The Eastern Front has achieved what so many RTS players have been wanting for so many years, the addition of the Soviet Union into Company of Heroes.
First of all, do not worry. EF is not going to harm your normal Company of Heroes in any way, you can still play it normally. Also, it does not overwrite any of the exciting factions. It will add the new factions, and you can still play with the old ones as well.
Our goal is the integration of the Red Army and Ostheer into Company of Heroes. Complete with new models, skins, sounds, buildings, tech trees and maps.
Take your time and look around, there's many interesting things to find.
CoH2.org (Thread)
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Modern Combat:
An ambitious total-conversion modification for Relic's award-winning Company of Heroes franchise, CoH: Modern Combat will transport players into the midst of a high-tech war between the modern-day Chinese and U.S. militaries. Incorporating all-new doctrines, units, artwork, and maps, Modern Combat will work in tandem with acclaimed CoH gameplay in order to craft the most comprehensive, immersive and enjoyable strategic representation of 21st-century combat possible on the PC.
Our team has adhered wherever possible to the unique and innovative gameplay mechanics that made CoH the fantastic RTS that it is. Players will need to rely upon a variety of traditional tactics in order to succeed, such as directional cover and weapon teams, doctrinal abilities and combined-arms unit formations, whilst at the same time utilizing to full effect the highly-advanced weaponry and equipment employed by the armed forces of today.
Moddb Page
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Blitzkrieg Mod:
[No Entry]
Moddb Page
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Battle of the Bulge:
[No Entry]
Moddb Page
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Europe in Ruins Reinforcement:
Europe in Ruins takes the fast paced, intense and surreal combat that you've come to know from Company of Heroes and combines it with persistent environment,
ever changing meta-gameplay and ongoing war. The modification sees you creating and commanding your very own battalion in which you can customize with any
units and upgrades you wish; Company of Heroes strategy has never had so much choice. Not only do you get to build up your battalion, but as you units battle,
they will gain and retain all the experience they have earned, carrying over from battle to battle; going from green to elite! Not only do units gain veterancy, but
your battalion as a whole increases in effectiveness through doctrine unlocks and other advantages. Each of these unlocks are designed so that the player can
tailor their battalion to their own likes and play styles. The combinations choices are endless! Europe in Ruins: Reinforcements adds to the already ground breaking
game play of Europe in Ruins by adding in the new version 2 launcher, a bunch of new maps, the new reworked doctrines and with new innovative systems for army
purchase and persistence.
Moddb Page
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Endgame is a competitive multiplayer mod. Taking inspiration from the game of chess, the objective of each game is killing the enemy's command squad while protecting your own from harm.
Moddb Page
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Back to the Basics:
Back to Basics is a free conversion mod for Company of Heroes and its expansions, that besides having new units, abilities, upgrades and commander trees, also has a new weapon damage and penetration system. This improves gameplay and requires more tactical assaults and defenses, thus creating a more difficult and interesting Gameplay. The idea behind it is that we wanted to achieve a weapon system that is more lethal, making battles less static while still making it somewhat forgiving for the player to lose squads or vehicles.Cover can make the difference between life and death for Infantry Squads, and obviously Rifles and Semi-automatic weapons are best at medium to long range while Sub Machine Guns excel at fighting in close combat. Heavy and Light Machine Guns serve as all range support weapons. Vehicle Combat is more realistic and less static as well. While Back to Basics doesn’t have one shot kills in tank to tank combat, there are much more critical hits involved. All in all, Vehicle Combat requires much more attention as damages are quite lethal. Artillery serves the role as long range support weapon which is able to blast through any defensive position. However we changed it that Artillery only damages vehicles on really close to direct hits, it no longer will penetrate Tank armor with splash damage that easily, this is the same against entrenched Infantry. All weapon and engine sounds have been modified as well to sound less ‘flat’ or boring, as well as that the tracer beams have been reworked to look much better. On top of everything, Back to Basics includes one of the smartest AI's out there, being much smarter in purchasing and using units, building defenses, using cover and holding territory. Back to Basics: Battle of the Hedges adds a harder difficulty to Company of Heroes, making it more challenging to play. It is compatible with Company of Heroes, Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor, always with the latest patch. You do not have to own all 3 products of the Company of Heroes series to play Back to Basics.
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Operation Market Garden:
(OMG) is a persistent multiplayer only modification based off the award winning real time strategy game Company of Heroes. We put a strong emphasis on balance, community, transparency, and fun. Currently in an open beta, we are constantly improving, adding new OMG features and content.
OMG Wiki
CoH2.org (thread)
Moddb Page
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[no image available]
Commanders Mod:
Commanders Mod is a unique Company of heroes modification which only takes the best parts of CoH gameplay and expands on that. The result is a game with intensity you have never experienced before. This mod will test your skills over and over again. Commanders Mod is great for competitive matches, but also fun to play with friends or against the AI.
Moddb Page
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[No Image Available]
Operation Avalanche:
'Operation Avalanche: Fall of Italy' Mod adds units and abilities spanning from late 1942 until the close of the Italian Campaign in an attempt to immerse the Italian faction into the Company of Heroes gaming experience. Though titled after the Allied invasion of mainland Italy, the mod referances combat units that took part in a multitude of operations throughout the Mediterranean theatre of operations, including Operation Husky, the Invasion of Sicily that took place immediately before the mod's namesake, Operation Avalanche; Operation Shingle, the landings on the Anzio beachhead; Operation Slapstick, the British landings at Taranto undertaken by the British 1st Parachute Division; and Operation Baytown, the operational farce that was intended to tie down (but failed spectacularly in evoking any action from) Albert Kesselring's combat forces in southern Italy. The mod also features pseudo-realism, a halfway point between the arcadey play of vCoH and the ultra super realism of Blitzkrieg mod where you get vaporized by anything with a gun. The speed of armored units relative to other armor has been tweaked, and there is a flat out addition of several units thus far unseen in other mods as well as some well known favorites. New doctrines and maps based on the battlegrounds of Italy are in the works for the near future.
Moddb Page
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Cross of Iron:
Cross of Iron is a Company of Heroes (CoH) mod that’s main aim is to balance the four factions in the game and their respective doctrines.
Its secondary aim is that of historical accuracy, but without making severe compromises in gameplay.
One of the main features of this mod is that it intends to do the above without making major gameplay changes to the original CoH experience, so no one-hit-kill AT shots or huge-range Howitzers.
Moddb Page
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[No Image Available]
Mix Mod:
is designed to increase the pvp part of the fans Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor. This mod allows the use of all the playable factions on both sides of the barricades, that is, allows you to choose Britain, the U.S. and Wehrmacht Tank Guard, as the Allies and the Germans on the side.
Moddb Page
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Operation Europe Mod:
[no description available.]
Moddb Page
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the Great war 1918:
The Great War is a modification for Company of Heroes meant to bring the war two decades earlier. This mod focuses on the later years of the First World War. Currently the two teams will be the British Expeditionary Force against the German Empire, however with time the team will try and bring some more nations in, such as the France and Austria-Hungary. This mod will focus or realism but keep the game balanced enough to make it enjoyable. Things to look for in the mod are the famous artillery strikes and the infamous gas attacks. Trenches will provide vital cover for infantry while tanks will roll over the battlefield and instill fear into the enemy troops.
CoH2.org (Thread)
Moddb Page
Moddb Download

Europe at War mod
EaW is a modification for Company of Heroes that adds a variety of new abilities, units, vehicles and weapons that immersed the player in a gaming experience much more realistic. Weapons with damage more realistic, fighting tank where matter more quality than quantity, bombing on a large scale with tens of Halifax in the air...
Moddb Page
Moddb Download (Warning: Open Beta)
[no image available]
NHCmod is a mod of Company of Heroes made for fun and not for realism. This mod includes the Pz VIII Maus or flying donkeys and even zombies! These crazy things can be deactivated in the reward menu and you can plays with the rest of the rich panel of units we have added. You can also play with or against any faction!
Relicnews Post
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B-Mod 1.02
B-Mod is a mod aiming to remove bugs and provide enjoyable playability without removing the Opposing Front factions

Coh2.org Page
Moddb Page
Moddb Features
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[no image available]
Elite Mod
for now I think I got all of em (the released mods anyways I'll be keeping an eye on them as they release.) finally if I missed anything or a link doesn't work please let me know. also where i can't find stuff i post [no whatever available]. if you can find it then be my guest post or pm me the stuff so i can add it.

ps: also mods delete the 1 of the reserved posts. i think I'm only gonna need 1 or maybe 2 ill keep the second one as a buffer just in case.