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[CoH2] Changelog

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3 of 4 Relic postsRelic 10 Sep 2013, 16:45 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

Update September 10th, 2013

Units and Abilities

Focus on improving the usability and appeal of abilities based on their performance and design. Abilities which were underperforming were improved and vice versa.

• Acceleration from 2.4 to 2.1
• Rotation from 20 to 18
• Max speed from 5.3 to 4.8

• The T-70 can no longer crush infantry

Guard Troop RGD 33 Grenade
• Cover modifiers set to be consistent with other grenades

Shock Troops
• Price from 480 MP to 440 MP
• Population from 12 to 9

Penal Battalion Flamethrower
• Fire aim time max from 1 to 0.5
• Fire aim time min from 1 to 0.125
• Post firing aim time from 1.5 to 0.5
• Ready aim time max from 1.5 to 0.125
• Ready aim time min from 1.5 to 0.125
• Suppressed reload multiplier from 1 to 2
• Horizontal tracking speed from 90 to 45

IL-2 Sturmovik Attack
• Loiter area radius from 70 to 60
• Target lead out from 20 to 8
• Target lead in from 20 to 16
• Delay between attack from 4s to 18s
• Attack sway width from 4.5 to 3
• Attack sway frequency from 3 to 2
• Search attack target from false to true
• Duration time from 40s to 75s
• Recharge time from 75s to 165s
• Modified UI Barrage Radius to be more noticeable
• Rate of fire from 13 to 10
• Damage from 15 to 20
• Penetration from 50 to 42.5

JU-87 Anti-Tank Support
• Loiter radius area from 50 to 60
• Delay between attacks from 4s to 18s
• Target lead in distance from 12 to 10
• Target lead out distance from 6 to 5
• Loiter timer from 60s to 80s
• Duration time from 50s to 100s
• Recharge time from 90s to 190s
• Modified UI Barrage Radius to be more noticeable
• Damage from 100 to 80
• Cooldown from 0.25 to 0.125

Demolition Charge
• Damage from 250 to 312
• Additional building damage from 550 to 488
• Area radius from 6 to 8
• Area distance far from 3 to 5
• Area distance near from 1.5 to 2.5
• Recharge time from 30s to 0s

Small Arms Weapon Profiles

Focus on better aligning infantry small arms within our health/damage system. This reduces the amount of overkill and better enables us to control how small arms functions within the game.

Grenadier Rifle
• Damage from 20 to 16
• Accuracy near from 60% to 65%
• Accuracy far from 30% to 35%
• Cooldown from 2.2 to 2
• Cooldown modifier near from 0.5 to 0.3
• Cooldown modifier far from 1.5 to 1.4

Panzer Grenadier SMG
• Damage from 6.4 to 8
• Accuracy near from 50% to 40%
• Accuracy far from 15% to 12%

Shock Troops PPSH:
• Damage from 9 to 8
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 56%
• Far Accuracy from 15 to 17%

Penal Troops Rifle:
• Damage from 14.9 to 16
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 47%
• Far Accuracy from 28 to 26%

Reaction System

Reduced the degree of reaction squads commit to while in combat to better improve unit control and responsiveness. The reaction radius modifier on all weapons was adjusted to better align with the weapons AOE values. Weapons with very low AOE will no longer cause infantry to take action in response to the attack.

Reaction Timers
• Squad reactions while in combat from 15s to 30s; this will reduce how frequently a unit reacts to incoming fire while in combat.
• Out of combat reaction timer from 5s to 25s; once again reducing how frequently a unit reacts to incoming fire while out of combat.

Heavy Tanks

One major issue we sought to resolve was the viability of heavier tanks within the mid-late game. Their cost and performance was refactored to better take into consideration their effectiveness at the later stage of a match. Additionally, heavier tanks should be more viable in smaller matches.

• Reload from 6.25 to 5
• Armor from 350 to 300
• Acceleration from 1.25 to 1.8
• Max speed from 4.7 to 3.9
• Deceleration from 4.2 to 3.9
• Price from 600 MP and 250 FU to 720 MP and 200 FU

• Armor from 375 to 325
• Damage from 160 to 240
• Penetration from 140 to 170
• Deflection damage removed from the main gun
• Price from 680 MP and 300 FU to 760 MP and 240 FU

• Price from 520 MP and 170 FU to 680 MP and 140 FU
• Price from 440 MP and 165 FU to 600 MP and 130 FU

Weapon Teams

Focus on improving early game flow and balance. Weapon teams should be support units rather than front line soldiers. The Maxim and MG42 had their weapon profiles adjusted slightly, resulting in some performance modifications. As a result of this change, the Maxim should suppression slightly faster than before. Their overall DPS remains relatively unchanged. The changes to weapon traverse make flanking a MG easier when using multiple squads.

HMG and Mortar Teams
• Now receive 25% more damage

Soviet Sniper
• Cooldown duration multiplier far from 1.5 to 2

• Damage from 9.5 to 5
• Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.64
• Far accuracy from 0.16 to 0.32
• Near rate of fire from 1.1 to 2.1
• Weapon horizontal traverse speed from 90 to 35

• Damage from 4.4 to 5
• Far accuracy from 0.1375 to 0.11
• Far cooldown from 0.8 to 0.85
• Suppression from 0.00159 to 0.00085
• Rate of fire near from 1.2 to 1.1
• Rate of fire far from 1.1 to 0.9
• Weapon horizontal traverse speed from 60 to 25
• Suppression modifier applied to suppressed targets from 0.5 to 1
24 Sep 2013, 22:46 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

Is it me or 24th September patch is missing some patch notes?
24 Sep 2013, 22:52 PM
avatar of TychoCelchuuu
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 1620 | Subs: 2

Update September 24th, 2013

• Addressed repairing issue clipping treads
• HMG reload animation added
• Fixed jittery animation when coming out of the multiplayer setup screen


• Fixed several speech bugs
• Added smoke defense sounds to the 250 mortar halftrack

Campaign Changes

• Addressed issue where some players were unable to access the campaign when starting from a fresh boot
• Added M08 Tiger portrait
• Fixed crash bug in M08


• AI improvements
• Made unfinished sandbags more vulnerable to attack
• Set the armour of barbed wire and sandbags to 0 while objects are being constructed
• Added territory requirement for the single player version of the flame halftrack upgrade
• Added shared ability timer to accessory weapon abilities so if the entity that throws the ability is killed the cool down is not skipped
• Addressed issues with the “Button” ability
• Fixed spelling issues
• Added new map content – Road to Kharkov (2-4) and Faceoff at Rostov (6-8)
• Added fixed starting positions
• Localization updates
• Bug fixed on map sorting list
• Edited Scenario Dropdown to be the same size as its style and not extend off the bottom of the screen
• When viewing the battlefield after a game the fps is locked at 30
• Minor UI edits
• Fixed Tool Tips for the “Customizer” and “Saved” Game buttons flowing off the screen in Theater of War
• Fixed Loadout rename overlapping scrollbar


Units and Abilities

We wanted to improve the usability and appeal for abilities which we felt were underperforming. Some abilities were toned down, such as the ZIS Barrage ability, which we found to be too cost effective given its average damage inflicted. Other abilities such as the IL-2 were inflicting significantly less damage per use and therefore were improved to bring them in line with most other elements within the game.

Hull Down
• Now increases unit rate of fire by 25%
• Hull down now increases unit range by 25%

Artillery Field Officer
• Now increases infantry accuracy by 15%
• Now increases vehicle rate of fire by 15%

Weapon Priority System

• Improved the way weapons choose their targets, this should result in more logical target choices and better unit control

General Changes

• Anti-infantry units are going to primarily target infantry and light armor
• User choice will have a higher weight within the weapon priority system

Intel Bulletins

Addressed a number of edge cases where bulletins provided extreme benefits or no benefit to units they modified. Intel bulletins should now provide a 2-4% stat increase to units under their effect.


• Blow it All Up! (Katyusha) from +7% damage to +4% penetration
• Wrong Place, Wrong Time (leFH 18 Howitzer) from +5% penetration to +10% experience
• Outranged (ML-20 Howitzer) from +10% sight to -4% reload
• Never Know What Hit ‘Em (ML-20 Howitzer) from +5% damage to -5% ability recharge time
• Long Distance Combat (ML-20 Howitzer) from +3% penetration to -0.5 distance max scatter
• Death from Above (Panzerwerfer) from +4% damage to -5% ability recharge time
• Rocket Siege (Panzerwerfer) from +6% armor to +4% penetration

Assault Gun

• Sturmpanzer IV Specialist (Brummbar) from +5% experience and +5% damage to +10% experience
• Infantry Annihilator (Brummbar) from +5% damage and +4% accuracy to -4% reload
• Nothing Left Standing (ISU-152) from +5% damage to -4% reload
• Destined for Destruction (StuG III) from +8% penetration to +4% penetration
• Indirect but Deadly (SU-76) from -15% ability recharge to -5% ability recharge
• Tank Destroyer (SU-85) from +10% range to +4% penetration
• Recruit Training: Assault (SU-76/StuG III) from +2% damage to -4% reload
• Veteran Training: Assault (SU-76/StuG III) from +2% damage and +6% vehicle rotation to -2% reload and -6% vehicle rotation

AT Gun

• Knife Through Butter (Pak 40) from -10% reload to -4% reload
• Unstoppable Force (Pak 43) from -10% build time and +4% penetration to -10% build time
• Pak 43 Specialist (Pak 43) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• Penetrating Performances (ZIS-3) from -5% reload and +4% damage to -4% reload
• Recruit Training: Anti-Tank Gun (Pak 40/ZIS-3) from +2% accuracy to +2% penetration
• Officer Training: AT Gun (ZIS-3/Pak 40) from +3% penetration to +3% penetration
• Veteran Training: AT Gun (ZIS-3/Pak 40) from +2% accuracy and +3% armor to +4% penetration

Heavy Tank

• Elefant Frenzy (Elefant) from +7% experience to +10% experience
• Even Heavy Armor Cannot Withstand Fire of this Magnitude (Elefant) from +3% penetration to -4% reload
• One Tank Army (IS-2) from +5% damage to -4% reload
• IS-2 Specialist (IS-2) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• Sibling Rivalry (Soviet) (IS-2) from -10% reload to 4% penetration
• KV-8 Specialist (KV-8) from +7% damage and +10% experience to +10% experience
• King Tiger (Tiger) from +4% health to +2% armor
• Sibling Rivalry (German) (Tiger) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• HMG Hero (Maxim) from +3% health and +2% accuracy to -2% cooldown
• Brotherly Love (Soviet) (Maxim) from +5% range and +5% rate of fire to +4% rate of fire
• Shooting Gallery (Maxim) from +5% suppression to +10% experience
• Brotherly Love (German) (MG42) from +2% damage and +2% accuracy to +4% rate of fire
• MG42 Specialist (MG42) from +3% health to -2% cooldown
• Tougher Meat (Maxim/MG42) from +10% penetration to +3% penetration
• Officer Training: Heavy Machine Gun (Maxim/MG42) from +2% health to +3% accuracy
• Veteran Training: Heavy Machine Gun (Maxim/MG42) from +3% damage and +2% accuracy to -10% reload
• Hit the Deck (MG42) from +10% suppression to +10% experience.


• Never Make an Engineer Mad (Combat Engineers) from +5% damage to -5% cooldown
• Oorah! (Conscripts) from +5% damage to -5% cooldown
• Sniper Hero (German Sniper) from +10% armor to +4% armor
• With Extreme Difficulty (Grenadiers) from +4% damage to -5% cooldown
• Heavy Weapons (Guards) from +5% penetration to +2% penetration
• Stealing the Spotlight (Guards) from +5% health to +3% accuracy
• Commando Style (Panzer Grenadiers) from +5% accuracy to +3% accuracy
• Panzer Grenadier Specialist (Panzer Grenadier) from +9% experience to +10% experience
• Torched (Penal Battalion) from 3% health and 2% damage to 3% accuracy
• Hold the Line (Bunkers) from +3% health and +3% armor to +7% health
• To the Frontline! (Shock Troops) from -5% received damage to +3% accuracy
• Recruit Training: Infantry (Conscripts/Grenadiers) from +2% accuracy to +3% accuracy
• Officer Training: Infantry (Conscripts/Grenadiers) from +3% health to -3% reload
• Veteran Training: Infantry (Conscripts/Grenadiers) from +2% accuracy and +3% health to -2% cooldown and -2% reload

Light Vehicles

• It’s Super Effective! (222 Scout Car) from +5% accuracy to +4% accuracy
• Sniper Hunter (222 Scout Car) from +10% range to +5% armor
• Mobile Bombardment (Mortar Half-track) from -20% ability recharge to -10% ability recharge
• M3A1 Specialist (M3A1) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• Now That’s What I Call Recon (M3A1) from +8% armor to +5% armor
• More than Just a Personnel Carrier (M5) from +2% accuracy to +4% accuracy
• Outrun and Outgun (T-70) from +4% damage to +4% penetration
• Up Close and personal (T-70) from +6% armor to +5% armor
• Veteran Training: Half-track (M5/251 Half-track) from +2% health and +6% max speed to +5% vehicle rotation

Medium Vehicles

• Not Simply Anti-Air (Ostwind) from +8% accuracy to -5% reload
• Armored Assassin (Panther) from +10% max speed to +5% max speed
• Tank Hunter (Panther) from +3% armor and +2% damage to +3% armor
• Invulnerable (Panther) from +3% armor and +5% experience to +10% experience
• Panzer IV Specialist (Panzer IV) from -8% build time to -10% build time
• Evenly Matched (Panzer IV) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• Light Snack (Panzer IV) from +5% damage to +4% penetration
• Multi-talented (T34-76) from +5% damage to +4% penetration
• Recruit Training: Tank (T34-76/Panzer IV) from +2% accuracy to +3% vehicle rotation
• Officer Training: Tank (T34-76/Panzer IV) from +3% armor to +4% armor
• Veteran Training: Tank (T34-76/Panzer IV) from +2% accuracy and +3% armor to -4% reload


• Target Practice (German Mortar) from +3% damage to -10% ability recharge
• Mortar Hero (German Mortar) from +3% increased health and 5% increased sight to -0.5 scatter
• Kinslayer (German Mortar) from +3% health and +6% sight to +10% experience
• Bigger is Better (120mm Mortar) from -5% dispatch cooldown and -5% reload to -10% dispatch cooldown
• HM-36 120mm Mortar Specialist (120mm Mortar) from +5% damage to +10% experience
• PM-41 82mm Mortar Specialist (Soviet Mortar) from +5% experience to +10% experience
• Officer Training: Mortar (Soviet/German Mortar) from +3% penetration to +4% penetration
• Recruit Training: Mortar (Soviet/German Mortar) from +2% damage to -0.35 distance max scatter on auto-fire
• Veteran Training: Mortar (Soviet/German Mortar) from +2% damage and +3% penetration to -0.5 distance max scatter
26 Sep 2013, 17:32 PM
avatar of Twister
Honorary Member Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 2072 | Subs: 1

Updates September 26th, 2013

Bug Fixes:


- Ostruppen Weapon damage from 8 to 16
There was a data error in the ostruppens weapon where it was doing less damage than we had originally calculated. This was making the unit actually worse than other rifle units (for cost) even when utilizing its in cover bonus.

Assault Grenadiers

- Dispatch Cost from 280 manpower to 200 manpower and 50 munitions
- Reinforcement and population cost remain the same as prior
This change is to give a temporary gate to the deployment of these units as players are finding it very difficult to deal with them at the start. The munition cost will gate the unit by a few minutes as well as make deploying these units limit the players means to get other munitions upgrades such as Panzerschrecks on the Mechanized Assault Group or a flame halftrack.

Forward HQ

- Addressed an issue where the forward HQ was not properly costing the player resources
There was a case where this ability was not charging the players resources when used (no we’re not telling you exactly how).


- Addressed two issues causing crashes



- Suppression from 0.02 to 0.0175


- Suppressed suppression multiplier from 1 to 0.9
- Suppression from 0.0085 to 0.009
8 Oct 2013, 21:11 PM
avatar of Twister
Honorary Member Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 2072 | Subs: 1

Updates October 9th, 2013


• Ladder decay


Small Arms Weapon Profiles

Focus on better aligning infantry small arms within our health/damage system. This reduces the amount of overkill and better enables us to control how small arms functions within the game. Generally speaking, each weapon will have the same DPS as it did prior to the change. However, the LMG42 did see a reduction to its theoretical DPS output as well as its long range DPS output to compensate for its incremental value over time.


