Move the Ostheer sniper to T2. Why? Well I said that the new changes to the Universal Carrier are a relative counter to the Ostheer sniper. This is because a sniper will never be on its own, there is always a gren squad or mg around to protect it, the Universal carrier has to move in close to kill it even with the new detection range and damage to sniper buffs, and the grens can faust it and deter it easily or possibly finish it off.
It still isn't the counter the UKF needs, because Ostheer players will simply learn to keep their sniper at max range behind their grens, who can faust any Universal carrier that comes to harass the sniper. This in combination with the range reduction of the wasp and its damage, will pretty much leave any reasonable early game UKF counter to the Ostheer siper out of the game still. If the Ostheer player decides to get a 222, the Universal Carrier already becomes a lost counter that never was.
Moving the Ostheer sniper to T2 will delay it for several minutes. Although this won't effect its effectiveness during the game, it will seriously improve UKF early game and give them a change to get at least something of a momentum going and build a reasonable force to fight the Ostheer and the eventual sniper. For as far as I have seen, the 75mm armored car can kill the sniper pretty easily, I have had situation where it one shotted it, killed it in 2 shots or killed it on retreat. If the sniper is moved to T2, the 75 mm Armored Car will be there waiting for it alongside a bigger spectrum of British units, giving the UKF a better change to counter it.
As of now, I can win pretty much every game I play vs UKF in both the live version and the Balance preview mod version. It results in players totally raging out and calling you out for every disease there is, because it is utter frustration. I will post a perfect example. This player was both a victim of the sniper abyss and also a total dick that went way to far, so I left his name in there. But the point is, as soon as I chose the sniper and rushed 222s, he couldn't win if he wanted to, he had no chance.

Feel free to add your suggestion(s), you are very welcome to.