
russian armor

OPKW nerf.

5 Dec 2015, 13:57 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

You cant simply post this on everything you disagree with...

why not? this is just also pointless whining after losing 1 or 2 (4v4-)games

prove me wrong with playercard
5 Dec 2015, 14:24 PM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

it's so tasty how scrubs whine now thread after thread full with their tears, really. Allieds was OPusing for months, and now the weakest faction get bufft to become playable people start complaining like retards. No #adapt no #skill just whine and hope relic will nerf it again into nirvana :facepalm::rofl:

So, you gonna discuss balance or what? 0 facts i see in this post, only fanboism.
5 Dec 2015, 14:25 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Dec 2015, 12:23 PMNEVEC
OKW became horribly overpowered, it's not secret for anyone, 6 minute luchs and p4 comes before you can get shreman is not funny now. Volksgrenadiers overperfrom, they stay way too good against riflemans, IS and conscripts, okw also have acess to cheaper sturmpioneers and kubelwagen early what makes you loose map control right from start.

Suggestion: volksgrenaiders damage reduced from 12 to 10, price to 235 mp.
Panzershrek accuracy reduced by 25% from current stats.
T4 gives you acess to such strong tanks but cost only 135 fuel in total. Increase it price to 140 fuel and 15 for truck. (155 fuel in total).

Thank you for reading.

Lets do some myth checking here:

Fuel for first Stuart: 115
Fuel for first Luchs: 120

Verdict: Luchs & Stuart arrive at the same time. If the Luchs arrives to early, then the Stuart does too.

Now lets follow a normal game: Your opponent rushed a Luchs, now he will get battlegroup headquarters to provide heal: 40 fuel.
Your USF opponent does the same, he gets an ambu, Bars/zooks, nades. In total 45 fuel.

Right now both players have spent. 160 fuel.
Now comes Schwer Panzer & Major = 120 fuel.
Both players have spend now 280 fuel.

First sherman out after 390 fuel, first P4 out after 415 fuel. (sure you can go first liteunant or battlegroup headquarters, but I described a meta build here)

As you see it's pretty mirrored. OKW gets the better tank, USF gets the better infantry.
All that changes for allies with the patch that you have to actually get At out in time, WHICH IS NO PROBLEM.

Your suggestions show that you refuse to adapt.
Volks were changed so allies infantry simply doesn't walk over them with no mp bleed.
Panzerschreck accuracy was nerfed several times - it has 57 % chance to hit a stuart on long range. Nerf it further and its more a gamble than a upgrade.
140 fuel for a p4 means that it has to be equalized with the easy8, that means more pen on the gun and more hp on the tank. Since those units would cost the same.
In addition 155 fuel for t4 would delay obers too much.
If you'd analyze the changes you'd be able to realize okw pays now more for teching in general, even if you keep different resource incomes in mind.

You were just walking over OKW players before the patch and this is simply an unusual situation for you.
5 Dec 2015, 14:33 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Well then, we simply let you test everything and determine if it is fine. Your verdict is final.

All aboard!

Thx for irony and sarcasm.

I just want to tell that i have nothing bad found in that patch except few thinks and my opinion about patch is almost the same as archers , but why write everything 10 time in row until you realise why it is like it is ?

Many people now think OKW is OpieOP because right now OKW is thread and before it was e-zy mode.
That inflated their allied ranks and they get matched agains players with better skill and indentical factions in terms of power.

And yes my post are often short because i dont have time to tell everybody 500 word essay about : Why is your post bad ?

5 Dec 2015, 14:37 PM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

Luchs is counterable. Sure. Just like Quad was counterable. Point is, it required much more skills to counter quad, than to use it.
Same with Luchs. It requires much more skills to counter it, than to use it.

I play only 2v2 and higher. Those game modes are completly broken. 13-15min KT? WTF? What should I use agasint it? T34/76? Imagine 12min IS2 :foreveralone:
Put KT behind CPs. It would be avaible with all doctrines but only when you rach 13-14CPs.

Panther coming in the similar time like Sherman?

Dead Lieutenat and SU T1?