• Damage from 6.21 to 8
• Accuracy near from 53% to 47%
• Accuracy far from 38% to 20%
• Rate of fire from 16 to 14


• Damage from 27 to 16
• Accuracy near from 60% to 80%
• Accuracy far from 47% to 65%
• Maximum cooldown from 1 to 0.25
• Minimum cooldown from 0.5 to 0.125
• Near cooldown modifier from 0% to 25%
• Far cooldown modifier from 200% to 150%
• Far reload modifier from 150% to 200%

Pioneer SMG

• Damage from 2.25 to 2
• Accuracy near from 50% to 56%
• Accuracy far form 12.5% to 14%


• Damage from 5 to 4
• Accuracy near from 55% to 68%
• Accuracy far from 11% to 14%

Coaxial MG

• Damage from 1.5 to 2
• Accuracy near from 50% to 37%
• Accuracy far from 37% to 28%

Hull MG

• Damage from 1.9 to 2
• Accuracy near from 50% to 47.5%
• Accuracy far from 37% to 35%

German Top Gunner

• Damage from 1.4 to 2
• Accuracy near from 50% to 35%
• Accuracy far from 37% to 26%

222 Coaxial

• Damage from 5 to 4
• Accuracy near from 50% to 60%
• Accuracy far from 20% to 25%

251 Half-track MG42

• Damage from 1.75 to 2
• Accuracy near from 50% to 43%
• Accuracy far from 39% to 34%

Soviet Bunker

• Damage from 3 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50% to 38%
• Far Accuracy from 12.5 to 10%

Soviet Top Gunner

• Damage from 3.2 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 60% to 48%
• Far Accuracy from 32 to 26%

M5 Halftrack

• Damage from 9.9 to 8
• Near Accuracy from 50% to 62%
• Far Accuracy from 37% to 46%

M5 Halftrack QUAD

• Damage from 4.8 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50% to 60%
• Far Accuracy from 12.5% to 15%

Coaxial Vehicle Hull

• Damage from 4.3 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 53%
• Far Accuracy from 37 to 40%

Soviet Turret Coaxial

• Damage from 3 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 38%
• Far accuracy from 37 to 28%

Soviet Coaxial Hull

• Damage from 4.3 to 4
• Accuracy near from 50% to 54%
• Accuracy far from 37% to 40%

Guard Troops LMG

• Damage from 4.8 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 60%
• Far Accuracy from 37 to 44%

T-70 Coaxial

• Damage from 1.6 to 2
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 40%
• Far Accuracy from 12.5 to 10%

T34/76 Coaxial Hull

• Damage from 6.4 to 8
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 40%
• Far Accuracy from 37 to 30%

T34/76 Coaxial Turret

• Damage from 3 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 50 to 38%
• Far Accuracy from 37 to 28%

Maxim HMG

• Damage from 5 to 4
• Near Accuracy from 64% to 80%
• Far Accuracy from 32% to 40%

Dshk 38 HMG

• Damage from 20 to 16
• Near Accuracy from 0.64 to 0.72
• Far Accuracy from 0.16 to 0.18
• Cooldown min from 1.25 to 0.5
• Cooldown max from 2 to 1
• Cooldown duration multiplier far from 1 to 1.7

Units and Abilities

The KV-8 has seen its damage profile adjusted such that it no longer front loads the majority of its damage over a 10 second period. This will result in more of a reaction period for players under fire. The overall DPS of the KV-8 was also reduced from 18 to 15 damage per second. Other abilities have had their cost adjusted to better reflect their value in game.

Mortar Half-track Incendiary Barrage

• Cost from 30 to 45 ammunition


• Damage from 40 to 27
• Ready aim time from 1.5s to 0.75s
• Reload form 5s to 3s


• Corrected an error in previous patch; shots fired from barrage ability set back to 6.
222 Armored Scout Car
• Corrected an error in previous patch; cost set back to 80 MP and 25 FU.

Assault Grenadiers

• Assault Grenadier dispatch cost from 200 MP and 50 MU to 320 MP


• Ostruppen now capture territory at half their current rate

Target Size and Accuracy

These changes are meant to work with the AT gun adjustments to reduce the overall variance in weapon damage output vs. lower tier vehicles. AT guns should feel far more reliable as a result.

222 Scout Car

• Target size from 20 to 18


• Target size from 14 to 20

M3A1 Scout Car

• Target size from 20 to 18


• Target size from 14 to 18

AT Guns

• Accuracy far from 0.025 to 0.03
• Accuracy near from 0.05 to 0.055

Bug Fixes

• T34 can no longer activate ram if its engine is overheated
• ZIS and M-42 AT gun now properly received the 50% discount on reinforcement actions
11 Nov 2013, 17:15 PM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
Patrion 15

Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12


Updates for November 12th, 2013

Free Content

World Builder - allows for the creation of user maps
Email registration system - signing up gives 2 free Commanders
Play AI Battles in Co-Op mode
Multiplayer Maps:
Rails & Metal (2-4 players)
Lazur Factory (6-8 players)
Soviet Commanders:
Soviet Community Defense Tactics
Soviet Reserve Army Tactics
German Commanders:
Germany Community Defense Doctrine
German Mechanized Doctrine

Public Chat

Chat channels are based on Steam Groups. Players can join up to 5 channels at a time from among any of the 14 official CoH2 channels or any personal Steam Groups that they belong to. They just click on the chat icon in the lower-left of the lobby to see the available channels.

Personal channels can be bookmarked so that they will be automatically joined the next time they launch CoH2.

Clicking on a Player's name in the chat opens a menu with a variety of options. If a players is in the official Looking for Group channel or any of your personal channels, you can invite other users to your match by selecting the "Invite" option. This should make it much easier to set up custom matches and make new friends with other community members.

Players can type "/help" into any channel to display a list of commands available in that channel.

When players join a Match or log into your Twitch.tv account (via the Broadcasting tab in the Options menu), you will be automatically put into a special channel for that session.

Relic developers are often in the public channels so stop on by and chat with us!

Paid Content

Victory at Stalingrad Theater of War Pack
Kalach Pincer - Co-Op Scenario
Tatsinskaya Raid - Challenge
Bridge Defense - Challenge
Winter Storm - AI Battle
Stalingrad Resistance - AI Battle
Stalingrad Encirclement - Co-Op AI Battle
German Commanders:
Elite Troops Doctrine
Luftwaffe Supply Doctrine
Soviet Commanders:
Soviet Industry Tactics
Partisan Tactics
Soviet Two Ton Don Front
Soviet Two Tone Spring Front
Soviet Makeshift Sand Southern Front


Players can now change your active Loadout while searching for a match without canceling their search
An experimental "-fast_camera" option has been added to the game which dramatically increases the speed at which your in-game camera moves. To try this feature, players must enter "-fast_camera" into the "Set Launch Options..." dialog for CoH2 in Steam. Depending on the community's feedback to this feature, we will be fully supporting this feature in future patches.
Holding down the CTRL key while in-game now displays the name of each squad's owner above the squad. This should make it much more clear who is fighting in larger battles.
The in-game player list and the post-game stats screen now make it more clear when a player has dropped and been taken over by the AI
Players can now add other players directly to their friends list from the post-game stats screen with the "Add Friend" button
The multiplayer setup screen now has a button to take players to our Steam leaderboards page. Players can now keep track of where they stand against their friends friends and against the world!

AI Improvements

Hard AI is now more challenging than Standard AI. (Main change is the units that get built and limits on detecting target in fog of war)
AI squad can now run tactics while moving. (Picking up weapons/items, re-crewing vehicles, etc)
AI squads being repaired or reinforcing will now stop moving.
AI squads can now reinforce from half-tracks and will reinforce in areas outside of their base.
AI controlled units that want to reinforce or repair will now move toward locations that provide reinforcement or repair.
AI controlled half-tracks will now move towards squads that need to be reinforced.
When AI squads fallback, they will fallback to the closest fallback location and not all the way to base.
AI player no longer waits for one command point before trying to choose a commander.
AI takeover for dropped players in multiplayer games will now use the correct AI personality.
Easy and Standard AI difficulties no longer take targets in the fog of war into account when planning which targets to attack.
Removed the AI class for medium vehicles and added the AI class for stationary infantry to better represent actual gameplay roles of different units.
Soviet AI should build the Barracks less often and the Weapon Support Centre more often due to better code for breaking ties in building utility.
AI no longer tries to build units to kill enemy bunkers and base buildings unless it has seen them.(Prevents AI from wanting to build mortars and AT in early game)
AI will spend less resources reinforcing squads that aren’t useful.
AI squads the have waited too long to reinforce will now become aggressive instead of standing in the base forever.
Hard and Expert AI will now build more infantry units at the start of the game before trying to tech up.
Soviet AI will now still build Penal Troops after Guard or Shock Troops become available.
Easy AI no longer buys squad upgrades, and Standard AI now buys less squad upgrades.
AI no longer uses Oorah, sprint, Steady Driving or Mark Target abilities because it wasn’t using them correctly and it was wasting munitions.
AI will now try to use the Infantry Medkits ability on friendly units instead of enemy units.
AI will now use Panzer Blitz less often and only when it is low on health.
Adjusted ratings for Penal Troops, Soviet Team Weapons, Shock Troops, and vehicles with rear mounted weapons.


Building Functionality
Our goal was to improve the player’s capacity to make decisions when using garrisons within the game. To achieve this, we improved the readability of a garrison’s structural integrity, making damage more consistent and in turn making it easier to calculate the risks associated with the use of said garrison. Buildings will be far less prone to being knocked down to single attacks at full health as a result.

Building Critical System
Removed the random chance for AOE weapons to inflict up to 6x their AOE radius when exploding near a garrison.

Unit Behavior

Infantry flamethrower damage modifier vs. garrisons from 1 to 1.6
Mortar damage modifier vs. garrisons from 0.25 to 0.75

Unit Animation Behavior Modifications

This change enables squads to fire within a 180 degree arc, better enabling them to engage other squads while executing combat maneuvers. Previously, their firing arc was far more restricted which lead to a loss of DPS when ordering squads to move.

Squad Combat Behavior

Entities can now fire within a 180 degree arc

Units and Abilities

Performance and cost adjustments to units and abilities that better align them with their in-game value.


Now require friendly territory


Penetration from 110 to 120
Reload from 8.5 to 6
Distance scatter max from 2.6 to 5
T34-85 call-in cost from 720 MP and 260 FU to 680 MP and 240 FU

JU-87 Anti-tank Support

Damage from 80 to 120
Deflection damage enabled; now deals 80 damage on deflect
Attacks per plane from 4 to 3

Infantry Flamethrower

Chance of causing entity to explode in a fiery death from 20% to 10%

120mm Mortar

Cost from 360 MP to 400 MP
Range from 120 to 100
Scatter ratio from 0.1 to 0.15
Distance scatter max from 14 to 15

Panzer Tactician

Cost from 15 to 30

For Mother Russia

Bonus/penalty aura from 100% to 50%
Cost from 150 MU to 100 MU

Forward HQ

HQ aura bonus from 100% to 50%
Cost from 420 MP and 80 FU to 300 MP and 60 FU

Assault Grenades

Cost from 60 MU to 45 MU

Mechanized Assault Group

Cost from 560 MP and 55 FU to 520 MP and 40 FU

B4 Howitzer

Precision shot cost from 50 to 90
B4 recharge time from 110 to 55


Hazard detection range from 15 to 25

Railway Artillery

Recharge duration from 120s to 60s

Veterancy Rework

Our goal is to make veterancy feel more unique and appropriate within the context of Company of Heroes 2. Specifically, we want to remove scenarios where veterancy began to modify a unit’s role and its counters. The new veterancy system focuses on improving a unit within the confines of its core role.

Attacking a veteran unit will now reward 1.2x its base experience value per level of veterancy. In other words, attacking a level 3 veteran unit will award 1.6x more experience to better reflect their in-game value.


Veterancy 2
+25% Range on Rifle-grenade
+40% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Armor
-20% Cooldown
-25% Recharge on Panzerfaust

Panzer Grenadiers
Veterancy 2

+40% Armor
-25% Cooldown
Veterancy 3
+40% Accuracy
+25% Range on bundle grenade

Assault Grenadiers
Veterancy 2

+40% Armor
-25% Cooldown
Veterancy 3
+40% Accuracy
+25% Range on bundle grenade

Artillery Officer
Veterancy 2

+40% Range on Smoke Barrage
+40% Range on Coordinated Barrage
+30% Armor

Veterancy 3

+40% Accuracy
+10% DPS to coordinated fire

Veterancy 2

+40% Accuracy
-25% Recharge on Panzerfaust

Veterancy 3

+40% Armor
-20% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

+20% Accuracy
+50% Repair Speed

Veterancy 3

Combat Repairs (no penalty for repairing in combat)
-15% Cooldown
+15% Accuracy

Veterancy 2

-20% Reload
+20% Sight
-20% Cooldown

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+10 Range Incendiary Shot
-30% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

+20% Suppression
+30% Horizontal Traverse

Veterancy 3

+20% ROF
+30% Accuracy
+10% Horizontal Traverse

81mm Mortar
Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

Pak 40
Veterancy 2

+30% Rotation
-30% Reload

Veterancy 3

Camouflage Netting (Gains ZIS camouflage ability)
+30% Penetration
-10% Reload

Pak 43
Veterancy 2

+100% Rotation
-30% Reload

Veterancy 3

+30% Accuracy
-20% Reload

German Howitzer
Veterancy 2

-15% Scatter
+30% Rotation
-25% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

Armored Car
Veterancy 2

+30% Sight
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+20% Accuracy
+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed

251 Half-track
Veterancy 2

+20% Reinforcement Radius
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
+20% Rotation

Veterancy 3

+20% Reinforcement Radius
+30% Sight
-20% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

+30% Armor
-10% Reload

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed

Veterancy 2

+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
-20% Reload

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+30% Accuracy

Mortar Half-track
Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

Veterancy 2

-20% Cooldown
+40% AA Capacity

Veterancy 3

+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
-40% Reload

Veterancy 2

+30% Armor
+40% Turret Rotation

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Rotation
+10% Acceleration

Panzer 4
Veterancy 2

+30% Armor
+40% Turret Rotation

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Rotation
+10% Acceleration

Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

Veterancy 2

+30% Armor
-10% Reload

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed

Veterancy 2

+10 Range
-20% Scatter
+20% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Acceleration
+20% Rotation
+20% Max Speed

Veterancy 2

+25% Range on Molotov
+40% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Armor
-20% Cooldown
-25% Recharge on AT Grenade

Penal Battalion
Veterancy 2

Gains Oorah
-20% Cooldown
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Accuracy
+30% Armor

Guard Squad
Veterancy 2

+20% Armor
+10% Penetration
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+25% Button Duration
+30% Armor
-20% Cooldown

Shock Troopers
Veterancy 2

-40% Recharge on Smoke Grenades
+20% Armor
-25% Cooldown

Veterancy 3

+40% Accuracy
+25% Range on RG-42 Grenade

Combat Engineer
Veterancy 2

+20% Accuracy
+50% Repair Speed

Veterancy 3

Combat Repairs (no penalty for repairing in combat)
-15% Cooldown
+15% Accuracy

Partisans - SMG
Veterancy 2

-40% Recharge on Molotov
+20% Armor
-25% Cooldown

Veterancy 3

+40% Accuracy
+25% Range on Molotov

Partisans - LMG
Veterancy 2

-40% Recharge on Molotov
+40% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Armor
+20% Accuracy
+25% Range on Molotov

Partisans - Rifle
Veterancy 2

-40% Recharge on Molotov
+40% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Armor
+20% Accuracy
+25% Range on Molotov

Veterancy 2

-40% Recharge on RG-33 Grenade
+40% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+30% Armor
+20% Accuracy
+25% Range on RG-33 Grenade

Partisan AT - Panzershrek
Veterancy 2

+20% Armor
+10% Penetration
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+10% Accuracy
+30% Armor
-20% Reload

Partisan AT - PTRS
Veterancy 2

+20% Armor
+10% Penetration
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+10% Accuracy
+30% Armor
-25% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

-20% Reload
+20% Sight
-20% Cooldown

Veterancy 3

+25% Range on Flare
-30% Reload
-30% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

+20% Suppression
+30% Horizontal Traverse

Veterancy 3

+20% ROF
+30% Accuracy
+10% Horizontal Traverse

Veterancy 2

+20% Suppression
+30% Horizontal Traverse

Veterancy 3

+20% ROF
+30% Accuracy
+10% Horizontal Traverse

82mm Mortar
Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

120mm Mortar
Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

Veterancy 2

+30% Rotation
-30% Reload

Veterancy 3

+5 Range on Barrage
-20% Reload
+30% Penetration

53K AT Gun
Veterancy 2

+30% Rotation
-30% Reload

Veterancy 3

+30% Accuracy
+30% Penetration

ML-20 Howitzer
Veterancy 2

-15% Scatter
+30% Rotation
-25% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

B4 Howitzer
Veterancy 2

-15% Scatter
+50% Rotation
-25% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+50% Damage

M3A1 Scout Car
Veterancy 2

+30% Sight
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+20% Accuracy
+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed

Veterancy 2

+50% Turret Rotation
+10 Range
+20% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

-30% Reload
+20% Rotation
+20% Max Speed
+20% Acceleration

Veterancy 2

-30% Reload
-30% Scatter

Veterancy 3

+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
+20% Accuracy

Veterancy 2

+10 Damage
+35% Turret Rotation
-20% Reload

Veterancy 3

+20% Max Speed
+20% Acceleration
+20% Rotation
-20% Reload

Veterancy 2

+50% Turret Rotation
+10 Range

Veterancy 3

-20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
+20% Turret Rotation

Veterancy 2

-25% Reload
+35% Turret Rotation
+20% Max Speed

Veterancy 3

+20% Rotation
+35% Burst Duration
+5 Range (from 25 to 30)
+20% Acceleration

Katyusha Half-track
Veterancy 2

-20% Scatter
-40% Ability Recharge

Veterancy 3

+33% Range

M5 Half-track
Veterancy 2

+20% Reinforcement Radius
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
+20% Rotation

Veterancy 3

+20% Reinforcement Radius
+30% Sight
-20% Cooldown

Veterancy 2

-25% Barrage Recharge
+20 Damage
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+10 Range on Barrage
-25% Reload
+25% Rotation

Veterancy 2

-30% Reload
+30% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

-20% Reload
+20% Max Speed
+20% Acceleration
+20% Rotation

Veterancy 2

+10 Damage
+35% Turret Rotation
-20% Reload

Veterancy 3

+20% Max Speed
+20% Acceleration
+20% Rotation
-20% Reload

Veterancy 2

+50% Turret Rotation
-25% Reload

Veterancy 3

+20% Max Speed
+20% Acceleration
+20% Rotation
-20% Reload

Veterancy 2

Recon Mode (+40% Sight)
-20% Reload
+20% Accuracy

Veterancy 3

+20% Rotation
+20% Acceleration
+20% Max Speed
+30% Sight

14 Nov 2013, 06:34 AM
avatar of sir muffin

Posts: 531

Updates for November 13th, 2013

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with Bridge Defense where "We Surrender" would cause a crash post Wave 10

Turned chat notifications off by default

If you want to turn back on the chat notification audio and join/leave messages, just run the game with –chat_cue

Turned off audio cue for sending a message in chat

If you want to turn back on the chat notification audio and join/leave messages, just run the game with –chat_cue
15 Nov 2013, 00:26 AM
avatar of Twister
Honorary Member Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 2072 | Subs: 1

Updates for November 14th, 2013

Balance updates

· Molotov cooldown is now present.
· Starting Resources changed to 500 for both races.
· Build time of Soviet Buildings reduced by 50%.

