If it was nerfed, it would be worthless. It needs to be effective.
I understand it can wipe an infantry squad within seconds, but as many have previously mentioned, there are many counters to it.
I wish scouting had a higher importance in this game like in Supreme Commander. Maybe before you send a lone infantry squad into enemy UKF territory, you should scout out the area first.
Or smoke and flank. 
you always pop smoke and "flank" into fog of war? :-D
i would actually really like having scouting units back in coh2, but as it stands, infantry mostly is your scouting unit. and most infantry units (or all?) have less sight range than the bofors has weapon range.
nobody is asking that the bofors be nerfed into oblivion, but consistently wiping squads (bofors has almost TWICE the accuracy of the 20mm okw hq at far range) at max range within a single burst is a bit much.
brace also doesnt offer you any kind of "window of opportunity" where its not braced, since it has no CD. give brace some sort of CD, so you cannot have the emplacement in brace mode 24/7, lower the far accuracy of the weapon a bit (it will still annihilate squads quickly because of the aoe, but with a bit of luck you might be able to retreat in time), and we're golden.