Not to mention all upgrades and bonuses for free while other factions have to pay :hansGG:

13-15min KT replay? I mean an equal game on the same skill level.

Volks are in a good stop right now.
T4 needs to be more expensive thats right.

5 Dec 2015, 14:41 PM
avatar of sorryWTFisthis

Posts: 322

T4 needs to be more expensive thats right.

No. T4 vehicles need to be more expensive, that's it.
5 Dec 2015, 14:50 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

13-15min KT replay? I mean an equal game on the same skill level.

Volks are in a good stop right now.
T4 needs to be more expensive thats right.

On 2v2 map with 50% map control you gain 26fuel/min.
If you gain slight advantage and hold 2 fuels for a but or friend will drop you fuel, 15min is nothing special.
5 Dec 2015, 14:56 PM
avatar of G4bb4_G4nd4lf
Donator 33

Posts: 658

Redesign shrecks into snares.

Add global upgrades for flamenades and shrecks.
5 Dec 2015, 15:11 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Pudding like hell and very one sided.

1. First Stuart & Luchs - true in theory.
In game not a chance. If you won't get nades/ambu before Stuart (which are 35F, you will struggle very, very much). SO in the end, first Stuart - 150, first Luchs - 120F. Gap 30F.

2. No, OKW does not need MedHQ for healing as a second truck. Vet 1 Sturmpioneers can leave med kits which are enough for now and you can safely go Schwerer HQ and then MedHQ in late-game. Completly one-sided assumption that you need 3 trucks MechHQ and MedHQ before Schwerer, just to prove your point.

3. So right now USF player spent 150-160 depedns on racks and OKW player 120 and he's saving for Schwerer.

4. First Sherman 150(160) + 120 + 110 = 380F. First Panzer IV - 395F. 15F gap in favour of Sherman.

Now, let's put your assumption that you always have to go for MechQ, becasue you don't. Leaving Luchs behind to rush Pz4 is also very good way, so let's see.

First Pz 4 with MedHQ costs 15+25+15+120+135-10=295Fuel and you have alleady medics, schrecks and nades.
First Sherman with Cpt (cause lieutenant is complelty useless and without Stuart). 60+120+110-10= 280F. Still 15F in favour for Sherman, but you must add side upgrades since you cannot survive without them. So 280F+25F+15F+10F=330F. Now you have same things like OKW player. Healing, zooks and nades. Fuel gap? 35fuel in favour of Pz4 which is way superior to Sherman.

5 Dec 2015, 15:13 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Luchs is counterable. Sure. Just like Quad was counterable. Point is, it required much more skills to counter quad, than to use it.
Same with Luchs. It requires much more skills to counter it, than to use it.

I play only 2v2 and higher. Those game modes are completly broken. 13-15min KT? WTF? What should I use agasint it? T34/76? Imagine 12min IS2 :foreveralone:
Put KT behind CPs. It would be avaible with all doctrines but only when you rach 13-14CPs.

Panther coming in the similar time like Sherman?

Dead Lieutenat and SU T1?

Not to mention all upgrades and bonuses for free while other factions have to pay :hansGG:

When wehrmacht has to counter centaur and t-70/m5 with Pak for forever,why can't u make the effort to use AT gun or bazookas as usa?
Or 6pdr as british?
Or zis/mines/grenades as soviets?

Volks can be easily countered with HMGs or rifle blobs.
Most allied players refusing to change style.

Panther I agree needs to be locked behind another tech.
5 Dec 2015, 15:14 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

When wehrmacht has to counter centaur and t-70/m5 with Pak for forever,why can't u make the effort to use AT gun or bazookas as usa?
Or 6pdr as british?
Or zis/mines/grenades as soviets?

Volks can be easily countered with HMGs or rifle blobs.
Most allied players refusing to change style.

Panther I agree needs to be locked behind another tech.

Quad or T70 needs only 2 shots. Luchs needs 3.
When Centatur comes in, Stug should be already there.
5 Dec 2015, 15:20 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Give KT CP requirement.Problem solved.
Panther another small upgrade.
Allies need to be made to work to counter luchs.Maybe a small Hp decrease but thats it.
5 Dec 2015, 15:21 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

Pudding like hell and very one sided.