Automatch Chat

· Automatch match chat should now be working.

Theater of War

· Bridge Defense: Fixed a crash after failing the mission before the secondary objectives started.
4 of 4 Relic postsRelic 10 Dec 2013, 19:48 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

Updates for December 10th, 2013

  • Improved Invite UI – game invites now appear next to players’ faceplates in the Front End in addition to in the usual Steam overlay notifications. These invites allow you to instantly accept and join a game without having to open the Steam overlay.
  • Improved unit responsiveness to player commands as squads will no longer wait for a transition animation to finish before carrying out a new command
  • Added a “Confirm Email” field to the Email Registration when new users boot up game to help prevent people from accidently entering in an incorrect email address.
  • Improved Replay Functionality – ability to display the resources of all players at once, additional stats (damage/units killed/units lost) display in player list
  • Chat Improvements
    • Players can now send game invites from any channel, not just LFG.
    • Added new chat groups:
    • Looking for Annihilation
    • Theater of War
    • Mods and World Builder
    • Players can now Favorite official channels

  • Various Bug Fixes Including:
    • German Opel Blitz Truck “Disable Lockdown” works again.
    • German Ambush camouflage ability now applies properly to reinforcements in cover.
    • The Russian Victory & Defeat Speech lines can now be heard when the locale is set to Russia.
    • Faceplates are now updated if the user purchases them by entering the store from the game. No longer need to restart client to see new faceplates.
    • Addressed an issue preventing the cancelling of unbuilt mines – mine construction can now be cancelled.

Mod and Map Making Updates
  • -Dev mode enabled:
    • When a user turns on -dev mode (by adding -dev to the launch options), they get access to the in game SCAR console (Alt+Shift+`) and a number of additional Lua functions. They can use these Lua functions to:
      • Cheat.
      • Debug their custom scenarios.
      • Create art (e.g. fullscreen screenshots without the HUD (Taskbar_SetVisibility)).

    • When -dev mode is turned on, players cannot automatch or earn progress, but they can play custom games against other players who have also have -dev mode turned on.

  • Closed a LUA exploit to increase in-game security against potential cheat hacks and exploits.
  • World Builder Updates:
    • Updated the orientation of the _mm_low.tga to be consistent with the _mm.tga and _mm_preview.tga (it is no longer flipped vertically). Any user generated maps should be updated to reflect this change.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the export feature of the World Builder from working for users who had non-ascii characters in their user directory.

  • Steam Workshop Integration
    • Allows the sharing of custom player created maps easily from within the game itself
    • Steam Workshop featured in the main menu
    • Currently limited to sharing maps

Free Content
  • Multiplayer Maps:
    • Hill 331 (6-8 players)
    • Don River (2-4 players)

  • Official Leaderboards – Select “Leaderboards” from Game Setup to go to new leaderboards site.
  • Mud Tech – included in new Theater of War missions and on map Hill 331
Premium Content
  • Southern Fronts Theater of War Pack
    • Spring Rasputitia – Challenge
    • Occupation - Challenge
    • Retreat to the Donets – AI Battle (Soviet)
    • Panzer Crossing – AI Battle (Soviet)
    • No Retreat, No Surrender – AI Battle (Soviet)
    • Breaking Lines – AI Battle (Soviet)
    • Storming the Donets – AI Battle (German)
    • Heavy Rain – AI Battle (German)
    • General Mud – AI Battle (German)
    • Kharkov Divide – AI Battle (German)

AI Improvements
  • AI will no longer attack destroyed HQs or invisible targets.
  • AI on easy and normal difficulty should clump their units together less.
  • AI will no longer try to get a damage vehicle repaired by a squad inside a vehicle.
Command Point System Overhaul
  • Command Points are now earned at twice the rate as before
  • Commander abilities have had their Command Point requirement doubled
The net effect is that the timing of unlocking Commander abilities should be mostly the same, and players should not expect to see much change from before.

Overall the command point changes are intended to give more variety in when things are available. We previously worked within a 7 point range and have increased that to a 16 point range to allow us more control over this sort of timing. The main driving force behind the change was allowing some units to come out earlier without having them be available immediately at the start of the game, specifically some of the new units. There were some other abilities that also tend to come later than we felt best, but where moving them a whole point sooner would have had to large of an effect on the game’s flow. Examples of this are the weaker tank call ins and economic abilities.

Additionally, we broke up later game abilities a bit more to add variety in when they come out and distinguish them from each other. In general, unit Call-Ins are available sooner than global abilities and upgrades as these are more often gated by resource cost.


Commander Trees
  • Soviet Industry
    • No longer decreases the build times of Soviet buildings

  • Soviet Repair Station
    • Building health reduced from 600HP to 300HP

  • Tiger Ace
    • CP increased to 16
    • Income penalty now only last 10 minutes

General Gameplay
  • Ambient Buildings
    • Building Cover bonus reduced from 50% reduce damage + 50% reduce accuracy to 35% reduce damage + 35% reduce accuracy

  • Moving Penalty
    • Moving vehicles now receive a 2x scatter penalty in addition to the 0.5 accuracy penalty

  • German Pak 40 AT Gun
    • Cost reduced from 360 to 320

  • German MG42 HMG
    • Suppression value increased by 10%

  • Soviet Sandbag
    • Build time reduced from 120 seconds to 80 seconds

  • Soviet Maxim
    • Rotation Speed Reduced from 225 degree/sec to 180 degree/sec

  • Soviet Dshk 38 Sokolov
    • Damage reduced from 16 to 12

  • Soviet Z-iS AT Gun
    • Cost reduced from 360MP to 320 MP

12 Dec 2013, 21:00 PM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108


there was a small patch today (48MB) any informations?
Thanks :)
12 Dec 2013, 21:25 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 2181

The bug where worldbuilder couldnt save any map has been fixed. No other changes has been mentioned.
13 Dec 2013, 16:57 PM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
Patrion 15

Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

Additional updates:

Updates December 10th, 2013

The following changes were included in our December 10th release without being communicated out to players. We apologize and are looking to improve our internal processes to ensure that these sorts of 'ninja' changes do not get included in the game without being included in our changelog.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue conscript assault package providing conscripts with a single player PPSH, they now use the same PPSH as shock troops

Balance Changes

Panzer Tactician cost increase from 30 munitions to 40 munitions
Conscript PPSH upgrade coast adjusted to reflect the performance of the new weapon from 20 to 10

CP System Adjustments

Shocktroops CP reduced from 2 to 1
Guards CP reduced from 2 to 1
G43 reduced from 4 to 2
PPSH reduced from 4 to 2
KV8 increased from 8 to 9
Opel Bliz truck moved from 2 to 3

Map Changes

Semoiskiy fuel points moved from mid north south to north and south of player spawn in order to reflect the more classic layout

13 Apr 2014, 10:37 AM
avatar of wuff

Posts: 1534 | Subs: 1

Updates December 17th, 2013

Bug Fixes

  • Player allied AI will now build tanks in Southern Front Co-Op AI Battles, resulting in less infantry built. The AI now examines team infantry to determine if it needs more infantry for map capture
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Radio Intercept commander ability from functioning until receiving 1 Command Point
  • Addressed an issue preventing the bookmarking of a public chat channel

13 Apr 2014, 10:37 AM
avatar of wuff

Posts: 1534 | Subs: 1

Update for February 11th, 2014

  • German Close Air Support Doctrine and Soviet Advanced Warfare Tactics Commanders for the Make War Not Love event
25 Apr 2014, 01:31 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
Patrion 15

Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

Update April 24th, 2014


  • Added the German Doctrine: Mobile Defense Commander

  • Added the Soviet Tactics: Lend and Lease Commander

Main Menu Redesign

  • The main menu has been reformatted to improve flow and readability and to better highlight important new features and community events.

  • A new Menu widget has been added globally to the bottom left of the screen that provides quick access to Options, Player Profile, and other features.

  • A new Store dialog is now accessible from the Main Menu to allow users easier access to and navigation through all additional content available for Company of Heroes 2

World Builder Updates

  • Custom maps can now include a <scenarioname>.scar file for custom scripts. Simply create this file alongside your <scenarioname>.sgb and it will get included in the archive when you export your map.

  • Improved Steam Workshop quota related error messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue causing a compatibility message to appear for users playing on Windows 8.1

  • Addressed an issue where equipped skins and bulletins wouldn’t load in saved games

  • Maps not selectable in Automatch no longer appear in the Automatch map list

  • Fixed an issue where the Advance Warfare Tactics Commander’s T-34/85 ability didn’t gain bulletin buffs

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Panzergrenadiers from gaining the Casualty Interrogation ability when equipped with the Jaeger Infantry Package

  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes stop retreating units outside of a base’s reinforce area

  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes drive vehicles into engineers when trying to get repaired

  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes try to get a vehicle repaired by an engineer that was busy constructing or repairing another vehicle

Balance Changes

Command Point Pacing

All heavy vehicle dispatches have had their command point cost increased by 1 to better align them with the pacing and tech progression changes and goals. Saving for a heavy vehicle should remain a viable strategy, the goal is to increase the risk of such a strategy to better reflect its potential value if pulled off successfully.

  • Tiger command point cost from 10 to 11

  • Tiger Ace command point cost from 14 to 15

  • Elefant command point cost from 11 to 12

  • IS-2 command point cost from 10 to 11

  • ISU-152 command point cost from 11 to 12

  • KV-2 command point cost from 11 to 12

  • StuG III E command point cost from 5 to 6

Units and Abilities

A number of iterations were made to weapon profiles and abilities to improve early game infantry combat.


  • The low accuracy on the Osttruppen rifle led to their weapon output feeling very inconsistent. This was addressed by increasing their accuracy while reducing the damage done per shot. Additional modifications were made to improve the viability of the Osttruppen at all stages of the game, such as increasing their capture rate to 1. Osttruppen will remain slightly combat inefficient relative to Grenadiers.

    • Cover bonus from 1.75x accuracy to 2x accuracy

    • Accuracy from 0.21/0.2/0.19 to 0.45/0.4/.35

    • Damage from 16 to 8

    • Cooldown from 0.5-1 to 0.75-1.25

    • Cooldown near modifier from 0 to 0.125

    • Wind down from 1.625 to 1.3

    • Moving cooldown from 2 to 1.5

    • Capture rate from 0.5 to 1


  • The LMG42 had its weapon profile adjusted so that it performs stronger at long range and weaker at short range. In its previous form, it made assaults by short range units very difficult to execute due to its extreme close range damage output. This further strengthens the long range orientation of the LMG42 and the counterplay between itself and short range weaponry.

    • LMG42 accuracy from 0.47/0.44/0.41 to 0.56/0.44/.038

    • LMG42 Aim time multiplier from 0.5/0.75/1 to 0.75/0.875/1

    • LMG42 Fire aim time from 0.25-0.625 to 0.25-0.5

    • LMG42 Post firing aim time from 0.5 to 0.25

    • LMG42 Ready aim time from 1.25-2 to 0..625-1

    • LMG42 Burst duration multiplier from 3/2/1 to 0.75/1.25/1.5

    • LMG42 Burst length from 0.5-0.75 to 0.5-1

    • LMG42 range distance mid from 20 to 28

    • LMG42 Rate of fire multiplier from 1/0.875/0.9375 to 1/1.125/1.25

    • LMG42 Cooldown duration multiplier from 0.5/0.675/0.85 to 0.75/0.875/1

    • LMG42 Reload frequency from 4 to 6

  • This adjusts the G43 to more closely function as a carbine type weapon profile. It reduces the Grenadier long range damage output while increasing mid to short range DPS. Additionally, this weapon now performs better on the move, making it ideal for tactical flanks.

    • G43 accuracy from 0.55/0.5/0.45 to 0.55/0.42/0.37

    • G43 no longer gains a bonus accuracy vs. light, heavy, and garrison cover

    • G43 Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.8

    • G43 Moving cooldown from 2 to 0.5

    • G43 Range distance near from 0 to 6

    • G43 Range distance mid from 25 to 18

    • G43 upgrade cost from 60 MU to 45 MU

  • Rifle-grenade cost increased to better align it with similar grenades, such as the RGD-42 which cost 30 munitions. Although the rifle-grenade has a greater range than the RGD-42, its explosive radius is smaller and less lethal.

    • Rifle-grenade munition cost from 25 to 30

  • These changes slightly reduce the efficiency of the Grenadier squad. The intent is to reduce Grenadier blobbing and encourage the use of combined arms.

    • Population from 6 to 7

    • Grenadiers can now only upgrade to either the LMG42 or G43, not both.

Panzer Grenadier

  • This adjusts the G43 to more closely function as a carbine type weapon profile. It increases the Panzer Grenadier long range damage output while decreasing its mid to short range DPS. Additionally, this weapon now performs better on the moving, making it ideal for tactical flanks.

    • G43 Accuracy from 0.65/0.6/0.55 to 0.65/0.52/0.47

    • G43 no longer gains a bonus accuracy vs. light, heavy, and garrison cover

    • G43 Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.8

    • G43 Moving cooldown from 2 to 0.5

    • G43 Range distance near from 0 to 6

    • G43 Range distance mid from 25 to 18

  • The Panzer Grenadier squad over performed for its cost. These two changes lower its performance to better reflect its cost to value.

    • Armor from 1.2 to 1

    • MP44 accuracy from 0.58/0.45/0.4 to 0.56/0.45/0.4


  • These changes reduced the combat potency of Pioneers to better reflect their intended role as a utility unit. The Pioneer squad still remains combat viable, but do so at a premium cost.

    • Bonus accuracy from 1.2 to 1.15

    • Accuracy from 0.45/0.2/0.1 to 0.35/0.2/0.1

Combat Engineer

  • Combat Engineers were under performing for cost; similar to the Pioneer changes above they will perform at a slight cost premium to reflect their role as a utility unit.

    • Manpower cost from 190 to 170

    • Build time from 19 to 17


  • This change helps resolve the long range damage disparity between Grenadiers and Conscript. As a result, Conscripts can now engage Grenadiers on more equal footing.

    • Mosin Nagant accuracy from 0.45/0.35/0.25 to 0.45/0.39/0.30

    • Moving accuracy from 0.4 to 0.5

  • This change better aligns the risk vs. reward of using assault type weapons. More damage will be inflicted on approach to counter the received damage.

    • PPSH moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.8

Partisans and Irregulars

  • This maintains consistency in the functionality of the Partisan LMG42 and DP-28 relative to the Grenadier LMG42 and Guard Riflemen DP-28 upgrade. It also better defines the units long range role.

    • LMG42 weapon profile adjusted to be consistent with changes to Grenadier LMG42

    • DP-28 weapon profile adjusted to function similar to the LMG42

  • This change better aligns the risk vs. reward of using assault type weapons. More damage will be inflicted on approach to counter balance received damage.

    • PPSH moving accuracy from 0.375 to 0.6

  • With the LMG profile adjustments, Irregulars are worth slightly more.

    • Irregulars cost from 180 to 190

    • Reinforcement time from 2.25 to 2.375

Guard Riflemen

  • Guard Riflemen were underperforming for their cost. The range of the PTRS was also inconsistent with other hand held AT weaponry such as the Panzerschreck – which is currently set to 35. This avoids scenarios were skilled players could leverage this range to damage vehicles without taking reciprocating fire. The Mosin Nagant also saw an increase to its long range damage output to reduce the disparity between the Mosin and the Kar 98.

    • Manpower cost from 360 to 330

    • Population from 9 to 8

    • DP-28 rescaled to use the new LMG42 weapon profile

    • DP-28 upgrade cost from 100 MU to 75 MU

    • Guard Mosin Nagant accuracy from 0.7/0.55/0.45 to 0.65/0.58/0.46

    • Guard Mosin Nagant Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.75

    • Guard Mosin Nagant Moving cooldown from 1.25 to 0.5

    • PTRS range from 45 to 40


  • Blitzkrieg enabled German armor to escape potentially deadly situation at a fairly low cost. This placed German armor in a very advantageous position relative to Soviet armor, as they could take greater risk while sustaining lower casualties on average. Other issues, such as awkward movement behavior or unrealistic accuracy, made the ability feel a bit cheap and magical. This change synergizes well with the recent modifications to acceleration, as vehicles will be far more responsive while the ability is active.

    • Now provides 1.6x acceleration

    • Received accuracy modifier from 0.5 to 0.75

    • Speed and accuracy modifier removed

    • Munition cost from 40 to 30


  • The reduction in max speed helps prevent awkward movement behavior on the M3 and M5.

    • Now provides 1.6x acceleration

    • Received accuracy modifier from 0.5 to 0.75

    • Cost from 0 MU to 10 MU


  • Currently, ram is being used as a crowd control measure to disable other vehicles. The intent isn’t for a full health T34 to ram other vehicles; instead, ram should be used when the T34 is near death to highlight its usage as a last resort type ability.

    • No longer causes instant main gun destroyed critical

    • Now has a chance to cause one of the follow criticals to occur: light engine damage, heavy engine damage, immobilization, or main gun destroyed. The chance is weighed such that light engine damage has the highest occurrence where main gun destroyed has the lowest.

Marked Vehicle

  • These changes prevent an issue where units could be destroyed in 1 or 2 hits from multiple marked targets on the enemy vehicle applying simultaneously. It also reduces the impact of the ability as we felt it provided too great an advantage to Soviet armor in the previous state.

    • No longer stacks multiple times

    • Reduced bonus damage modifier from 50% to 35%

Support Team Modifications

A number of modifications were made to support weapons designed to increase their utility on the battle field. For example, heavy machine guns were given increased penetration enabling them to act as a soft counter to light vehicles.

Weapon Teams

  • Previously, weapon teams would receive +25% more damage from all sources. This modifier has been replaced with a +25% received accuracy value. Tank fire and grenades will be less effective vs. weapon teams as a result; small arms fire remains relatively unchanged.

