The pershing is a better "allround" tank and the comet as well. The panther however a better AT-tank and not OP. They are simply in a good spot.
for this game its a perfect tank tanky good vs tanks and can be a nice wepon vs foot troops

tiger is even better good vs foot troops + good vs tanks
why a pershing for 600 mp and 200 fuel cant win a panther [tiger is 640mp 230 fuel ] .
befor his release relic told it will be kind of a tank hunter too .
you can cheak 2 stugs thet are pretty cheap will still win a pershing ...
all aixe has good ANTI TANK[like shreks there perfect tanks and there ATG] vs usf with there paper tanks it makes them not so hard to destroy
but usf need to really sweat to kill a panther or a tiger
[jakson cant really deal with stugs with scopes !!!]
ATG will only fours the tank to go away
shermans will die trying and killing this panther
leaves me with a jekson

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