Frequency: hmm... I think about 3/5ths of the time?
How to recreate: Right click anywhere on the map and you're likely to issue a reverse order.
Solution: Please remove this new change and trust that players can use a hotkey.
Related persistent bug
Issue: Vehicles will instantly reverse at full acceleration in the middle of a forward move order, stop abruptly, then continue on their way. This ends up in lost engagements on a very regular basis.
Frequency: Just about any time you give a far away order...
Recreate: Just play a match and watch your vehicles. It happens in every single one but I couldn't tell you how to specifically recreate it.
Solution: Make it stahp!

Related: Please, please PLEASSSE make cp's and vp's non-objects like in Mirage_Fla's competitive mod released earlier this month. I have been wanting this change since the game came out. IT would fix SO MANY pathing issues. I won't even send a tank to the mid vp on Semois because of this.