AOE Profiles

  • Very similar to the changes made to grenade AOE profiles. Long and mid-range AOE no longer has a chance to miss its target, the weapon profile damage has been averaged out to compensate. Slight adjustments to AOE radius or distance values were made on a number of support teams to better align them with their intended performance.

105mm Howitzer

  • These changes reduce the viability of artillery saturation on the opposing player’s base. Additionally, howitzers should feel more organic with the changes to reload.

    • Reload time from 2.75 to 2.25-2.75

    • Shots fired per barrage from 12 to 6

    • Crew size from 3 to 4

152mm Howitzer

  • These changes reduce the viability of artillery saturation on the opposing player’s base. Additionally, howitzers should feel more organic with the changes to reload.

    • Shots fired per barrage from 8 to 4

    • Reload time from 3 to 2.8-3.2

    • Barrage recharge time from 120s to 90s

    • Crew size from 3 to 4

PAK 40

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.

    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04

    • Reload time from 2.9 to 2.7-3.1

    • Penetration from 170 to 190

PAK 43

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.

    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04

    • Reload time from 3.65 to 3.5-3.8

    • Penetration from 400 to 340

    • Crew size from 3 to 4

    • Population from 21 to 18

    • Now has hold fire

ZIS 76mm Field Gun

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns. The damage output of the ZIS Field Gun barrage will now feel more consistent as a result of the new AOE profiles.

    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04

    • Penetration from 170 to 180

B4 203mm Howitzer

  • Adjusted performance of B4 to be more in line with the ISU-152.

    • Direct fire penetration from 1000 to 300

    • Direct fire is now on a shared recharge timer with barrage and precision strike

    • Recharge timer on barrage from 55 to 60


  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game.

    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.2/1.8/1.4

53K 45mm AT Gun

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.

    • Accuracy from 0.03/0.0425/0.055 to 0.04/0.05/0.06

    • Reload time from 2.625 to 2.5-2.75


  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game. Refactored the performance of the Dshk HMG and resulting cost to make it easier to field.

    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.5/2.0/1.5

    • Armor piercing rounds now provides 3x penetration rather than an additional +9 penetration at all ranges

    • Properly received the +25% received accuracy like all other team weapons

    • Damage from 12 to 10

    • Manpower cost from 360 to 300

Maxim HMG

  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game.

    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 1.6/1.4/1.2

Vehicle Top Gunner

Increased damage output of vehicle top gunners, previously the upgrade added little value to the unit. The cost has been increased to better account for the value of this upgrade.

German Mounted MG42

  • Munition cost from 30 to 50

Soviet Mounted Dshk

  • Munition cost from 30 to 60

Vehicle Modifications

A number of modifications were made to medium and heavy vehicles to better align the units relative to one another. German vehicle penetration tended to be fairly high, resulting in a devaluation of Soviet armor values. These changes also seek to solidify unit roles and remove any ineffective units from the game.

AOE Profiles

  • Very similar to the changes made to grenade AOE profiles. Long and mid-range AOE no longer has a chance to miss its target, the weapon profile damage has been averaged out to compensate. Slight adjustments to AOE radius or distance values were made on a number of vehicles to better align them with their intended performance.


  • The goal was to better distinguish light, medium and heavy vehicles from one another. By increasing the applicable speed range, we can better define light vehicle mobility relative to heavier units. Vehicle acceleration has also been adjusted to accomplish this goal.

    • Increased max speed by 1.2, tuned rotation to ensure smooth pathing

    • Negative cover from 1.4x to 1.5x max speed; vehicles move faster on roads

    • Adjusted vehicle terrain performance based on type. For example, vehicles with tracks can move through heavy and light cover easier than wheeled vehicles.

    • Acceleration is now properly functioning within the game; previously, vehicles incorrectly used deceleration to define the rate at which they accelerated, resulting in near instant max speed.

Vehicle Penetration

  • Vehicle penetration is now based on distance to target. High velocity weapons have a lower drop off than low velocity. High explosive weapons do not drop off over distance.

Vehicle Criticals

  • Engine damage criticals will only occur on the front or rear armor of a vehicle depending on engine position. For example, a Panzer IV no longer receives an engine critical if hit from the front. However, this does not impact weapons like the AT grenade which force criticals. Main gun destroyed criticals function in a similar manner, a SU-85 can no longer gain a main gun destroyed from a rear penetrating shot.

  • Rear armor hits now display a kicker to indicate to the player that the enemy tank has been exposed; similar to Company of Heroes.

222 Scout Car

  • The armor reduction increases the vulnerability of the Scout Car to small arms fire, increasing the overall risk associated with its use vs. these targets. The fuel increase furthers the risk to the player’s tech progression and overall use of this unit en masse.

    • Armor from 11 to 9

    • Manpower cost from 240 to 210

    • Fuel cost from 10 to 15

Panzer IV

  • The Panzer IV will continue to dominate the T34 in the anti-armor role but will perform worse versus infantry. That said, compared to the Panther, the Panzer IV does perform better vs. soft targets including infantry and light vehicles.

    • Armor from 160 to 180

    • Rear armor from 80 to 90

    • Reload from 5.75 to 5.3-5.7


  • Relative to the Panzer IV, the Ostwind performs extremely well vs. soft targets but is vulnerable to other medium vehicles. Relative to the T70, the Ostwind provides greater fire power at reduced mobility and increased durability. It also provides anti-air support.

    • Armor from 105 to 110

    • Rear armor from 52.5 to 55

    • Penetration from 35 to 40

    • Cooldown from 0.6 to 0.5-0.7

    • Distance scatter max from 2.15 to 2.9

    • Manpower from 320 to 280

    • Fuel from 115 to 100


  • The StuG III G fulfills the role of assault gun. These changes make it more effective vs. infantry and slightly worse versus medium and heavy vehicles. Relative to the T34, the StuG III G provides extremely high damage output but is fairly vulnerable to being flanked.

    • Armor from 160 to 140

    • Rear armor from 80 to 70

    • Penetration from 140 to 120

    • Health from 480 to 400

    • Reload time from 4 to 3.5-4.5

    • Distance scatter max from 6.5 to 4

    • Scatter angle from 7.5 to 5

    • Manpower from 280 to 230

    • Fuel from 95 to 80


  • The short barrel of the StuG III E makes it ideal vs. soft targets. An assault gun dedicated more towards the anti-infantry role relative to the StuG III G; these changes drastically improve its performance relative to cost.

    • Armor from 120 to 140

    • Rear armor from 35 to 70

    • Health from 320 to 400

    • Reload from 5.25 to 3.2-3.8

    • Manpower 160 to 200

    • Fuel from 55 to 75


  • The Panther provides the perfect combination of mobility and anti-tank capacity, making it the ideal counter to heavy armor. Its cutting edge suspension enables it to easily traverse even the roughest of terrain, enabling it to execute flanking maneuvers on unsuspecting armor.

    • Penetration from 170 to 240

    • Rear armor from 112.5 to 110

    • Reload from 6.45 to 5.8-6.7

    • Health from 960 to 800

    • Manpower from 520 to 490

    • Fuel from 145 to 175

    • Vet 2 now provides 10% armor and 160 health


  • Relative to the StuG III G, the Brummbar provides unparalleled infantry support and remains effective vs. medium vehicles.

    • Armor from 200 to 210

    • Rear armor from 87.5 to 105

    • Penetration from 75 to 120

    • Reload from 8.25 to 7.5-9

    • Distance scatter max from 1 to 4

    • Manpower from 560 to 470

    • Fuel from 140 to 160

    • Build time from 60 to 55


  • The increased recharge timer offsets higher than desired artillery saturation.

    • Recharge time from 54 to 90


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle. Additionally, the new AOE profile on the Tiger has significantly increased its anti-infantry performance.

    • Rear armor from 250 to 180

    • Penetration from 154 to 200

    • Reload from 5 to 4.7-5.3

    • Manpower from 720 to 640

    • Fuel from 200 to 230


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.

    • Penetration from 170 to 400

    • Scatter angle from 7.5 to 5

    • Reload from 8.55 to 8-9

    • Health from 1280 to 1040

    • Now has hold fire

M3A1 Scout Car

  • The intent was to increase the durability of the M3A1 to better balance the risk vs. reward that comes with the use of this unit. The added penetration on the top gunner will increase the performance of this unit vs. other lightly armored units, such as the 222 Scout Car or 251 Half-track. Additionally, we wanted to increase the impact of fielding light vehicles on the player’s tech progression.

    • Penetration on front gunner from 1/1/1 to 3.5/2.5/1.5

    • Health from 180 to 200

    • Manpower cost from 230 to 190

    • Fuel cost from 5 to 10

M5 Half-track

  • Penetration was added to both the 50 cal and Quad mounted gunner to bring this units performance in line with changes to other heavy weapons (MG42, Maxim, etc).

    • Penetration on front gunner from 1/1/1 to 3.5/2.5/1.5

    • Quad penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.5/2.0/1.5


  • The T70 saw a number of changes to bring it in line with other light vehicles. The new AOE profiles improve the damage output of the T70 vs. infantry. Additionally, its mobility was improved to better enable its recon role and offensive capacities. This unit functions as a very effective hit and run unit or on the flank.

    • Armor from 55 to 70

    • Manpower from 160 to 200

    • Reload from 2.15 to 1.8-2.2

    • Fuel from 55 to 70


  • The goal was to improve the anti-armor capacity of the T34 to open up the number of viable strategies available to Soviets. We wanted to improve the appeal of the third building by reducing its dependence on additional anti-tank units. Relative to the Panzer IV, the T34 will lose the majority of engagements unless it is able to capitalize on its superior mobility. However, the T34 outperforms the Panzer IV against soft targets. The previously low armor of the T34 provided it very little protection against most German anti-tank sources; the increase to 150 significantly changes this relationship.

    • Armor from 115 to 150

    • Rear armor from 70 to 75

    • Reload from 4.75 to 6.2-6.8

    • Damage from 120 to 160

    • Manpower from 280 to 310

    • Build time from 45 to 50

    • Fuel from 85 to 100

    • Penetration from 80 to 100


  • Similar to the T34 in role, the T34-85 has gained a significant increase in anti-tank performance.

    • Armor from 124 to 160

    • Rear armor from 70 to 80

    • Penetration from 120 to 140

    • Reload time from 6 to 6-6.3

    • Manpower from 360 to 400

    • Fuel from 130 to 140

    • Double T34-85 call in manpower from 680 to 740

    • Double T34-85 call in fuel from 240 to 260


  • The SU-76 fulfills the role of indirect fire support as well as anti-tank support. The AOE profile changes have improved the performance of its barrage, making it better suited at indirect fire vs. stationary targets.

    • Armor from 100 to 70

    • Rear armor from 50 to 35

    • Penetration from 93 to 100

    • Damage from 80 to 120

    • Reload from 2.375 to 2.9-3.4

    • Min range from 5 to 0

    • Scatter angle from 5.5 to 5

    • Distance scatter max from 10 to 4.7

    • Manpower cost from 160 to 210

    • Fuel cost from 55 to 75


  • The SU-85 has been made more potent vs. medium and heavy armor while seeing a slight reduction in its durability. The mobility of the SU-85 has also been slightly improved to counter act the increase in mobility to other medium tanks.

    • Armor from 180 to 140

    • Rear armor from 80 to 70

    • Penetration from 170 to 190

    • Reload time from 4 to 3.8-4.2

    • Manpower from 320 to 340

    • Fuel from 115 to 120

    • Now has hold-fire


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle. The IS-2’s anti-infantry capabilities have been reduced and compensated with increased anti-armor.

    • Armor from 325 to 340

    • Rear armor from 225 to 205

    • Penetration from 170 to 220

    • Damage from 240 to 160

    • Reload from 9 to 6.2-6.6

    • Distance scatter max from 2.86 to 5.7

    • Manpower from 760 to 640

    • Fuel from 240 to 230


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.

    • Armor from 200 to 310

    • Rear armor from 100 to 155

    • Penetration from 150 to 230

    • Reload from 10 to 9-11

    • Health from 960 to 1040

    • Distance scatter max from 13.2 to 8.7

    • Manpower from 760 to 720

    • Now has hold fire


  • The potency of its main gun has been increased in a similar manner to that of the T34. The KV-1 functions as a heavier variant to the T34 which is better able to engage medium armor. The KV-1 is also more accurate on the move vs. infantry than the T34, making it slightly more effective against soft targets.

    • Rear armor from 120 to 145

    • Reload from 4.75 to 6.2-6.8

    • Damage from 120 to 160

    • Health from 960 to 720

    • Manpower from 440 to 370

    • Moving scatter penalty from 2 to 1.75


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.

  • Rear armor from 87.5 to 180

    • Penetration from 140 to 180

    • Damage from 320 to 240

    • Reload time from 16.75 to 10-12

    • Health from 960 to 800

    • Distance scatter max from 1 to 7.4

    • Manpower from 440 to 630

    • Fuel from 250 to 230


  • The KV-8 saw a significant decrease in its health to better align its performance to cost.

    • Rear armor from 120 to 145

    • Health from 960 to 720


  • The increased recharge timer offsets higher than desired artillery saturation. Its recharge is still lower than the Panzerwerfer to better represent its distributed saturation.

    • Recharge time from 60 to 70

Pacing and Tech Progression

The higher cost on the T70 and SU-76 this update meant that a lower cost on T3 and T4 could be implemented.

Tankoviy Battalion Command

  • Manpower cost from 275 to 240

  • Fuel from 140 to 120

Mechanized Armor Kampaneya

  • Manpower cost from 275 to 240

  • Fuel from 140 to 120

Bug Fixes

A number of minor bugs were fixed to improve gameplay.

German 105mm Howitzer

  • Now properly set to 8 command points

Panzer Grenadier Jaeger Infantry Package

  • Now has speech attached to the upgrade

  • Now requires friendly territory for upgrade

  • Now provides Interrogation ability


  • Acceleration was not properly being read by the engine, resulting in the value being ignored. This is no longer the case.


  • Now automatically fire when in cover

Tiger Ace

  • Target weak point no longer requires the Tiger to face the target


Updates for July 31st, 2014


M2HB .50 Cal previously had a +25% accuracy modifier instead of the intended +25% received accuracy modifier
Adjusted the vet modifiers of the KV-1 to reflect its intended performance enhancements
Lowered the accuracy modifier of paratroopers from 1.4 to 1.25 to account for the squad healing which was added to veterancy level 2
Elite Riflemen required population text on the dispatch ability now correctly states 7 population cost
Sturm Officer population text on the dispatch ability now correctly states the 6 population cost
WC51 Dodge recharge time set from 6 to 30 seconds
Greyhound recharge time set from 6 to 45 seconds
UI reticle for riflemen flares set from 35 to 30 to better represent its area of effect

Rocket Artillery
Our intent is to better align the performance of rocket artillery between the factions while maintaining some of their unique characteristics. In a previous update, we significantly increased the performance of the Katyusha to bring it in line with its counter-parts. However, its damage versus buildings ended up being higher than intended. Our goal was to lower building damage while increasing performance versus vehicles and maintaining its current performance versus infantry. Although damage has been set back to 80, the AOE modifiers on these units have been modified to retain the same damage profile versus soft targets.

These changes will retain the Katyusha’s current lethality versus infantry, increase its performance versus vehicles, and lower its performance vs. buildings. The delay in pay-load delivery provides the Katyusha with the ability to deny an area for short periods of time, while its long range and precision fire ability allow it to annihilate high priority units on the battle field.
Damage from 160 to 80
Mid AOE damage from 45 to 28
Deflected shots now deal 20 damage
Ability recharge time from 70 to 110 seconds

In contrast to the Katyusha, the Panzerwerfer trades range and area denial for damage concentration. This increased rocket saturation increases its barrage lethality, while its counter barrage ability punishes nearby artillery. Given the Panzerwerfer has a slightly higher tech cost, we have enabled it to fire its barrage more frequently.
Damage from 160 to 80
Mid AOE damage from 56 to 28
Deflected shots now deal 20 damage
Ability recharge time from 70 to 100 seconds

SdKfz 251 "Stuka zu Fuß" Half-track
The Stuka provides the user with greater fidelity, allowing them to better coordinate their barrage against the enemy. Given the Stuka uses the largest caliber rocket, its deflection damage was increased to 40 to better reflect its intended potency versus armored units.
Deflected shots now deal 40 damage


Some Things and Some Stuff: A Short Update - Otherwise Known as updates for August 14th, 2014

Luftwaffe Medkit Drop
Crates can no longer explode
Crates can now be picked up by enemy players

Luftwaffe Supply Drop
Crates can no longer explode
Crates can now be picked up by enemy players


Update September 9th, 2014

War Spoils

War spoil optimizations will result in greater item variation; previously some item categories were weighed heavier than intended resulting in a greater drop frequency. e.g. face plates. In addition, we have enhanced the player’s ability to sort and filter items within the inventory. A new Wehrmacht commander has also been added to the game. It focuses on infiltration tactics, territory control, and offensive maneuvers.


Wehrmacht Encirclement Doctrine added to store
Soviet Tank Hunter Tactics added to store

War Spoils

Wehrmacht Encirclement Doctrine added to war spoils
Added 40 new bulletins to war spoils
Added 4 new victory strikes to war spoils

Players are now able to hide duplicates items in their inventory
Players can now organize items within the inventory in alphabetical order

AI Opponent Updates
AI squads now move to ability max range before starting an ability. This prevents the AI from throwing grenades at the position the target was at when it started moving to ability range.
AI barrage abilities now target squads instead of position when the ability was started.
AI min army units is now compared against offensive squads that can move and not all squads. This fixes an issue with the OKW counting base flak defenses and trucks and thinking their army was too big.
Fix uninitialized variables in AITaskRetreatState that caused squads to sometimes wait forever to retreat.
Fixed an issue of AI not paradropping team weapons on Easy difficulty.
Improved AI use of Sturm Tiger reload ability.

Map Rotation Spotlight
As part of our continued support of community created content, we have incorporated five community maps into the custom game list. Our goal is to incorporate more community created maps in the future, so make sure to submit your work into the Steam Workshop as it may be featured next!

