I would encourage you to watch some replays of top players
Sure watch replays and analyse, but be discriminative as well as adaptive. Nothing beats game time and practice. Whilst undeniably is always good to listen and to learn from both success
and failure, it's equally important to analyse what's happening and why it works for an individual player in the circumstances.
e.g. I seldom use snipers (nor did I in COH1) because they are so micro intensive and expensive, the former not my forte. Sure I've played opponents who exhibit almost genuis with them, but they are in the 1.09% minority IME. And I played a LOT of COH1. With the exception of those players, I smile with delight when I see snipers deployed by an opponent. My point? Watching exceptional committed players replays and copying them is of little value
unless you too are exceptional and equally committed, the former being the most important.
Then there's temperament. OK, we can learn and adopt strategies, but how we implement them tactically can and should differ, basic principles notwithstanding. It's very important to know thyself and play to one's own individual inherent temperamental strengths. Self synergy will be optimal that way. A naturally defensive minded player will seldom play a good offensive forced game that flows comfortably within, and vice versa.
We can't all be
exceptional, regardless how hard we try or might like to be. And that's OK. It's no measure of self worth except to the immature. Some gamers like some athletes are just motor skill freaks of nature. Just be happy to have fun playing the game and to achieve a standard of competency and reasonable success rate against other equally competent players. Most of us will have to settle for that, and I am not one who advocates mediocrity per se. But doing one's best is all one can do, and punishing oneself as if there is something wrong because one is not in the top ten or even top one hundred is folly.
OTOH if you are
exceptional and either snipers or emulating l33t skiLLz play works for you, more power to you! Well done.