How is Relic supporting the game for free for 6 years and still supporting it no caring about their fans? How is Relic striking a deal with steam to host multiplayer on their servers instead of shutting it down not caring about their fans? Just because an older game is taking them longer to get in working order does not mean they do not care. If anything it means the opposite.
Well fucking said, mate.
I am not satisfied with CoH2, but I have to be patient.
@goatsecks (lol):
1)They didn't have to, though, that's the thing. Companies like EA have closed game support such as NWN and BFME. You can't play em online without a workaround. Relic/Sega is not forced to keep those servers up forever. So they ARE servicing their community, you didn't pay FOR the game, you payed for the opportunity to play the game. You agreed to this.
2)Cheating in vCoH had its moments. In more than 1000 hours that vCoH gave me, I don't once recall a person cheating. Maybe I got drophacked once or twice and thought it was an honest drop. I don't know. But it wasn't bad enough that the game was broken. Having stronger anti-cheat measures would have been nice, but not having them was NOT a disservice to the community. 90% of cheat allegations were founded on sour losses, not legitimate evidence.
3)Bug and balances: All games have them. They patched the game a lot. They made some honest efforts towards it. The mere fact that it got patched after 5 years of lifetime (Read again: 5 years. Thats the lifecycle of a CONSOLE generation), is a true testament to their commitment. We, as a community and human beings, will always want more though. Its understandable.
4)Buggo, Thunder, Noun, Lynx. If you never interacted with some of these names, then you were not active enough in the community. They are not Blizzard GM's, ready at our whim, but community managers. They all did or do a fantastic job, in their own right. Popular games like Halo, Call of Duty and Battlefield have nigh unknown feedback form the developers (and WAY more bugs and imbalances).
Like I said: I am not satisfied with CoH2, I know its can be improved, and some of the basic things I expected are missing. I trusted a dev, with my money to improve upon it, because I am a fan. Its a tough, high stakes industry, I knew the risks....
...but I am sure as hell not going to QQ over $60.00, as if they sold me a house with bad plumbing and insulation.