Custom Game Maps
Added (2-4) Overgrowth
Added (2-4) Karelia Summer
Added (4-6) Lemberg Fall 1944
Added (6-8) Pinsk Marshes
Added (6-8) Narva River
Units and Abilities

Our intent with changes to units or abilities focuses on broadening the variation in tactics and strategies, while reducing the potential for undesirable or uninteresting gameplay.

Guard Riflemen DP-28 ‘Button’

The intent of these changes is to provide the opposing player an opportunity to react and counter the usage of button. Currently, the ability is very one sided, it provides the Soviet player with a quick and easy to execute vehicle snare without much counterplay in-between. By providing the opposing player with a way to react, the counter-play relative to unit positioning is better defined, thus reducing the receiving player’s frustration when the ability is executed.
Speed reduction from 0.1 to 0.33
Added rotation reduction of 0.33
Acceleration from 0.1 to 0.5
Deceleration from 8 to 2
Main gun set to active
Main gun rate of fire set to fire 1.56x slower

Pack Howitzer
Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target

Dodge WC51
Our intent was to delay the dispatch of this unit in an effort to provide the opposing player more time to prepare for light armor.
Command point cost from 0 to 1

M20 Utility Car
Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
Build time from 60 to 45 seconds

M5A1 Stuart
The functionality of Shell Shock was modified in a number of ways to reduce its potency versus medium and heavy vehicles. Previously, the ability afforded the Stuart a great deal of flexibility in what targets it could frontally engage, limiting the need to flank with the unit. The reduced penetration of Shell Shock helps elevate this issue, while still retaining the value of the ability through deflections. Additionally, the Stuart’s build time was reduced as it is no longer required to regulate the pacing of the unit.
Build time from 75 to 50 seconds
AOE penetration from 60/30/15 to 30/22.5/20
Shell shock stun duration from 5 to 3 seconds
Shell shock ready aim time from 0.125 to 0.25-0.5
Shell shock AOE penetration from 0 to 30/22.5/20
Shell shock penetration from 180/100/30 to 60/45/40
Shell shock turret traverse speed from 100 to 52
Shell shock reload from 1.5 to 1.75
Shell shock deflection damage from 20 to 0
Shell shock scatter modified to match main gun scatter
Shell shock range distance modifiers set to match main gun range distance

Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target

M4A3 Sherman
Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
Build time from 75 to 55 seconds

105mm Sherman
Modified the main gun behavior such that it functions similar to the M8A1 HMC. The gun will now use an arced shot as opposed to directly firing upon its targets. This enables the unit to fire over certain objects, but also adds a small delay to its time on impact. The added time to impact was an intentional addition which provides the opposing player more room to maneuver and therefore mitigate the damage they take from these potentially squad wiping shots. Since the opposing player now has a means of mitigating the damage, the overall impact of the shell has been increased.
Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target
AOE radius from 4.5 to 5.5

M36 Jackson
Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
Build time from 90 to 60 seconds

M4A3E8 Sherman
The Easy Eight was previously over performing for its cost, its cost was increased to better reflect its in-game value.
Manpower cost increased from 380 to 400
Fuel cost increased from 135 to 145

Osttruppen have seen a drastic increase in their performance, they are now effective at mid to long ranges.
Near accuracy from 0.45 to 0.55
Mid accuracy from 0.4 to 0.52
Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.49
Near aim time modifier from 0.125 to 0.375
Far aim time modifier from 4 to 3.25
Near cooldown modifier from 0.125 to 0.25
Modified cover modifiers to match Grenadier KAR 98
Accuracy cover bonus from 2 to 3
Added a received accuracy modifier of 1.25

Panzer Grenadiers
We wanted to better establish the mid-range role of this unit. We lowered its short range damage output and increased its mid range performance. Additionally, we further increased its durability to reduce damage received on approach.
Received accuracy modifier from 0.87 to 0.8
Near accuracy from 0.56 to 0.5
Near range distance from 8 to 5
Mid range distance from 16 to 19

Modified the main gun behavior such that it functions similar to the M8A1 HMC. The gun will now use an arced shot as opposed to directly firing upon its targets. This enables the unit to fire over certain objects, but also adds a small delay to its time on impact. The added time to impact was an intentional addition which provides the opposing player more room to maneuver and therefore mitigate the damage they take from these potentially squad wiping shots. Since the opposing player now has a means of mitigating the damage, the overall impact of the shell has been increased.
Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target
AOE radius from 5 to 6
Angle scatter from 7.5 to 6
Distance scatter max from 4 to 2.5
Armor from 210 to 260
Target Weak Point replaced with Bunker Busting Barrage

Teller Mines
This removes the possibility of the mine instantly destroying the M36 or M10, something we viewed as undesirable and overly frustrating to the opposing player.
Damage from 500 to 400
Cost from 60 to 50 ammunition

Riegel AT mine
We lowered the damage of the Riegel AT mine to maintain the differences in behavior relative to the Teller.
Damage from 400 to 320
Cost from 60 to 50 ammunition
Luftwaffe Medical Supplies
No longer provides healing during combat; resumes healing once squad is out of combat
Removed bonus damage and armor modifiers
Added received accuracy modifier of 0.87
Added accuracy modifier of 1.15

The previous update increased the suppression of the MG34 to a level slightly higher than the MG42. Our intent with this change is to positon the MG34 slightly below the MG42, in regards to both damage output and suppression.
Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.68
Rate of fire from 14 to 12
Rate of fire far modifier from 1 to 0.9
Focus fire from true to false
Reload duration from 8 to 6
Setup duration from 2 to 3 seconds
Nearby suppression radius from 12 to 11.5
Suppression from 0.0159 to 0.012

le.IG 18 Infantry Support Gun
Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target
Sturmpioneer Medical Supplies
No longer enables healing during combat

Jaeger Light Infantry
We wanted to better define the role of the Jaeger Light Infantry as a recon unit while improving its provided utility to the player. The single G43 rifle enables the squad to ‘snipe’ enemy infantry, performing effectively at long range. Combined with its above average sight range, ability to spawn behind enemy lines, and booby trap ability, this squad enables the player to harass the opposing players infantry and economy.
Squad no longer fully equipped with the G43 rifle; base rifle switched to KAR 98
Squad now equipped with one G43 sniper rifle; instantly kill entities at or below 75% health on hit
Added ‘Infiltration Tactics Grenade’ ability to the squad
Manpower cost from 340 to 300

We converted the unit’s armor into received accuracy, as received accuracy blends in better with the current structure of infantry combat. Units can negate the received accuracy through veterancy and positioning; whereas, armor is only negated through penetration which heavy weapons possess. Additionally, the damage of the KAR 98 was increased to offset the damage reduction on the LMG34.
KAR 98 damage from 14 to 16
Armor from 1.25 to 1
Received accuracy modifier from 0.87 to 0.7

This change is geared towards improving the suppressive performance of the Kubelwagen versus larger groups of units. Previously, it was too easily overwhelmed and therefore failed to function as a reliable suppression platform. The unit still retains its vulnerability to flanking and anti-tank weaponry, requiring the user to be mindful of its limited firing arc and position.
Population cost from 4 to 6
Mid accuracy from 0.55 to 0.5
Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.16
Rate of fire from 8 to 12
Moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.75
Moving burst multiplier from 0.1 to 0.5
Moving cooldown multiplier from 0.125 to 0.25
Range from 35 to 40
Mid range distance from 20 to 25
Far range distance from 35 to 40
Nearby suppression multiplier from 0.6 to 0.75
Nearby suppression radius from 10 to 12
Suppression from 0.008 to 0.0053
Firing arc from 45 degrees to 30 degrees

251 Flak Half-track
This unit suffered from extremely low life expectancy due to its unresponsiveness when engaged by a threat. By removing the tear down, the unit is less likely to be destroyed by an advancing threat. However, the increased setup time prevents the player from using this unit in an overly aggressive manner, reinforcing its design as a defensive platform.
Setup time from 3 to 4 seconds
Tear down time from 2 to 0 seconds

Panther Variants
The Panther currently under performs within the current meta. We attribute this largely to the addition of new counters, such as the M36, as well as the high research cost associated to unlocking this unit. Overall, the unit did not feel like a reliable counter to medium armor. We believed this to be a result of its low accuracy and durability. Our intent is to reposition the Panther as an effective counter to medium and heavy vehicles. It should be a dominating force when engaging in a frontal assault, but remain vulnerable when flanked from the rear.
Frontal armor from 290 to 320
OKW Panther accuracy from 0.025/0.0375/0.05 to 0.035/0.045/0.06
Wehrmacht Panther accuracy from 0.025/0.0375/0.05 to 0.03/0.045/0.06

The Sturmtiger previously suffered from a number of usability issues related to its ability to hit its target. The shell tended to collide prematurely with world objects resulting in an unintended ignition of the ammunition. By modifying the shell to ignore shot blocking and pierce, these occurrences will no longer occur. However, this has resulted in an improvement to the unit’s efficiency and utility, as it can now be used to fire through anything within the world.
Now ignores shot blocking
Now pierces through world objects
Barrage can no longer be used on a specific target; it will only take a position within the world. This prevents it from homing in on a selected unit.
Barrage range from 45 to 40

Increased the projectile speed of the main gun to improve the visuals and responsiveness
Off-maps and Loiters
Off-maps with the loiter functionality will now display their activation zone, illustrating potential dangers on the battle field.

Loiter Abilities
Now display an in-game reticle which reveals the engagement zone of the plane

P47 Rocket Strafe
We added a second P47 Thunderbolt to reduce the extremes this off-map tended to produce. Previously, it was either fairly effective or would completely miss its target. This change makes the off-map feel more consistent in terms of damage output while also providing the opposing player the opportunity to react before losing a unit.
Now dispatches two P47 Thunderbolts
Second plane dispatched 4 seconds after first
Damage from 160 to 80
Plane attack delay from 5 to 8 seconds
Number of attacks per plane from 2 to 3
Time range between planes maximum from 10 to 4
Recharge time from 60 to 120 seconds

Stuka Suppression Run
The recharge timer was significantly increased to prevent the player from pinning the opposing player into their base. Additionally, the cost was increased to better reflect the value of this ability.
Recharge duration from 93 to 180 seconds
Cost from 120 to 150 ammunition
USF 155mm Howitzer Off-map
This change prevents the destruction of a full health OKW base structure.
Shells fired from 15 to 12
Damage from 130 to 120

OKW 105mm Howitzer Off-map
Adjusted the performance of this ability so it no longer destroys the USF base when used at maximum potency. Also reduced the length of time it can deny an area by reducing the total shell count and activation time of each salvo in the barrage.
Increased required ammunition for each additional salvo by 200
Reduced the number of shells fired from each additional salvo from 15 to 5
Barrage radius now tightens as it progresses to each new tier
Ability no longer triggers if ammunition requirement is met at a later point in the game

Prioritize Vehicles
We have created a new ability similar to hold fire which enables the user to restrict main gun fire based on target type. For example, an Elefant with priority targeting activated would no longer fire on infantry; instead, the unit would only engage vehicles. This greatly enhances the usability of a unit by restricting unwanted vehicle rotation and enhancing weapon efficiency.

Prioritize Vehicles
Added a new ability on anti-tank units which only restricts fire against non-vehicle targets. This should greatly improve the usability of these units as they will now only fire on vehicles when set to this restricted firing state.

Hand Held AT
Our intent is to reduce the accuracy of hand held AT versus infantry, reducing the number of killing blows it is capable of dealing. Additionally, we want to put a greater emphasis on positioning the squad as close as possible to the opposing armored unit; discouraging the use of these weapon types at max range.

M9 Bazooka
Accuracy reduced from 0.03/0.0425/0.055 to 0.025/0.0375/0.05
Weapon scatter increased as it was previously too tight, resulting in frequently missed shots resulting in a hit versus armored targets. The increased scatter also reduces the likelihood of a shot hitting a stationary squad.
Angle scatter from 7.5 to 18
Distance scatter max from 10 to 14

Weapon scatter increased as it was previously too tight, resulting in frequently missed shots resulting in a hit versus armored targets. The increased scatter also reduces the likelihood of a shot hitting a stationary squad.
Angle scatter from 7.5 to 16
Distance scatter max from 10 to 15
Weapon Priority Tuning
Weapon priority determines what target is automatically engaged when a unit is not given an explicit attack order. We have modified the values of each weapon such that it more intuitively engages targets of interest relative to its effectiveness.

Modified Units
Panzer IV
Panzer IV Command
222 Scout Car
M4C Sherman

Unit Weapon Priority Modifications
This increases the perceived value of these units, increasing the likelihood they will be automatically targeted by another unit.

Suggested Target
Explicit user orders will now always be executed so long as sight is maintained and no shot blocker is present to prevent the shot from being fired.
Suggested target weapon priority set to 1000

Infantry Combat Tuning
The intent of these changes is to better define the strengths and weaknesses of each core unit relative to one another. We wanted to better define how each core unit should engage their perspective targets. For example, in a Grenadier vs. Riflemen match up, the Grenadiers want to maintain range. This is now a valid tactic, where in the past it was not. An integral element to this iteration is the introduction of received accuracy in place of raw damage. This was used in instances where additional fire power was not necessary in maintaining the established unit relationships. For example, Grenadier long range fire power is high enough to establish the unit’s relative relationship with other units, allowing us to increase their durability instead. As a by-product of this shift, short and mid range units should have an easier time closing in on their target.

LMG Weapon Profiles
We adjusted the LMG profile by scaling its damage output down. We found that the value of long range damage, which the LMG was designed around, was more valuable than we had previously anticipated. In addition to scaling the weapon down, we lowered the damage output at short and mid ranges to make the unit more vulnerable to other units that excel at these ranges.
Near accuracy from 0.62 to 0.56
Mid accuracy from 0.5 to 0.45
Far accuracy from 0.44 to 0.39
Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
Weapon Rack M1919
Near accuracy from 0.64 to 0.57
Mid accuracy from 0.52 to 0.47
Far accuracy from 0.47 to 0.42
Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
Suppression from 0.004 to 0
Paratrooper M1919
Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.53
Mid accuracy from 0.48 to 0.43
Far accuracy from 0.43 to 0.38
Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
Suppression from 0.006 to 0
Grenadier LMG42
Near accuracy from 0.56 to 0.5
Mid accuracy from 0.44 to 0.39
Far accuracy from 0.38 to 0.33
Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
Obersoldaten MG34
Near accuracy from 0.57 to 0.51
Mid accuracy from 0.45 to 0.4
Far accuracy from 0.39 to 0.34
Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
Browning Assault Rifle
Damage output was reduced at long range to reinforce this weapon’s short to mid range role. Previously, equipping the BAR enabled Riflemen to excel at long range relative to other infantry, reducing the importance of positioning when using this weapon upgrade.
Near accuracy from 0.65 to 0.56
Mid accuracy from 0.5 to 0.44
Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.3
Mid rate of fire modifier from 1.16 to 1
Far rate of fire modifier from 1.33 to 1
Mid cooldown modifier from 1 to 1.25
Far cooldown modifier from 1.25 to 1.5

SMG Weapon Profile
We found that effective use of a SMG weapon required the user to fire at near point blank ranges. This increased the difficulty in properly executing this weapon against opposing units. By modifying the weapon’s range distance, we are able to ease this requirement therefore improving usability. Consequently, the performance of the listed SMG weapons has been improved.

Partisan PPSH
Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.7
Wehrmacht Weapon Crews MP40
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 15 to 17

Captain Thompson
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 16 to 19

Conscript PPSH
Moving accuracy from 0.8 to 0.75

Assault Grenadier MP40
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 16 to 17

Assault Engineer M3
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 14 to 18
Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.75
Rate of fire near modifier from 0.7777 to 1
Rate of fire far modifier from 1 to 0.7777

USF Weapon Crews M3
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 14 to 18

Paratrooper Thompson
Range distance near from 8 to 10
Range distance mid from 16 to 19

Intended to excel at long range
Highest long range damage output for its tier
Abilities load out geared towards long range combat
Vulnerable at short range to all other unit types
Versus Conscripts
Advantaged at long ranges
Even at mid ranges
Disadvantaged at short ranges
Versus Riflemen
Slightly disadvantaged at long ranges
Disadvantaged at mid ranges
Disadvantaged at short ranges
Near accuracy from 0.7 to 0.65
Mid accuracy from 0.65 to 0.575
Far accuracy from 0.6 to 0.52
Far aim time multiplier from 4 to 3.25
Near cooldown modifier from 0.125 to 0.25
Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.91

Performs moderately well at long range combat
Extremely vulnerable at short range, moderately vulnerable at mid-range
Versus Riflemen
Disadvantaged at long ranges
Extremely disadvantaged at short-mid ranges
Versus Conscripts
Advantaged at long ranges
Disadvantaged at mid ranges
Disadvantaged at short ranges
Mid accuracy from 0.6 to 0.62
Far accuracy from 0.55 to 0.59
Moving cooldown from 1 to 1.5

Excels at short-mid ranges
Vulnerable at long ranges
Versus Riflemen
Disadvantaged at long ranges
Advantaged at mid ranges
Advantaged at short ranges
Versus Conscripts
Disadvantaged at long ranges
Advantaged at mid ranges
Advantaged at short ranges
Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.87
Near range distance from 8 to 3
Mid range distance from 16 to 15
Far mid distance from 35 to 28

Performs modestly at mid to short range, does not excel at any range
Ability load out geared towards short-mid
Vulnerable to long range units
Versus Grenadiers
Disadvantaged at long ranges
Even at mid ranges
Advantaged at short ranges
Versus Sturmpioneers
Advantaged at long ranges
Disadvantaged at mid ranges
Disadvantaged at short ranges
Near accuracy from 0.45 to 0.47
Mid accuracy from 0.39 to 0.43
Far accuracy from 0.3 to 0.29
Near range distance from 4 to 0
Mid range distance from 20 to 25
Added a received accuracy modifier of 1.087

Performs moderately at all ranges; excels against other rifled units at short-mid
Vulnerable at long ranges
Versus Grenadiers
Slightly advantaged at long ranges
Advantaged at mid ranges
Advantaged at short ranges
Versus Sturmpioneers
Advantaged at long ranges
Disadvantaged at mid ranges
Disadvantaged at short ranges
Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.62
Mid accuracy from 0.55 to 0.58
Far accuracy from 0.5 to 0.45
Near range distance from 6 to 3
Far cooldown modifier from 1 to 1.25
Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.97
Build time from 25 to 28 seconds

Bug and Gameplay Fixes

Reload time set to correct value, was unintentionally lowered when the KV-1 was modified
Reload time from 5.2-5.8 to 6.2-6.8 seconds
53K 45mm AT Gun
Target size from 1 to 16; this increases the likelihood of the gun itself being hit when decrewed and manually targeted.
Barrage Abilities
Fixed an issue which caused the main gun to become disabled if the unit’s barrage ability was interrupted before completion. e.g. M8A1 HMC.
Resolved an issue which allowed players to subvert the recharge timer if they canceled the barrage at a certain point in its animation. e.g. B4 Howitzer Barrage
Ability Refunds
Interrupted or canceled abilities now properly refund the cost and reset the cooldown timer of the ability.
Salvage can no longer be activated on a team weapon which is in the process of being recrewed
Reduced sim side delay when a squad is attempting to recrew a weapon; recrewing should occur 0.25 seconds quicker as a result.
Major ‘Establish a Treat Point’ Ability
No longer allows the major to recrew an abandoned vehicle
Resolved a number of gameplay issues related to heavy machine guns. This includes issues with selection, positioning, and retreating.
Unit Speech
Resolves a number of issues related to unit speech or missing speech
Vehicles will now be better at driving through narrow passages, they will be less likely to get stuck
Vehicles will now be less likely to enter a tight spot, thereby reducing the occurrences of on-the-spot pivots
Improved the way three point turns are executed
Improved the way vehicles respond to facing orders


Updates for September 10th, 2014

Bug and Gameplay Fixes

Bug and gameplay fixes aimed at improving usability and functionality within the game.

