Currently it sounds like the Pershing is using the Sherman Dozer 105mm for the main gun when it should sound much closer to the M36 Jackson which has a pretty epic SFX. It may get a little confusing as to what's shooting at you, but it could just be slightly more dulled/without the mechanisms working like how the 88mm works for the Elephant versus Pak 43.
Not only that, but the Pershing should have a unique voice or at least hire an actor to do voicelines for USF heavy armour if there are ever more plans. Heck, I would do it for Relic and for free if I had a good studio. Since I live in the same city as the studio I should record all the stuff and drop it off at their front desk

Miragefla's example of the Pershing:
Also its MGs are currently MG34s and not .30cals that needs to be fixed