The biggest problems I face are:
- Throwing
- Unit preservation
- Macro management
A slight disclaimer, my ranks are not entirely representative of my skill due to the number of times I have been interrupted, disconnected, lagged for half the game etc, but we probably know that about leaderboards already. I play an absolutely abominable machine which frequently has micro freezes, huge input lag and frames that only hit 25 at the absolute tops. I'd like to think i'd be better if I had a good PC but that's probably not true

My Relic website playercard will show my recent matches since I can't post replays (disabled them for FPS boost, not convinced it works though).
I often reach the point in a game where I am in control, not entirely, maybe marginally, but I can see it out. Most recent examples would be a pair of games on Kholodny vs Brits where I didn't push my advantage enough or got distracted and found I later didn't have enough punch to beat my opponent or lost a lot in a botched push. This happens a lot as I lose control of all my various units, which are often suffering lagged commands, so I am pretty susceptible to otherwise easy to beat tactics such as blobbing, I either fumble around too long or I can't react in time with the game.
Unit preservation
Lag plays a part but I am not completely innocent either. I often lose units around the midway point in games and whilst I can maintain an advantage, soon my unit bleeding gets on top of me. I notice in most games I play my opponent, despite being on the back foot, is far better at unit preservation than I am, and in the end their veteran units always overcome my efforts of control.
Macro Management
Not good in this department, I often ignore tactical map as it is on the 0 key on the right side of my keyboard and I often don't use control groups. This has the effect of me forgetting units in far out places and suffering attrition as well as leaving units in a place too long or teching late as I forget to build the building.
I would appreciate any feedback apart from "OMFG just upgrade ur pc alredy dude". That can wait.