Brummbar Bunker Busting Barrage
Resolved an issue with the tooltip, previously was showing ‘nokey’

Updated their tooltip description to highlight that they can in fact capture territory
Encirclement ‘Sprint’ Ability

Command point requirement should now properly be set to 0

Infantry Veterancy
Resolved an issue which caused reinforced infantry to not properly received their veterancy modifiers
Game Stability
Resolved two issues which caused the game to crash

Soviet Weapon Teams
Resolved an issue which removed their received accuracy modifier


Update for September 9th, 2014

The following updates to Opponent AI were not included in the notes for Tuesday's update. We apologize for the omission. Those notes have now been updated.

AI squads now move to ability max range before starting an ability. This prevents the AI from throwing grenades at the position the target was at when it started moving to ability range.

AI barrage abilities now target squads instead of position when the ability was started.

AI min army units is now compared against offensive squads that can move and not all squads. This fixes an issue with the OKW counting base flak defenses and trucks and thinking their army was too big.

Fix uninitialized variables in AITaskRetreatState that caused squads to sometimes wait forever to retreat.

Fixed an issue of AI not paradropping team weapons on Easy difficulty.

Improved AI use of Sturm Tiger reload ability.

Updates for September 15th, 2014

Balance Changes
Assault Engineers
Damage from 5 to 4
Near accuracy from 0.63 to 0.55
Resolved an issue which allowed users to fire an infinite barrage
7 Feb 2015, 14:43 PM
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The Epic Amazeballs Massive-Giant Don't Call It A Pumpkin Patch October 29th Update

Possibly our BIGGEST update yet. It's a doozy!

Mod Tools 1.0

Our goal is to release quality tools that enable users to modify Company of Heroes 2 and support their creations through the integration of Steam Workshop. Over the course of the last few months, we have been making foundational changes to our pipeline that decouple our tools and allow users to use the same tools we work with internally. We want to stress that this is the first of many releases to come, with each new release expanding the capabilities of the mod tools. Be sure to provide feedback on our forums as we will be tracking popular requests to further define our support roadmap.

Mod Builder

This tool structures the layout of the user’s mod data, enabling them to package it into a single .sga file for distribution. It will act as the first point of content in creating either a Tuning Pack or Win Condition Mod.
Attribute Editor
The attribute editor tool is used to modify game data. This might include weapon damage, squad load outs, or ability functionality. The Attribute Editor also provides a weapon report excel sheet which provides detailed calculations on the performance of every weapon within the game.
Archive Viewer
The archive viewer is used to extract the contents of .sga files. This is a great tool if you want to open Relic created SCAR scripts to aid you in your creations. For example, you might be interested in how the Victory Point win condition is setup; to view this file you would open it with the Archive Viewer.
Tuning Packs
Tuning packs allow users to modify the majority of game data, this type of mod will be driven by the Attribute Editor.
Win Condition Mods
Win condition mods allow users to create custom scripts that define the parameters of a match. Such parameters might include how the match is won or what resources are available to the player.
Steam Workshop
Access it here!
Attrition Game Mode
Commander, HQ has designated the given territory as a strategic point of interest. Intel indicates that enemy forces are positioned nearby and poised to make an advance. Take and hold the area or eliminate the enemy, the choice is yours.
Each commander is requisitioned a limited number of resources to build and deploy their company with. Since resources are limited, loses must be kept to a minimum.
Commanders have access to almost every unit within a faction, including heavy armor. The only limiting factor is population and resource cost.
Capturing territory increases the team’s population cap.
Typical game length is 8-10 minutes.
Subscribe to Attrition here!

Observer Mode
We wanted to create a feature which enabled players to further engage with the game. The introduction of observer mode will facilitate both casters and players. It provides a tool to better analyze and capture footage as well as spectate for the sake of entertainment and knowledge. We are extremely excited about this feature and hope that excitement is shared throughout the community.

Design for casters to show off the game and for the average player to be able to spectate live matches
Allow users to view replays of others to facilitate the game learning and a sense of community by sharing game experience
Deliver on Relic’s ambition to implement this for COH2 and respond to popular demand from the community
To facilitate the forthcoming ESL tournament
Support the casting and competitive communities
Protect the integrity of the playing experience by having enough of a delay between in-game actions and their observer mode results to prevent cheating (8 min currently)
Work both for Custom Games and Automatch games

Automatch live observation delay set to 8 minutes
Custom game default live observation delay set to 3 minutes
512 concurrent viewers per live match with the ability to scale up to 10’s of thousands for special events like tournament finals
Customized UI
Ability to turn off UI for a cinematic mode
We worked to reduce the overall footprint of the UI to show off more the game
Player data is grouped into sections that allow observer to quickly get the information they seek
Team 1 on the left, Team 2 on the right
Custom games allow players to set options
Observable On/Off
Delay slider (0 to 15 minutes)
Password option to bypass delay
Data Displayed
Commander Trees
Commander abilities and cooldowns
Observing as a Party
You can invite other users to the party
Helps to keep casting teams together so that everyone is watching the game at the same time
Everyone will be kept in sync so if someone speeds up, slows down, or pauses the game
Hot Keys
Toggle taskbar: Control+T
Toggle Resources: Control+R
Toggle FoW: Control+F – coming soon!
Toggle UI: Control+U
Speed up simulation: Equals
Slow down simulation: Minus
Cycle next player RBracket
Cycle previous Player: LBracket
Ctrl + ] or {= to toggle unit decorators of players on the top right or left end of the screen
The technology is integrated with other in progress initiatives like mod support which allows for future observing custom mods of COH2

In-Game Chat Moderation
To help ensure all players are having an enjoyable in-game experience, we rolled out our first phase of in-game chat moderation. This feature can replace certain banned words with new text, remove a word entirely and/or send a ‘whisper’ message coaching the offending party on how to be polite and respective of their fellow players. This feature will see further improvements as we receive feedback on its performance.

Gameplay Improvements
A large portion of the gameplay within Company of Heroes 2 focuses on execution of tactics. This requires units to be both responsive and easily maneuverable. As such, we have been focused on resolving and improving core gameplay to do just that. For clarification, an entity is the individual soldier within a squad; whereas, a squad is the combination of all entities within itself.

Input Delay
Optimized the way commands are managed and stored, reducing input delay by 180 ms on average. This will drastically improve unit responsiveness as a result.

Squad Cover Behavior
Squads will now use a combination of their squad plans and a custom algorithm to align each entity in the relative cover positions. This improves the distribution of the entities in cover.
When hovering the cursor over terrain, squad cover placement in the form of yellow or green dots is shown based on a distance from the cursor’s origin. For example, a value of 5 would factor in all cover locations in a radius of 5 units from the cursors origin. This value was increased in size from 2 to 3 units. This was done to ensure all entities within a squad are able to get into cover, a lower value meant some entities would remain outside of cover when an order to enter cover was given. This does not apply to single entity squads such as snipers and team weapon.
Improved cover generation by increasing the number of cover slots a world object provides. Previously, a number of world objects had too few cover slots, resulting in some entities of a squad receiving no cover bonus.
Improved the direction a squad will choose to face when entering cover relative to the location of nearby enemy units. Given that a number of objects in the world provide directional cover, this improvement helps ensure the squad retains their cover bonus when in combat.
Directional cover is now analyzed on a 2D basis. This prevents scenarios from occurring where entities would not receive their cover bonus.
Reduced the delay entities take to respond to movements by their squad leader. This will result in all entities responding to orders quicker.

Company of Kittens 2: The Tabby Wars

Infantry Reactions
Squad reactions, such as ground dives as a result of explosive weapons, will no longer occur while the squad is moving. Reactions will only apply to stationary squads. This will improve the responsiveness of squads in a combat scenario.

Team Weapons
Team weapons will no longer automatically set up when issued a move order.
Team weapons will automatically setup when an enemy is nearby or the weapon team is attacked.
While moving to their target destination, team weapons will no longer suffer from movement delays when a team member is killed.
Retreating weapon teams will no longer suffer a delay in movement if an entity is killed during the retreat.
Weapon teams can no longer have their retreat broken once the order is issued.
Team weapons caught in suppressive fire will now try to setup and return fire
Team weapons are now allowed to reposition their weapon cone while suppressed
Resolved an issue with carried team weapons which caused the weapons firing arc to positioning the wrong way. This resolves an issue with weapon teams setting up in the wrong direction.
Team weapons no longer require all entities to be near the weapon in order for a setup order to be initiated. This will improve the responsiveness of team weapons in a number of scenarios.
Cover Preview
Default cover is now previewed similar to negative, light, and heavy cover. This provides transparency in regards to where each entity within a squad will go. It also helps players identify what cover types are available in a given area.
UI Improvements
Unit multi-selecting has seen a number of improvements to enhance the player’s capacity to understand which unit is currently selected when sub-selected within a larger group of units. The mini-map will now differentiate between all selected units and the current sub-selected unit by highlighting the sub-selected unit’s mini-map dot. In-game, sub-selected unit symbols will also highlight relative to other units in the selection group.
Weapon Tracking
Weapons can now track their target while the unit is pivoting; previously the tracking would be delayed resulting in delayed targeting.
Entity Combat Behavior
Entities now respond to threats outside of their firing cone independent of other entities within the squad. Previously, entities would wait until all other entities were ready to fire before engaging. This will reduce the potential delay a squad may incur before firing on a given target.
Projectile Tuning
Modified the behavior of tp_homing_inf projectiles to not collide with a number of world objects such as bushes or light fences. In effect, this change will increase the strength of any weapon using this projectile type. This will impact the reliability of hand held AT like the Bazooka and flak weaponry like the Ostwind or 251 Flak Half-track. These weapon types will no longer continuously hit world objects, thereby missing their targets.
Cover Tuning
These changes work in conjunction with the squad cover behavior modifications. A large cover volume on fences and walls resulted in squads stacking up against each other in rows of 2 or 3’s instead of forming a line.
Adjusted the cover volume size on a number of wall and fence assets
World Object Tuning
Adjusted a number of assets to better align their intended states; i.e. adjusted some assets to no longer block line of sight. These changes will better align player expectation of world objects relative to their impact on gameplay. In other words, a small bush will not block site or prevent a squad from firing over it.
Projectile FX
Updated the visual effects on all small arms weapons to better reflect the size of the caliber and improve the overall visual fidelity. Heavy weapons, such as the M2HB HMG, will be easier to distinguish among nearby small arms fire as a result.
AI Improvements
Our goal is to constantly evolve the AI in such a way that it better reflects the decision making process of a player. This benefits players seeking enjoyment through single player content or skirmishes or those seeking to improve their mastery of the game. It also bridges the gap between a real player and the AI in a multiplayer match; more effectively filling the void left by a dropped player.
AI now uses offensive player abilities like artillery, strafing runs, bombing runs, recon flights, med kits, etc. The AI will only use them on Hard and Expert difficulties.
AI now techs up faster and better, spending less resources on cheap units, especially for OKW and USF.
AI combat evaluation functions now better understand how to attack structures which means the AI no longer gives up building units when it encounters enemy base buildings.
AI combat evaluation functions are better at determining which units are best for killing the enemy and no longer prefer to always build units with the most health and armour. This gets the AI to build a better mix of units instead of always preferring tanks with the heaviest armor.
AI will now engage in Jazz Hands and dancing whenever possible
Single Plane Off-maps
Single plane off-maps such as the IL-2 Precision bombing run or JU-87 Anti-tank Strafe are now directional, allowing the player to control the entry point and flight direction. Players now have more control over the payload delivery, the time-to-impact, and the placement of a strike relative to the environment. Overall, the change to directional placement will make these abilities stronger in smaller maps or when activated near a map edge, but weaker when used in larger maps or away from the map edge. As a result, a number of activation times were increased or decreased to better control how fast these abilities could deliver their payload to the designated target. If the ability time was set too low, the payload could be delivered in less than a second, giving the opposing player little time to react. In some instances it was necessary to modify the way the payload was delivered, this was done to increase the precision of the strafe relative to the information provided by the UI.

JU87 Anti-tank Strafe
In order to ensure the Strafe could effectiveness engage its targets, we tightened up the payload delivery. This removes scenarios where the shots would land to the left or right of the target rather than directly impact the unit. As a result, the lethality of this strafe has gone up considerably, although it does require a higher degree of execution to be effective. Additionally, shots are now dumb-fired; meaning the JU-87 fires off a number of shots within the designated zone without thought to what targets might be hit. This enables it to engage more targets types including structures, infantry, and other world objects.
Ability will now activate 2 second faster
Straightened flight path to reduce stray shots
Tightened firing path to increase accuracy of ability
Adjusted firing zone so shots would be more evenly distributed within the designated area.
Munition cost from 90 to 110
Cooldown from 0.125 to 0.25

JU87 Reconnaissance Pass
The reduced flight velocity is designed to provide sight on the ground for an extended period of time. This increased effectiveness resulted in a slight cost adjustment.
Ability will now activate 1 second faster
Munition cost from 30 to 35
Flight velocity from 160 to 80
JU87 Anti-Infantry Strafe
Ability will now activate 2 seconds faster
JU87 Fragmentation Bombing Run
This strafe would previously activate instantly, meaning units could be wiped out with nearly no warning. As noted above, this issue was exaggerated when the ability was used close to the map edge.
Ability will now activate 1.99 seconds slower

JU87 Incendiary Bombing Run
Ability will now activate 1.99 seconds slower
Straightened flight path to reduce stray shots
JU87 Smoke Bombing Run
This is a fairly significant improvement in the usability of this ability given players can now control the direction of the smoke. Use this ability to setup offensive maneuvers or cover a tactical retreat.
Aligned payload delivery
Munition cost from 50 to 40

IL-2 Precision Bombing Run
The bombs will now fall one after the other in a linear path. This extends the radius of damage, preventing a single concentrated attack from being executed. This is offset by the introduction of directional behavior which provides more control of how the bombs are distributed.
Ability will now activate 1 second faster
Straightened flight path to better align payload delivery
Plane velocity from 175 to 145
Increased plane flight height to better mimic bomber behavior
Far AOE distance from 5 to 7.5
Mid AOE distance from 3.75 to 5
Damage from 300 to 320
Angle scatter from 5 to 2.5
IL-2 Anti-Tank Bombing Run
Ability will now activate 1.99 seconds slower
IL-2 Sturmovik Attack Advanced
Tightened up firing behavior, reducing stray shots
Angle scatter from 7.5 to 2.5

Ambient Buildings
Our goal is to improve the gameplay value of buildings and reduce the potential frustrations associated with their use. The first step towards achieving this goal is to increase the transparency of a building’s structural integrity. By doing so, players are better equipped to analyze the battle field and its potential assets. Future improvements will focus on gameplay and interaction. This might include improving the functionality of a weapon team within a garrison or providing the player with a better means of identifying each structure type.

Building “panels” now have a real health value, rather than rigid conditional destruction
Buildings can now have independent tuning for their “panel health”
Area of Effect weapons can now have independent tuning for how they damage panels over their AOE
Buildings are now destroyed when 50% of their total panel health is reached, rather than 50% of total panels destroyed
All team weapons which can be garrisoned within a building now share the same setup/re-position time of 4 seconds. This means a MG42 will take 4 seconds to switch windows and begin firing, as opposed to their old functionality which relied on their reload time. This creates more consistent behavior between team weapons and prevents some weapons from having delays as high as 6 or 7 seconds.
Panel Health

All ambient buildings are made up of a number of panels. Panels are meant to represent sections of walls, roofs, and floors and allow pieces of a building to be destroyed while leaving other pieces intact.
Previously, to destroy a panel you needed to meet one of two requirements:
Deal X amount of damage to a panel in a single hit
Deal X/2 damage twice to a panel
Additionally, panels could be immune to certain weapon types (ballistic, explosive, small arms, flame). As a rule, they were immune to small arms.
With this system, panels were either never damaged by certain weapons (Flak Halftrack, etc.) or always killed instantly by certain weapons (IS-2, etc.). Flimsy wooden structures being immune to 20mm weapons and castle-like structures being vaporized by mortars or other HE weapons did not fit within our design vision.
Now, panels have the following properties:
Panels have a maximum health value
Panels have a minimum damage value that must be exceeded before it takes damage
When a panel is dealt damage, it reduces the total health of the panel like other objects in the game
Panels can be immune to certain weapon types
We created three types of building profiles – very_weak, normal, and strong. Each ambient building is assigned one of these profiles and that profile defines their panel properties:
Very_weak buildings have the lowest panel health and the lowest minimum damage required. They are also no longer immune to small arms weapons.
Any building that appears weakly constructed is considered very_weak. A weakly constructed building might contain a thatched roof or poorly aligned wood panels.
Normal buildings are immune to small arms, have higher panel health, and higher minimum damage required.
Buildings that appear well constructed are considered normal. They will typically contain wood paneling and a proper roof structure.
Strong buildings are immune to small arms, have higher panel health, and the same minimum damage as Normal buildings
Buildings made of bricks or concrete, big churches (but not wooden ones) are considered strong
In the future, we intend to provide a means of easily identifying the structure type in-game.
The end result is that buildings will survive longer over the course of multiple combat engagements and be less prone to unexpectedly collapsing. Additionally, the health indicator on buildings will now be more accurate; better identifying the risk associated to its garrison.

