere. The only temporary solution I can think of is insanely lucky AT mines, but you'll only be able to afford 1 or 2 (at best), since you need MG42s on your grens to hold off the brit inf, and of course, it requires the AEC actually hitting it.

Honestly, I'd be fine with it if it hit the field at around 8-min. The unit itself is fine; it just shows up way before any counter.

Though I haven't had time to play this new patch since being away from my computer I would say do what Ost does best against every fast light vehicle build....

Hit it with a faust retreat the grens and then it take 1 min to 1.5 mins for the allies to repair it..

Which gives you time for a strong counter.

Hide your Grens. Think about where you think its going and you're good to go.
17 Jan 2016, 02:53 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

Though I haven't had time to play this new patch since being away from my computer I would say do what Ost does best against every fast light vehicle build....

Hit it with a faust retreat the grens and then it take 1 min to 1.5 mins for the allies to repair it..

Which gives you time for a strong counter.

Hide your Grens. Think about where you think its going and you're good to go.

Unfortunately, that doesn't really work, especially against good players. The AEC easily out-ranges the faust, and does a ton of damage against infantry - usually taking a model per shot. As a result, a well micro'd AEC is basically impossible to hit, unless they mess up badly.

As for hiding my grens, it's kind of hard when I need to defend a critical point. An AEC can basically run up to some important point (i.e. cutoffs), take out whatever was defending it, clearing the way for the brit inf to close in. Since that infantry is amazing when fighting from cover, it then becomes exceedingly challenging to take the point back - the whole time your falling behind on fuel and/or muni, allowing their advantage to grow. By the time you finally get a PAK or something out (usually around 7-8min mark, especially on larger maps due to travel distance), they've gained a fair fuel/muni advantage against you, not to mention the unit loss from trying to get the point back.

17 Jan 2016, 03:00 AM
avatar of Cafo

Posts: 245

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jan 2016, 02:11 AMCieZ

It costs more than the t70, but is probably slightly stronger overall. T70 will kill infantry better but the AEC has smoke, more range, more pen, more hp etc.

As Ost you need a PaK and/or schrecks and/or a teller. PaK being most reliable imo.

Wait how does AEC cost more than t70? , t70 u need to tier up twice 20 fuel for t2, 85 fuel for t3, 70 fuel for t70, t1 for brits is 30 fuel then like 15 for research , then 50 for the aec itself, it comes way faster right..? Unless you are referring to mp?
17 Jan 2016, 03:37 AM
avatar of Bananajoe

Posts: 17

Unfortunately, that doesn't really work, especially against good players. The AEC easily out-ranges the faust, and does a ton of damage against infantry - usually taking a model per shot. As a result, a well micro'd AEC is basically impossible to hit, unless they mess up badly.

As for hiding my grens, it's kind of hard when I need to defend a critical point. An AEC can basically run up to some important point (i.e. cutoffs), take out whatever was defending it, clearing the way for the brit inf to close in. Since that infantry is amazing when fighting from cover, it then becomes exceedingly challenging to take the point back - the whole time your falling behind on fuel and/or muni, allowing their advantage to grow. By the time you finally get a PAK or something out (usually around 7-8min mark, especially on larger maps due to travel distance), they've gained a fair fuel/muni advantage against you, not to mention the unit loss from trying to get the point back.

You didn't understand what i was saying.

You have to hide your grens around corners and buildings so you can get close enough to faust the AEC.

Didn't say it was going to be ez but that's what you have to do.
17 Jan 2016, 04:06 AM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Ciez pretty much nailed it with "5-10 more fuel + less Manpower" - results in better timing for Axis counters and its less stupid for the Brit player where you have to do your best to store MP to build the damn thing.

Performance wise its fine.
17 Jan 2016, 04:57 AM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jan 2016, 03:00 AMCafo

Wait how does AEC cost more than t70? , t70 u need to tier up twice 20 fuel for t2, 85 fuel for t3, 70 fuel for t70, t1 for brits is 30 fuel then like 15 for research , then 50 for the aec itself, it comes way faster right..? Unless you are referring to mp?

In terms of cost including tech - you are correct. Which is important because the total cost when you include tech dictates the timing that the unit hits.

But I was referring to the raw cost of the unit (i.e. losing the AEC is more brutal than losing a T70).

I think the major point that many players may not be considering right now is how difficult (and all-in) rushing an AEC in a 1v1 is. I would always buy it against a Luchs, but other than that... I'm not so sure. If you're having trouble with an Ost sniper and aren't comfortable going for a countersnipe (or you don't want to camp behind hedges/buildings with a mortar pit) you could get it to run down the sniper... but either way you are investing a LOT of total MP (basically two squads worth or slightly more than a mortar pit's worth) into the AEC - which will ultimately delay your Cromwell tech significantly (by ~3 minutes).

Rushing AEC in a 1v1... you're just not going to have the map control that you need on most maps. It is entirely possible (but not fun or interesting) for an Ost player to field a PaK by/slightly before the AEC hits. More reasonably, the Ost player should grab the PaK after they see the AEC so as not to waste 320 MP.

If Relic doesn't want to change the cost of the AEC (by moving some of the MP into fuel as I suggested earlier) they could make the "research" take an extra 30 or 45 seconds - to delay the initial arrival without messing with cost.

It may be a desirable change as it probably wouldn't greatly affect 1v1 (the AEC would still hit around the same time as Luchs, if not slightly sooner still) but it might help out in team games where an AEC rush can be pretty EleGiggle.
17 Jan 2016, 05:08 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

You didn't understand what i was saying.

You have to hide your grens around corners and buildings so you can get close enough to faust the AEC.

Didn't say it was going to be ez but that's what you have to do.

No, I understood that - it just doesn't work on many maps. In maps like Ettlebruck, yes, it works great; but on Vaux Farmlands (either fuel), Moscow Outskirts (the fuel cutoffs) and even Ecliptic Fields (if you're in the bottom right), there just isn't anywhere to hide your grens. And even that assumes that the AEC will just be roaming freely. On Trois Ponts, an attack on the right-side fuel with both infantry AND an AEC is basically impossible to stop. The AEC will take out your MG (which won't pin the infantry in cover), while the infantry's cover bonus (so much green cover in that area) will make it impossible for your grens to get in close enough to faust the thing.

*note: this is for 2v2
17 Jan 2016, 05:33 AM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

No, I understood that - it just doesn't work on many maps. In maps like Ettlebruck, yes, it works great; but on Vaux Farmlands (either fuel), Moscow Outskirts (the fuel cutoffs) and even Ecliptic Fields (if you're in the bottom right), there just isn't anywhere to hide your grens. And even that assumes that the AEC will just be roaming freely. On Trois Ponts, an attack on the right-side fuel with both infantry AND an AEC is basically impossible to stop. The AEC will take out your MG (which won't pin the infantry in cover), while the infantry's cover bonus (so much green cover in that area) will make it impossible for your grens to get in close enough to faust the thing.

*note: this is for 2v2

If you see your against a brit player, just play to expect an AEC and get a PaK at ASAP and dont skip tech.. its pretty simple. If he over extends his AEC faust and its dead, bye bye wasted fuel and longer wait till cromwell. This is the same as how brits have to rush AT gun to counter 7 min Luchs.

It's not like brits will have much map control anyway, if they rush AEC the most their army will be is 2 IS and an Vickers... don't expect them to do much
17 Jan 2016, 06:00 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959


absolutely legit replay!!! lol

congratulations you played and won at team with some very good teamates, in a 4v4 game against random players of ranks: 588, the other 3 at team with horrible stats of 5 wins, 4 losses, but random ranks of 790, 183, H!

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