1. First Stuart & Luchs - true in theory.
In game not a chance. If you won't get nades/ambu before Stuart (which are 35F, you will struggle very, very much). SO in the end, first Stuart - 150, first Luchs - 120F. Gap 30F.

2. No, OKW does not need MedHQ for healing as a second truck. Vet 1 Sturmpioneers can leave med kits which are enough for now and you can safely go Schwerer HQ and then MedHQ in late-game. Completly one-sided assumption that you need 3 trucks MechHQ and MedHQ before Schwerer, just to prove your point.

3. So right now USF player spent 150-160 depedns on racks and OKW player 120 and he's saving for Schwerer.

4. First Sherman 150(160) + 120 + 110 = 380F. First Panzer IV - 395F. 15F gap in favour of Sherman.

Now, let's put your assumption that you always have to go for MechQ, becasue you don't. Leaving Luchs behind to rush Pz4 is also very good way, so let's see.

First Pz 4 with MedHQ costs 15+25+15+120+135-10=295Fuel and you have alleady medics, schrecks and nades.
First Sherman with Cpt (cause lieutenant is complelty useless and without Stuart). 60+120+110-10= 280F. Still 15F in favour for Sherman, but you must add side upgrades since you cannot survive without them. So 280F+25F+15F+10F=330F. Now you have same things like OKW player. Healing, zooks and nades. Fuel gap? 35fuel in favour of Pz4 which is way superior to Sherman.

The situation I described I faced in at least 10 matches. While your last 10 matches were only 3vs3+ games. Theorycrafting much.:rofl:
5 Dec 2015, 15:21 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Quad or T70 needs only 2 shots. Luchs needs 3.
When Centatur comes in, Stug should be already there.

So what OKW doctrine has a Stug?
5 Dec 2015, 15:24 PM
avatar of Hati

Posts: 39

Give KT CP requirement.Problem solved.
Panther another small upgrade.
Allies need to be made to work to counter luchs.Maybe a small Hp decrease but thats it.

Honestly I don't get why a faction should have ability to call-in non-doctrinal super heavy tank by just building three cheap tech tiers with amazing features. It was okayish with resource penalty, now its just retarded.
5 Dec 2015, 15:24 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

The situation I described I faced in at least 10 matches. While your last 10 matches were only 3vs3+ games. Theorycrafting much.:rofl:

Sure, custom games so hard :loco:
You assume that you always have to go MechHQ.
When I'm poiontg out you don't have to, you start going crazy "because I did that in last 10games, so it must be true!" :snfPeter:

So what OKW doctrine has a Stug?

With T0 AT gun and Volks blob with Schreck I don't see problem for OKW in terms of AT power ;)
5 Dec 2015, 15:26 PM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

Lets do some myth checking here:

Fuel for first Stuart: 115
Fuel for first Luchs: 120

Verdict: Luchs & Stuart arrive at the same time. If the Luchs arrives to early, then the Stuart does too.

In my suggestions i said nothing about nerfing luchs, read it again if you not sure.

Suggested by me nerfs must be enough.
5 Dec 2015, 16:03 PM
avatar of The_Courier

Posts: 665

Given that the USF are (IMO) the strongest allied faction by some margin, saying that OKW is perfectly balanced because they can only tech slightly faster than them isn't that great of an argument.

The point is, WFA armies tech too fast and are too blob focused if you ask me. I had hoped Relic would dial it down, but the changes to OKW just encourage even more Volkspam into doomsday vehicles.

Sure, US and OKW can happily counter each other's Luchs and Stuart. Meanwhile the other factions need to use stop-gap measure (AT nades, AT gun, Guards) or dead-end techs (AEC) to hopefully hold the 6-7 minute light vehicle at bay. This isn't very complelling gameplay from where I stand.

I wouldn't say the OKW is OP for now. But it's only slightly less unfun to play against than in the dark days of LEIG spam.
5 Dec 2015, 16:04 PM
avatar of The_Courier

Posts: 665

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