AOE Weapons

The above changes initially resulted in AOE weapons becoming more lethal versus buildings. To address this, we gave each AOE weapon a “building damage profile”. This profile allows us to further tune the damage a weapon does over the range of its AOE when damaging a building panel. For example, it was undesirable to have a mortar deal no visible damage to a panel on the first two hits only to destroy a number of panels on the subsequent hit. This made it difficult to predict and analyze the state of the building. To resolve this, we adjusted the mortar AOE profile such that its closest AOE range applied more damage than its mid and far ranges. This caused each hit to destroy a panel instead of weakening the panels over multiple hits; leaving the building vulnerable to unexpectedly collapsing.
This tuning is ongoing; if we identify problem weapons we will adjust them accordingly. We do want to avoid creating unique weapon types, as this increases the complexity of the system and thereby required knowledge of its functionality from the players.

Units and Abilities
Our aim was to make targeted tweaks to a few select units to help broaden the viability of strategies and further encourage counterplay within the factions. For example, increasing the time it takes to reload on the Pak 40 indirectly increases the strength of light vehicles. Units, such as the T70 or Stuart, can now maneuver out of the field of fire thereby increasing their survivability. Similarly, increasing the damage output of the BAR improves the counterplay between BAR fielded infantry and LMG fielded infantry by further encouraging positional play. This is largely due to the decreased damage discrepancy of the BAR and LMG42 which will be introduced in this latest update.

War Spoils
Added 24 new bulletins
Added 4 new victory strikes
Stationary Howitzers
Our goal was to increase the durability of the howitzer without making the unit too resilient versus off-map abilities. Values greater than 400 meant howitzers could withstand attacks from off-maps such as the JU-87 Stuka dive bomber. We found this undesirable as it made destroying the unit too difficult given the fact that it is typically placed well behind enemy front lines. The slight increase to health will help in some scenarios, particularly in cases when off-maps such as the Light Artillery Barrage or tanks are used to counter this heavy weapon. We will monitor the performance of this unit post change and take action as needed.
Health from 350 to 400

AT Guns
AT guns were gaining veterancy significantly faster than any other unit in the game as a result of their high rate of fire and targets of choice. This diluted the value of their veterancy, making something that should be rare and powerful a bit too common.
Now require twice as much experience to level up at each respective veterancy level
Although we are pleased with the performance of this unit, we were unsatisfied with the effectiveness of available counters. The small target size of the Kubelwagen made hand-held anti-tank weapons, such as the Bazooka or PTRS, and dedicated AT guns less effective. By increasing its size, the reliability of these weapons will be increased. By increasing the fuel cost of the Kubelwagen, we have upped the risk of production and delayed future vehicle production. The 5 fuel increase can be retrieved by salvaging the destroyed Kubelwagen, or it can be denied by the opposing player through the destruction of the vehicle wreck.
Sized increased from 10 to 14
Fuel cost set to 5
Adjusted the required veterancy at each level to account for the increased fuel cost on the unit. Values are now 530, 1060, 2120, 2650, 3525.

We wanted to better align the fuse timer of the Volksgrenadier grenade with other similarly classed grenades. Previously, its fuse timer was set to that of a cooked grenade, which is only used on elite infantry such as Shock Troopers and Paratroopers. This change also helps mitigate the overall strength of the Volksgrenadier squad, as it slightly reduces their anti-infantry capacity. Our concern is that this unit is over performing largely because it can fend off all target types. Even with a Panzershrek equipped, the potent grenade of the Volksgrenadier enabled them to engage other elite infantry.
Grenade fuse time from 0.75 to 1.25 seconds

Other AT guns cannot be suppressed because they lack the capacity to retreat. In other words, if the Pak 40 could be suppressed, it would effectively be locked in place since it has no other escape mechanism. Given the Raketenwerfer does not have this barrier and is more similar in functionality to other weapon teams; we enabled the unit to be suppressed. The intent is to create consistent behavior between the Raketenwerfer and other team weapons.
Can now be suppressed

Jaeger Light Infantry
Slot size from 0 to 2; squad can now equip two additional weapons
OKW Zeroing Artillery
Can no longer be cast on enemy HQ territory
The beta allowed us to collect and evaluate community feedback on the proposed change to the Jagdtiger. After careful consideration, we determined that the proposed manual fire was not the best fit for this unit. This solution made the unit cumbersome to use for a large portion of our player base. It also failed to address one of the larger concerns pertaining to its piercing functionality. We are currently working on alternative solutions to help balance the use of this unit and other super heavies within the late game.
Modified distance range and range values on supporting fire weapon type to match main gun. This has almost no gameplay impact; it was changed for housekeeping reasons.
‘128mm Supporting Fire’ ability weapon tracking increased from 6 to 8 degrees horizontally to match the main gun horizontal tracking angle.
‘128mm Supporting Fire’ ability aim time from 2 to 0.5 seconds

Osttruppen Reserves
Veterancy level 3 changed from 1.4x armor to 0.715x received accuracy. This effectively keeps their durability the same; it just fits the modifiers better within the combat system as a whole.

221 Scout Car
This changes the way the weapon interacts with buildings; it was made as a result of improvements to building functionality.
20mm autocannon upgrade weapon type from ‘small arms’ to ‘ballistic’

Pak 40
We felt that the Pak 40 was over performing. It provided the Wehrmacht with too much flexibility in terms of when and what anti-armor they choose to field. It also greatly marginalized light vehicles, in many cases taking out a T70 or Stuart faster than the opposing player could react to the first shot fired. The increased reload rate not only reduces the effective DPS of this AT gun, it opens up the use of light vehicles. Light vehicles can now be fielded to apply greater mid-game pressure, increasing the risk of delaying armor as Wehrmacht. As a result, this should encourage the Wehrmacht to diversify their strategies thereby relying less on their heavier units.
Reload time from 2.7-3.1 to 3.5-4.1

Paratrooper Carbine
This change was made to better match the historical clip size with the in-game value.
Reload frequency from 8-9 to 14

Rear Echelon Carbine
This change was made to better match the historical clip size with the in-game value.
Reload frequency from 8-9 to 14

We wanted the BAR to have more power at short and mid ranges. We did slightly scale up long range damage but overall it is short and mid-range where players will see the largest increase in performance. This will enable the BAR to more effectively counteract long range weapons, such as the LMG42, through better positioning.
Near accuracy from 0.56 to 0.65
Mid accuracy from 0.44 to 0.5
Far accuracy from 0.3 to 0.35
Mid cooldown modifier from 1.25 to 1
Far cooldown modifier from 1.5 to 1.25

Dodge WC51
The effectiveness of this unit diminishes over time. By delaying its use to 1 command point, it became available at a point in the game where it no longer retained its advantage on the field. On the other hand, when it did become available at 0 command points, the risk associated with the use of this unit was too low. We were particularly concerned with the use of units within the Dodge, as they suffered very little risk in return for what they gained. To better balance this risk, we attached similar penalties to that of the M3A1 Scout Car, meaning units now received a combat penalty when firing out of the Dodge. Additionally, units in the Dodge at the time of destruction will now incur casualties.
Command point cost from 1 to 0
Units now receive a combat penalty when firing from inside the vehicle, similar to the Soviet M3A1
Units within a vehicle now have a chance to die if their vehicle is destroyed before they get out, similar to the Soviet M3A1.

M3 Half-track Assault Group
We wanted to better align the performance of this unit to other M3 half-track equivalents.
Units now receive a combat penalty when firing from inside the vehicle, similar to the Soviet M3A1
Units within a vehicle now have a chance to die if their vehicle is destroyed before they get out, similar to the Soviet M3A1.
Veterancy level 1 now grants +20% weapon accuracy
Shell shock reload time from 1.5 to 1.5-2 seconds; this affects how many shots are fired once the ability is activated.
Adjusted weapon priority table to match main gun
Adjusted weapon scatter to match main gun
Sherman Smoke Barrage
These changes are meant to improve the functionality and usability of the Sherman smoke barrage ability.
Wind down from 0.5 to 0
Wind up from 0.5 to 0
Reload from 2 to 1.25
Angle scatter from 35 to 20
Distance scatter max from 2 to 1.5
Fog of war angle multiplier from 2 to 1

M36 Jackson
Wind up from 0.4 to 0.44; this better synchronizes the animations of the unit
Similar to the Jagdtiger, we felt the manual fire on the ISU-152 failed to address the pressing issues raised by the community. Although it made the unit more micro intensive, it did not change the unit’s capacity to wipe full health units or change the fact that it could effectively engage both armor and infantry. We believe these two factored combined with its range make the unit too effective; thereby limiting viable strategies within the game. We are currently evaluating other methods that will better balance this unit’s functionality and performance.
‘G-530 Concrete Piercing Round’ ability minimum range from 25 to 7
Modified distance range and range values on G-530 weapon type to match main gun. This has almost no gameplay impact; it was changed for housekeeping reasons.
‘G-530 Concrete Piercing Round’ ability aim time from 2 to 0.5 seconds

Soviet Special Rifle Command
We wanted to equalize the cost of both starting Soviet buildings as there was no intended reason to have their costs otherwise separated. This will have a number of small rippling impacts on the Soviets, such as slightly delaying an M3A1 or pushing back the deployment of a rushed medium tank. We wanted to remove cost from the decision of choosing either Soviet starting building.
Manpower cost from 120 to 160
Fuel cost from 40 to 50
Data Resolutions
The below changes represent data which unintentionally made its way into the game. We are resolving these inconsistencies by reverting them to their correct values.

Veterancy level 2 accuracy modifier from 1.4x to 1.25x; this accounts for the out of combat healing to veterancy level 2 which other units who receive 1.4x accuracy do not have.
Paratroopers no longer benefit from LT or Captain being nearby; previously they received bonuses that were long removed from the game

Vehicle Stun Critical
Duration from 3 to 5 seconds; this affects a number of abilities which cause units to become stunned for a set period of times. The Stuart uses a separate critical for its stun and is not affected by this change.
Soviet AT Guns
No longer take +25% received accuracy; modifiers were removed to bring these units in line with other AT guns.

Bug and Gameplay Fixes
These bug and gameplay fixes are aimed at improving usability and functionality within the game. In some cases, the below changes resolve incorrect data which unintentionally made it into the game.

Map Optimizations
The following maps have seen a number of optimizations to pathing, balance, or general gameplay:
Trois Ponts
City 17
Ettelbruck Station
The follow maps have seen a number of bugs fixed implemented to address problematic areas:
City 17 Winter
Vaux Farmlands
La Gleize
Strafing runs will no longer suppress or pin a squad while retreating

Squads can no longer be issued an order to vault on the same world object they are currently vaulting on. This prevents a back and forth behavior which was previously occurring.

Combat Engineers
This unit was unintentionally improved in the last update as it shares the same weapon as a Conscript squad. We created a unique weapon for this unit and brought its stats back to where they were. This places the performance of this unit back to where it was.
Now use a unique version of the Mosin Nagant rifle
Manpower cost from 180 to 170

Pioneer MP40
Moving accuracy from 1 to 0.6; this value was incorrectly set to 1 in a previous update.
AT Guns
Corrected the required experience for each level of veterancy such that it matches its base cost. Multiple the base values by 4x to get the required experience at veterancy level 1 and 2x afterwards to get each additional level.
Pak 40 base value from 360 to 320
Pak 43 base value from 480 to 500
ZIS Field Gun base value from 360 to 320
AT guns no longer push around their own crew while turning

Now uses an infantry turning plan, this resolves odd pivots and turns which were previously made by the squad. This also means the squad will reposition quicker as a result of these changes.
Movement modifiers set to match the MG42
Acceleration/Deceleration disabled
Rotation rate set to 10000 (instant)
Now has a UI portrait icon which appears with the use of sprint; these icons explain what the modifier on the unit does.

Units Forgetting Orders
Resolved a number of instances which caused units to not executed given orders.

Intel Bulletins
Resolved an issue with intelligence bulletin stacking if units crewed or decrewed a vehicle.
Made a number of small tweaks to modifiers to resolve rounding issues or broken functionality.
Event Cues
Resolved an issue with the event cue system which prevented ‘under fire’ queues from being issued. Cues of this type will now occur if units under fire are 60 units apart.
USF Major ‘Establish Retreat Point’
Major can now retreat to HQ while forward retreat is active
Deactivating forward retreat will cause retreating squads to retreat to the HQ now instead of the old forward retreat point
Ability Recharge
Squad abilities will now recharge while the squad is in a vehicle
Paratrooper Suppression Fire
No longer prevents the player from issuing other orders while the ability is active. For example, a retreat order can now be issued to the squad by the player.
Hull Down
Is no longer on a shared player cooldown, multiple vehicles can now be hulled down at once.
Infiltration Grenades
Can no longer be refunded if the ability is canceled abruptly. This prevents players from subverting the cost and recharge time by canceling the ability before the last grenade has been thrown.
Soviet Defensive Tactics Commander
PMD-6 Anti-Personnel Mines and Tank Traps now properly list as passive abilities
MG34 Icon
MG34 now uses the correct icon.

Command Panzer IV Icon
Now uses the correct short-barrel vehicle icon
Luftwaffe Incendiary Bombing Run Icon
Now uses the correct JU-87 incendiary barrage icon.

Soviet Crews
Captured team weapons by Soviet players will now allow up to 6 entitles per weapon team to be reinforced. Previously some team weapons were capped at 4 entities.

Pack Howitzer
The unit will now respond to a victor target order by the Wehrmacht Artillery Officer

M7B1 Priest
The unit will now respond to a victor target order by the Wehrmacht Artillery Officer
Resolved an animation issue occurring with the unit
The unit will now respond to a victor target order by the Wehrmacht Artillery Officer
M3 Half-track
Precise size from nil to 1.5
Tiger Ace
Resolved an issue which prevented the player’s economy from being restored upon losing the Tiger Ace.
Combat Engineers
Can no longer plant demolition charges while pinned.
Lieutenant ‘On Me’ Ability
Team weapons falling back to the Lieutenants position will now do so at an increased speed; previously they were falling back at their normal speed.
Jagdpanzer IV
Now displays an animator to indicate first strike bonus.
Added a portrait icon for the first strike bonus to explain the new state on the Jagdpanzer IV.
OKW Salvage Ability
Now functions on brewed up wrecks; brewed up wrecks have a burst of flames come out of their turret upon the vehicles destruction.
Veterancy level 5 will now properly remove the increased vulnerability applied while repairing.
Resource Points
When a resource post was destroyed in a territory where an OKW base structure was setup, the point was un-capturable for 10 seconds. The territory point can now be captured right away.
Jagdpanzer IV
Now received its armored skirts upon reaching veterancy level 2.
Main gun will now animate properly when using the G-530 ‘Concrete Piercing Round’ ability
Now has a UI portrait icon which appears with the use of sprint; these icons explain what the modifier on the unit does.
Dshk HMG
Now has a UI portrait icon which appears with the use of Armor Piercing Rounds; these icons explain what the modifier on the unit does.
Dodge WC51
‘Step on it!’ hotkey from D to N.
M3/M5 Half-track
‘Overdrive’ hotkey from V to E
Soviet Sniper
Now has a UI portrait icon which appears with the use of Sprint; these icons explain what the modifier on the unit does.
Prioritize Vehicles
Swapped the icon order to better reflect functionality
Grenades now unlock permanently once the required building is constructed; losing a building no longer locks the grenades, similar to how Volksgrenadier grenade requirements are setup.
Lieutenant and Captain
Now have a UI portrait icon which appears when their veterancy level 3 sprint activates; these icons explain what the modifier on the unit does.
Now use the Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadier portrait icon instead of the OKW Jaeger Light Infantry variant; this applies to both winter and summer icons.
Munition and Fuel Crates
Updated the associated portrait of each crate
OKW Ostwind
Blitzkrieg replaced with Combat Blitz
PHEW. That was a lot. :)


17 Apr 2015, 12:29 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

Udpate for February 4th - Servers will be down at 10pm GMT / 2pm PST for this update, it should take an estimated 4-5 hours.

