
russian armor

Churchills HP (1400-1600) over the top

28 Sep 2015, 13:44 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Nah they're just going to overdo it and make Churchills just as arse as the KV-1, in typical relic fashion.

Given how relic won't let go the idea of brits being the actual heavy armor allied army?

Its more likely to see KV-1 and KV-2 being brought up to churchills levels :megusta:
28 Sep 2015, 13:44 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 13:37 PMPorygon

Lure them into mines and they are fucked. L2P issues I would say.

Really bad comeback. First if your opponent is not stupid enough he would mainly like to drive on the "non-familiar" roads where 50% of the time lay mines. Still with the high armour and health it takes really long to take it down even while it's a sitting duck.

L2P is always easy to say, but even some better players than you and me say that it sould get a nerf. Whoop die doo...
28 Sep 2015, 14:02 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

Really bad comeback. First if your opponent is not stupid enough he would mainly like to drive on the "non-familiar" roads where 50% of the time lay mines. Still with the high armour and health it takes really long to take it down even while it's a sitting duck.

L2P is always easy to say, but even some better players than you and me say that it sould get a nerf. Whoop die doo...

1) You don't need a ROAD to mine.

2) Axis had enough toys dealing with the Churchill series, while the Churchills can't do any jackshit back to them. Churchill weakness is quite obvious. Insane high HP is their only strength, getting rid of it means killing the unit.
28 Sep 2015, 14:05 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

You got a AVRE and the Croc, where as the Crocodile is still kicking the shit out of everyone...
28 Sep 2015, 14:08 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

British tanks have no projectiles and you are telling me blitzing a panther to finish off a churchill is impossible?
28 Sep 2015, 14:09 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

You got a AVRE and the Croc, where as the Crocodile is still kicking the shit out of everyone...

Knock out a Jadgtiger with the Croc, upload the replay, and whine like it is a Leopard II again.
28 Sep 2015, 14:13 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

Kappa, I've had a game with 2 pak 43's shooting on it and it still retreats with a slimmer of health. Kappa
28 Sep 2015, 14:18 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

The Fuhrer is not pleased with you anymore, Porygon. :lolol:
28 Sep 2015, 14:24 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Porygon are you okay? Do you have a fever?
28 Sep 2015, 14:25 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

I think there fine the way they are now. I mean I can't tell you how many times i've had a kt or reg tiger get away. Not even going to start with tiger ace that shit been cheese since creation and is like fing Houdini escaping death.
28 Sep 2015, 14:26 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

Tiger Ace shouldn't have been into this game
28 Sep 2015, 14:29 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 13:37 PMPorygon

Lure them into mines and they are fucked. L2P issues I would say.

You can state this argument for every tank in the game. That is the reason why i think the argument is not valid.
28 Sep 2015, 14:32 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

Porygon are you okay? Do you have a fever?

I don't like Soviet only, doesn't mean I stick with German like a SS.
28 Sep 2015, 14:42 PM
avatar of Vinyl41

Posts: 97

churchil hull should have stock tiger hp
28 Sep 2015, 14:47 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

You can state this argument for every tank in the game. That is the reason why i think the argument is not valid.

Actually, there is fundamental difference between churchills and any other tank in game.

Their speed and maneuverability makes it much more likely for them to just go head on without flanking, because they are too slow for these kind of maneuvers.

You KNOW that churchill will roll right head on, because it can, do some damage and roll out for repairs.
If you can get engine damage on it and have something with tracks to keep up with its slow roll out, you can take it out, served on a silver plate. OKW have it harder, because schu mines can be detonated by infantry, but its not like churchill need inf advancing before it and rely on scouting for AT, because it simply can take a hit.
28 Sep 2015, 14:49 PM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 13:30 PMKatitof

Don't worry, relic said on one of last streams that they are looking at performance of KV series in comparison to churchills.

That would be amazing. I would be fine with gun not getting buffed as it is the same as the T-34/76 gun but it should be an absolute shock absorber on a health and armor stats. The first KV-1 that the Germans encountered held a road for 2 days and took out 40 Panzer III's because all their shots were pinging off the frontal armor. The soviets are the faction most deprived of stock heavy armor other than the USF of course. OKW has Panther and Panzer IV J. Ost has Panther and Brumbaar (latter needs work) and UKF has comet or Churchill. SU and USF have ZERO stock heavies.
28 Sep 2015, 14:51 PM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

You can state this argument for every tank in the game. That is the reason why i think the argument is not valid.

Agreed and the good players will always lead way with sweepers unless desperate or they will just stay away until infantry can go in front since they will detonate all mines except teller and the USF special mine.
28 Sep 2015, 14:56 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

Agreed and the good players will always lead way with sweepers unless desperate or they will just stay away until infantry can go in front since they will detonate all mines except teller and the USF special mine.

Perhaps it would be easier to give all factions a infantry and a tank mine. Ostheer style (except without those goddamn signs which tells people where the mines are.

It helped me saving lots of units because I wanted to flank a squad but I noticed the signs quickly enough.
28 Sep 2015, 15:03 PM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:02 PMPorygon

1) You don't need a ROAD to mine.

2) Axis had enough toys dealing with the Churchill series, while the Churchills can't do any jackshit back to them. Churchill weakness is quite obvious. Insane high HP is their only strength, getting rid of it means killing the unit.

Actually Churchills hard counter paks. Just drive up and throw a grenade on them. :snfPeter:
28 Sep 2015, 15:09 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Actually Churchills hard counter paks. Just drive up and throw a grenade on them. :snfPeter:

I believe farts have more lethal aoe radios then brit tank nades :snfPeter:

Not to mention they are kind of obvious, short ranged, impractical, slow and like to missfire.
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