i have a question for you.
But first let me explain my problem.

I play only teamgames, but all of them (2v2,3v3,4v4) just randomly what the matchmaking will send me into.
I dont play 1v1 because im not that good player and always loose 1v1 games.

What i learned from 1v1 streams is that you have to spread your units in 1v1 gamemode across the map, so 1 squad is capping left vp with mg, other 2 squads are right side, etc.
In teamgames i have the issue that when i do this, i send my units in different directions to help my teammates at a point they may have lost, or just put mg for teammates vp and so on and then i forget my unit and its get wiped. and this happens for a lot of my squads in most games.
Is it maybe better to just send my force everytime together and have my army-focus on one side to the point i want to support/attack?, so i dont lose so many squads?
I imagined this becouse i see many player doing this when i play against them, they always send their entire army to attack.
But i tried not to do this because ive been told its not good and nooby to do this.
When i play teamgames and want to "organize" my army, should i place my army alongside one side of the map or should i spread my units across the map where they are needed, for example teammate needs mg left and other teammate needs at-gun in the mid. if think its better to send troops where they are needed, but then i cant remember what unit i send where and i loose a lot uunits.
Can i improve here or is this just because im a bad/slow player?
ANY help/advice is welcome thank you guys and im very sorry for my english but i hope you understood what i mean.
