Until yesterday I wasnt aware how painful and powerful double ISG strat is.
It just brutal.
First of all, shell's travel time. It's very, very short. When compare to mortar, shell is in the air half of that time.
Second thing, and most important is OKW MP float.
Leig in it's own is not super weapon. It's just OKW which can easily afford to get double leigs pretty fast.
Try to get two 120mm in first 15min or 2 mortar emplacement

I mean, you can get them but your map presence will be devastating for you.
At 10-15min you can't even hide behind green cover because double leigs are already shooting at you without any big problems with map presence for OKW.
During my XXXX hours, I played with sniper maybe hmmm... 20 times and Im pure pudding playing with sniper strat, yet I tried to go for sniper with Guards and Penals support behind green cover and slowly moving forward.
Those legis completly shutted down cover play. With pretty nice rate of fire, short travel time, and MP float which allows to get 2 of them so fast, it's devastating.
But the problem lies not around leig but around OKW which is floating MP like hell. And when you have such a huge float, why not make dobule or even triple leig?
Speaking of 2v2