Multiplayer Fixes:

OKW Jagdpanzer IV cost corrected; reduced to 400 Manpower from 480 Manpower.
Fixed an exploit where players could stack the USF Rear Echelon’s “Volley Fire” ability by crewing and de-crewing vehicles.
Changed the Classic Hot Key for "Cancel Construction" to “X” to prevent players from accidentally scuttling their structures.
Mines are no longer permanently revealed after being detected by a Minesweeper.
Removed the collision detection on infantry casualties to prevent them from blocking retreating units.
OKW infantry will no longer get stuck in a retreating state while retreating to the Battlegroup Headquarters.
Changed the target priority on the USF Pack Howitzer from 0 to -100; the weapon is now less likely to be destroyed before it is abandoned.
Units garrisoned inside a USF Fighting Position now display the proper cover shield UI.
Made improvements to AI pathfinding, combat states, preferred combat ranges, and reinforcement logic.
Added the missing requirement tool tip text for the "Recon Sweep" Commander ability on the USF Mechanized Company Commander.
USF Paratroopers Commander ability now shows the correct Command Point requirements on the Commander ability bar.
USF Major's "Rapid Artillery" ability will no longer trigger in all previously called locations when the Major reaches Veteran Level 2.
Unit icons in the "Units" tab of the post-game Match Stats screen now use the correct image.
Fixed a bug that caused infantry units to not obey a capture order if the capture point had an unseen enemy cache built on it.
Squad members will no longer stop shooting when pivoting.
Fixed an issue where the AI would paradrop team weapons and never pick them up.
Fixed a bug that caused the USF Priest's "Creeping Barrage" ability not to fire when the ability is called down just outside the ability's minimum range.
The Ostheer Mechanized Grenadier Group and Mechanized Assault Group Commander abilities now have their own unique Icons.
The Ostheer Riegel-43 Anti-Tank mine is no longer missing the ghost construction when the mine is being placed.
Added confirmation speech lines for the purchase the Soviet M4C Sherman's M2HB HMG Package upgrade.
Squads no longer stand inside the Soviet T-34-85 while repairing the vehicle.
Updated the small icon on the USF "Backbone of the Army" Intel Bulletin.
Moved the Intel Bulletins & Skins Filter drop down box in the Inventory Overlay.
Fixed bug that caused the Ostheer 221/2 Scout Car's 2cm Autocannon upgrade icon to not show up after upgrading.
Fixed text error in the Soviet ISU-152's "Tracking" portrait icon tool tip.
Added missing requirements text for the Soviet ISU-152's "Load High Explosive" ability when the vehicle is outside of the battlefield.
Removed the negative effects from Soviet "For Mother Russia!" Commander ability.
USF "Withdraw and Refit" Commander ability will no longer stop the Captain, Lieutenant or Major from being brought back into the game, if they were inside a vehicle that was ordered to withdraw.
Added missing text to "Hold Fire" portrait icon tool tip for Ostheer Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers, and MG42 Heavy Machine Gun Teams.
Added missing speech lines for the Ostheer "Incendiary Bombing Run" when it unlocks and recharges events.
Added missing speech lines to the PTRS AT Rifle upgrade on Soviet Conscripts.
The OKW Fortifications Doctrine’s “Zeroing Artillery” rate of fire now increases the longer enemy units are visible.
Ostheer Pak 40 and Axis Pak 43 projectiles are now using the correct projectile marker; fixes some odd firing animations and potential misses for the “Target Weak Spot” ability.
Fixed bug on abandoned USF Pack Howitzers that caused the unit to not function correctly when the crew gained a Veteran Level a second time.
OKW Sturmpioneers will now remember the toggle setting of their Minesweeper after retreating.
Fixed an issue where Mortar Teams' Veteran Level 3 range bonus wasn't being applied correctly; affected units are listed below:

  • Ostheer - GrW 34 Mortar Team
  • Ostheer - Mortar Half-track
  • Soviet - PM-41 82mm Mortar Team
  • Soviet - HM-38 120mm Mortar Team
  • USF - M21 Mortar Half-track

Removed the “Attack Ground” ability that was accidentally added to the US Forces Priest.
Fixed an exploit where players could negate cover suppression modifiers by attacking the cover directly.
Commander abilities now use consistent UI color indicators.
  • Attacking abilities appear red (Bombing Runs).
  • Assisting abilities appear green (Recon Flight).

Fixes to the OKW Jagdtiger's 28.3kg APCBC-HE shells so that the FX line up correctly OKW Jagdtiger’s "12.8cm Supporting Fire" ability. Fixes include:

  • A bug to prevent the vehicle from locking up when using the ability to fire a over a building
  • An rare issue that prevented the ability from being used at all
  • Additional FX
  • Overall improvements to its functionality were made to make it more reliable
  • An exploit that allowed the ability to kill AT Guns instantly.

Fixed naming error in the USF "M1919A6 Light Machine Gun Weapon Rack" tool tip.
The MG34 Light Machine Gun now has the proper behavior for all squads that can pick it up. Updates include:

  • OKW Obersoldaten and USF Paratrooper squads can fire it on the move; all other squads must stop to fire
  • When not moving, all squads except the Obersoldaten will attempt to use the prone firing position
  • Obersoldaten will always try to fire from the hip / standing position unless another effect causes them to use prone

Text on the Ostheer Encirclement Doctrine's "Breakthrough" Commander ability now properly reflects the ability to capture points.
Improved the reliability of the Soviet B-4 203 mm Howitzer’s “Direct Fire” ability to reach its intended target.
Ostheer Sturmpanzer IV's "Bunker Busting Barrage" ability can no longer be activated when the vehicle is in "Hull Down" mode.
OKW Raketenwerfer 43 will now camouflage correctly at Veteran Level 1 when crewed by the US Forces.
OKW sWs Halftracks can no longer crush ambient buildings.
The “Sniper Nest” ambient structure can now be destroyed.
Decal system coming soon. As decals become available, players will be able to apply them to their chosen faction's vehicles in place of the default team markings.

Campaign Fixes

Updated the text for the Ardennes Assault Ranger Company's "Company Requisition" and "Additional Support I" upgrade ability descriptions in the AA Campaign.
The Ardennes Assault Mechanized Company's "Backbone of the Army" specialization now functions correctly in the AA Campaign.
Updated the Ardennes Assault Cavalry Riflemen tool tip in the AA Campaign and removed text which said “Cavalry Riflemen were good at fighting tanks” (they try hard, though!).
Fixed requirement text issue on the Ardenne's Assault Riflemen and Cavalry Riflemen "Defensive Stance" ability.
Fixed an issue to improve the frame rate on AA Campaign missions when using the Mechanized Company.
Fixed a bug on Mission 12 of the Russian campaign that caused the AI teammate units to become stuck.

Fixed a crash that occurred upon exiting the game

March 31rst 2015 Update

........... We’re trying something new in releasing the notes a day early, so we’ll see how this goes! Our latest update focuses on several areas, with special attention paid towards:

Bug fixes

Grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa, a swig of whiskey or another random beverage of your choice and settle in for some ever so exciting patch note reading!


The following NEW Relic Maps have been added to Automatch and Custom games:
(6-8) General Mud
(2) Angoville (previously a COH1 map, now with COH2 freshness!)
The following Community Maps have been added to Custom games and Automatch as part of the Community Map Spotlight Series. Congratulations to the talented map makers that have had their work included in the game!
(6 - 8) Sittard Summer by MonolithicBacon
(4 - 6) Wolfs Lair by Chuck Norris
(2 – 4) Bystraya Voda by Qvazar
(6) Pavlov’s House by Nebaka
(2 - 4) Einhoven Country by Spanky
The following maps have been refined based on community and internal feedback.
(6-8) Hill 331
(2-4) Minsk Pocket
(2-4) Moscow Outskirts
(2-4) Semoskiy Winter
(2-4) Semoskiy
(2) La Gleize
The following maps have been removed from the Automatch list based off community and internal feedback.
Faceoff at Rostov
Hurtgen Forest
Semoskiy (from 2v2 only)
Shallow water no longer offers a speed reduction penalty.
This has been removed to increase ebb and flow around areas which feature shallow water.


For this update, we approached balance with three main goals in mind:

To reduce the disparity of army balance between axis and allies
We have aimed to create a more evenly measured match where Axis and Allies have equal advantages from start to finish
Reduce the temporal effect that we were seeing in data, where allies have an early advantage at a higher VP count
Bring OKW ELO in line with other factions
To reduce the effectiveness of blobbing we’re looking to
improve the already existing blob counters, in non-lethal ways
promote and encourage ‘combined arms’
To reduce the negative user experiences in gameplay we’re working to:

Reduce the amount of frustrating moments that can be caused by undesirable gameplay, including:
Truck Pushing
Reduce moments that go against our fundamental design of unit preservation in the game, including:
Squad wiping abilities
High lethality
Reduce the number of scenarios where players are not rewarded for their tactical play.



SWS Truck
We’ve seen ongoing complaints that the OKW SWS truck provides an unfair advantage to some players. We had our stats team pull in-game numbers related to this, in order to assess the situation and determine actual game impact. Not only can the SWS truck push units out of points and into unfavorable positions, it can also scout for the player with no real penalty. By reducing the speed, we have made it much more difficult to push around infantry.
Max speed has been reduced from 4.2 to 3.2
Armor has been reduced from 4 to 3
Wreck armor has been reduced from 25 to 4
SWS Wreck can now be killed by small arms fire
Flak Base Defenses
Another common concern we’ve seen is that OKW’s default AA is unfairly advantageous when compared to all other factions that are required to spend resources to build AA.
OKW base Flak Gun chance to shoot down aircraft has been reduced to 0.5%
The received accuracy bonus the Volksgrenadiers gained at Veterancy level 5 made them extremely durable. Durability was not one of the intended roles of the squad so adjustments were made.
Removed 0.71 received accuracy at veterancy level 5
Added 0.7 cooldown and reload at veterancy level 5
To help facilitate our goals of anti-blobbing, we have decided to reduce the effectiveness of Panzerschreck at long range. It was previously quite easy to move a shreck blob into position and snipe vehicles. The reduction in accuracy at greater distances will ensure that in order to be effective, OKW players will need to commit further into enemy lines.
Far Accuracy has been reduced from 0.025 to 0.020
In examining blobbing and the current Meta, we discovered that the OKW Blob effectiveness was in large part due to the Obersoldaten. Their high DPS nullifies any infantry threat to the Volksgrenadiers. In combination with the Volks’ previous Vet 5 durability bonus, the Obers made the perfect meat shield. We feel by delaying the LMG with an upgrade, this should give players sufficient time to respond. The reduction in damage on the MG34 LMG was necessary, as it was killing units at such a fast rate it was far too difficult for other players to react.
LMG MG34 moved to an upgrade and is an exclusive upgrade (can only purchase LMG or STG)
LMG MG34 upgrade now costs 60 munitions
LMG MG34 damage has been reduced from 8 to 6
STG 44 damage has been reduced from 8 to 6
These changes will help improve the responsiveness of the Raketenwefer, better allowing it to engage fast moving targets. The reload time has been partially increased relative to the amount of time reduced on aim time; however, the unit’s overall performance will be slightly higher.
Ready aim time (time required to aim on the first shot fired) has been reduced from 1 - 1.5 seconds
to 0.25 – 0.375 seconds
Fire aim time (time taken to aim on subsequent shots) has been reduced from 1 – 1.25 to 0.125 –
0.25 seconds
Reload time has been increased from 3 – 3.6 seconds to 3.8 – 4.3 seconds
LE IG 18 Infantry Support Gun
The suppression on AOE will also help to improve its effectiveness against blobbing in a non-lethal way.
Added mild AOE suppression on hit
King Tiger
Allied late game had an exceptionally difficult time penetrating the frontal armor of the KT, which caused a significant amount of frustration for our players. Telemetry Data we pulled supported the need for change in this area, as it frequently and unfairly prevented any realistic allied comeback. By reducing the armor (to the same value as the IS2) it should make the King Tiger a little bit easier to damage. Its offensive power still remains deadly as always.
Armor reduced from 425 to 375


M10 Wolverine
The M10 Wolverine is a capable tank destroyer, but too fragile in its current state given that it requires players to get ‘up close and personal’ in order for it to be effective. With an increase in health, the M10 will now be able to withstand one extra shot of direct tank fire.
Health has been increased from 400 to 560
M36 Jackson
The Jackson had issues dealing damage consistently due to its lower penetration. Our team has chosen to reduce the damage dealt by the M36 while also increasing the penetration; two changes we feel will offset each other in an ideal way. This will allow for the Jackson to retain its current role while also being a more consistent tank destroyer. This is an indirect buff to Wehrmacht Tier 3, in which every tank was hard countered by the Jackson in its current form.
Damage reduced from 240 to 200
Penetration increased from 160 / 180 / 200 to 200 / 220 /240
AP rounds penetration increased from 220 / 250 / 280 to 240 / 270 / 300
M8 Greyhound Canister Shot
We had found that the M8 previously had the ability and tendency to one shot kill a lot of squads with no way to counter it. By increasing the damage but removing its death critical on hit, we are aiming to give a more dispersed damage among clips of units without instantly killing squads. We have also made some adjustments to the default gun in order to compensate for the reduced effectiveness of critical hits. The Greyhound’s gun should now have similar stats to that of the Stuart.
Canister shot damage has been increased from 40 to 80
Canister shot radius has been increased from 3 to 5
Canister shot now pierces
Squad death critical on hit has been removed
Damage has been increased from 40 to 60
Penetration has increased from 35 / 45 / 55 to 40 / 45 / 60
Distant scatter max has been increased from 35 / 45 / 55 to 40 / 45 / 60
Reload has been reduced from 4.5 / 4.4 to 2.9
Radius has been reduced from 2.5 to 1.75
Call-in recharge time has been increased from 45 seconds to 90 seconds
USF Mortar Halftrack
Through research, we’ve found that the USF Mortar Halftrack has been one of the most lackluster mortar’s in the game, aside from its White Phosphorus ability. The most inefficient mortar in the game should now be in line with its other Mortar Halftrack counterpart.
Angle Scatter has been reduced from 10 to 6
Distance scatter max has been reduced from 12 to 5
Mid-damage has been increased from 0.15 to 0.35
Pak Howitzer
The suppression on AOE will help the Pak Howitzer’s effectiveness against blobbing in a non-lethal way.
Added mild AOE suppression on hit
The HMC is a great unit but we have found that its squad wiping ability was consistently too high, wiping full squads with its first shot. With this change in damage AOE, you will see damage better dispersed throughout the squad without killing it outright.
Distance Far increased from 3 to 4
Distance Mid increased from 2 to 2.5
Damage reduced from 120 to 100


With our goal to reduce and remove negative gameplay; the Soviet Snipers sprint ability has come up frequently in conversations. If the enemy has set up a flank designed to eliminate the sniper, soviet players were able to use the sprint ability to quickly get away at any time. This ability simply granted too much utility to the sniper.
Sprint removed from Veterancy 1 abilities
Flares are now granted at Veterancy 1
There were two main issues with the B4 that we wanted to resolve. First, the fact that the B4 significantly hampered unit preservation, and second that the B4 has been over-performing in relation to the other howitzers available to our players. The additional damage dealt at Veterancy level 3 and the potential to combine the damage bonus from ‘For Mother Russia’ made this unit extremely lethal.
Direct fire now pierces through terrain (to improve usability – still requires clear line of sight)
Direct fire range has been reduced from 150 to 100
Direct fire cost has been reduced from 180 munitions to 90 munitions
Direct fire now requires Veterancy level 1
Removed precision strike
Veterancy level 3 has had the 1.5x damage bonus removed
Veterancy level 3 now increases ability range by 33% on barrage and direct fire
For Mother Russia
The previous modifiers resulted in unintended consequences such as a B4 having the capability to take out a Tiger tank in one shot. The modifiers have been adjusted accordingly to better align with our gameplay systems.
1.5x damage bonus converted to 1.25 weapon accuracy
Guard Troops
Our team determined that as one of the worst rifles/AT in the game, changes to the PTRS were necessary in order to make it a bit more sufficient at its role. Its damage profile remains the same, so damage will still be relative to current values.
PTRS Accuracy increased from 0.03 / 0.0425 / 0.055 to 0.22 / 0.50 / 0.60
120mm Mortar
The 120 is a great unit, however its combination of accuracy and AOE damage profile meant it regularly wiped full squads with its first shot. With this change in damage AOE, players will see damage dispersed throughout the squad without killing the squad outright.
Damage distance (medium) increased from 3 to 3.5
Damage distance (near) reduced from 1.5 to 1.1


Our aim is to encourage positional play and combined arms, which the Wehrmacht faction tends to reply on more than any other faction. With an increase in sight (albeit still lower than pathfinders) we are allowing Pioneers to help spot for their HMGs and other support teams.
Sight increased from 35 to 42
Far Accuracy reduced from 0.25 to 0.20
In analyzing statistical data, we discovered that the German sniper had one of the shortest average lifespans compared to its soviet counterpart. By increasing its health, we are compensating for a lack of other squad members that the Soviet sniper team.
Health increased from 48 to 82
SdKfz 222 Armored Car
Our aim here is to provide the Armored Car with an increased level of durability so that it may act as a better deterrent against light vehicles.
Health increased from 200 to 240
HMG 42
We’ve found that the MG42 has been slightly underperforming in the damage department. These changes are meant to improve its performance and thereby better align it with the other HMG teams.
Near Accuracy has been increased from 0.68 to 0.7
Mid Accuracy has been increased from 0.41 to 0.45
Far Accuracy has been increased from 0.14 to 0.35
Tiger / Tiger Ace / Panther / King Tiger and the Blitzkrieg Ability
Upon review, we felt that it didn’t make much sense that these heavy armored vehicles could move in and out of danger so quickly. We also found that it provided a negative gameplay experience for those trying to counter this. Similar to the changes made to the Soviet Snipers’ sprint ability, we’ve decided to tone down the effectiveness of blitzkrieg specifically for these three units.
Blitzkrieg max speed bonus has been reduced from 35% to 15% exclusively for the Tiger and Panther. Other tanks remain the same.
Acceleration has been reduced from 60% to 30%
Combat Blitz ability speed bonus modifier has been reduced from 2 to 1.4

Fixed Issue when Pak 40 and Pak 43 AT Guns could Infinitely Stun Enemy Vehicles after being re-crewed
Fixed Issue where Sandbags were missing from Panzer IV’s in Hull Down Mode
Fixed Issue where the Warspoils Survey would appear the User clicked on the “Graphs Tab in the Post Game Stats Screen
“Hull Down Release” and “Prioritize Vehicles” no longer share the same Classic Hot Key (H)
“Sandbags” and “Razor Wire” no longer share the same Classic Hot Key in the Ardennes Assault Campaign. (W)
Fixed several issues where some Skins where not applying correctly so some Russian and Wehrmacht Vehicles
Texture on the Panzergrenadiers’ weapon is no longer corrupted
Demo Charges are now targetable when revealed
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