
russian armor


17 May 2015, 23:12 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

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Ettelbruck for example tye mht incendiary wont catch a bigger building on fire in one go like the rail station, or really tall buildings. Have tried, nope. All it takes is the first 10 minutes to win with this doctrine. Stuka or any other arty strike on average at the earliest comes at the 10 min mark. Even if you get rid of the fhqs the map, control they possess far outweighs your own and they rush you with early tanks while you have 0 fuel. Its broken stfu. Needs to be reworked in a way that improves viability in other modes while nerfing 4v4 performance. I have abused this doctrine so many times while trolling with my friends and we never lose. Its fucking absurd, quit defending it.

Like reduced cost, passive healing aura, no defensive and offensive modifiers. Improves durability of occupied buildings. This would make fhq more easily placeable, less effective as in not batshit OP turning every soldier into pre nerf obersoldaten.
17 May 2015, 23:17 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

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18 May 2015, 00:16 AM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

Nope its ok.
18 May 2015, 01:02 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Simple, if they are going to camp the building, counter it with mortars or lock it down with MGs so they can't advance infantry, get some flamers to attack ground on the building for about 30~ish seconds and the building will catch alight and burn down, or attack ground with mortars.

Plus it already has some negatives such as it's costs as it delays a tier 1/2 from the Soviet player. and the medics can't heal when in combat, so only reinforcing can happen.

Also 4v4 isn't exactly balanced so yeah..


Mg gets annihilated too easy by the cons from cover beside the FHQ
SOME FLAMERS?!!!! :D do you know what mins in the game he's talking about? some flamers needs 120 ammo for 2, 180 ammo (plus another 2 pios) for 3, and 240 (plus another 3 pios) for four

OKW has specially harder time to counter it early game, as they have 0 option do kill them. you may say infiltration grenades or stuka. But first, smart Soviet player builds the FHQ in right building, second it's infiltration nades open at 3 cp and then u have to keep ur squad out of combat for 2 mins for the next nade, third, it's usually a suicide to get close to the FHQ to throw nades. 4th, until you get stuka you've lost all map control vp, resource etc, and guess what?! Stuka has 1.5 mins cool down for the next barrage! some buildings need more than 2 stuka barrage to kill, you know! and you know, he's gonna build the next FHQ soon after, or spam them and progress all the way forward. You can beat double OKW against the best axis players for ex in Ettel. station 2v2 abusing this commander and beat them too easily.
18 May 2015, 01:20 AM
avatar of Kelnozz

Posts: 14

Ettelbruck for example tye mht incendiary wont catch a bigger building on fire in one go like the rail station, or really tall buildings.

That's wrong. Just drive at minrange with the MHT do be sure to hit exactly the spot. You will light every building in the game up with one shot.
That's the way I counter it: Make sure to have Spearhead available in the team.
18 May 2015, 03:33 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

jump backJump back to quoted post18 May 2015, 01:02 AMAladdin

Stuka has 1.5 mins cool down for the next barrage! some buildings need more than 2 stuka barrage to kill,

never see a building stand more than 2 barrage. not even those train station like buildings or apartment buildings.
18 May 2015, 03:55 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

never see a building stand more than 2 barrage. not even those train station like buildings or apartment buildings.

My bad, I meant more than 1 barrage (=2 barrages)
18 May 2015, 09:19 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Just make the damn thing "decapable" at a quick rate and it will be fine. Yes, it's powerfull, it's annoying but there are counters. Just bring the buiding down. It's true that for OKW it's more difficult in early game to destroy it though. The infantry gun is not enough and the wurframen comes late. But hey, what is easy for OKW these days?
18 May 2015, 09:52 AM
avatar of Jawohl?

Posts: 97

dont play spammy 4s, problem instantly solved.
18 May 2015, 12:17 PM
avatar of SUCKmyCLOCK

Posts: 207

It should be decappable, simply retarded that it had not been changed to this.

Its issue is that is cannot be countered for 10mins, the first 10mins, which are crucial. By the time you do get to counter it all map control and most importantly VP control has been lost. Make it decapable and only useable in friendly territory and the problem is solved, it wont be OP or UP. 2v2 perspective.
18 May 2015, 12:38 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

It should be decappable, simply retarded that it had not been changed to this.

Sure, the moment it costs 0 fuel you can decap it all you want.

As long as it costs more then tier building, you want to get rid of it? Destroy it.
18 May 2015, 12:41 PM
avatar of SUCKmyCLOCK

Posts: 207

jump backJump back to quoted post18 May 2015, 12:38 PMKatitof

Sure, the moment it costs 0 fuel you can decap it all you want.

As long as it costs more then tier building, you want to get rid of it? Destroy it.

The day I value your opinion is the day I will eat my keyboard, go away you terrible uninteresting troll.....
18 May 2015, 14:38 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

The day I value your opinion is the day I will eat my keyboard, go away you terrible uninteresting troll.....

Why insult his comment above, he was right?

The cost of the FHQ is so high that unless you reduce the overall cost you cannot make the building decappable.

The strategy is annoying but very beatable.

If Ost: Immediately get multiple MG's and place them just outside of the range of conscripts near the building. Lock the area down and make him crawl. He will bleed MP to stay on the field. In the meantime have a teammate get mortars, or if you are doing a good job of keeping the conscripts down just move up with infantry to pick them off. The buffs won't help that much if they are suppressed. If you still need it get the MHT. Avoid getting grens until a little later since they will just bleed you of MP.

If you are OKW: Get multiple Kubels. Keep the scripts pinned and quickly get Mech. Fast tech to the Stuka or go med and get ISG. Get another Sturmpio and punish scripts that try to crawl forward. Still having trouble? Seriously consider getting Jaeger light infantry and a Sturm officer.

Even if he stops you from getting the fuel you want bleed him of MP. Even if he gets the fuel what will he do if he is desperately trying to hold ground and bleeding MP?

Expect to play for the late game, he just beat you in the early game, but you will crush him in the late game. Never stop fighting until the last ticket disappears.
18 May 2015, 15:40 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Honestly, Soviet FHQ is retarded stupid on certain maps in large team games. The most frustrating thing about FHQ is Whermacht has to struggle really hard to take out the buildings. Mortars are great but depending on the building takes forever!

Honestly, OKW has the easiest time fighting this doctrine with Stuka. One thing, I have noticed is that you can just avoid this building and cap rest of the map.

Fight on your own terms and not the opponent = Key to beating this doctrine.
18 May 2015, 16:30 PM
avatar of roarr

Posts: 33

When I faced Soviet FHQ i was the one who got locked down due to maxims, zis and mortars, so i got a stuka

It was followed with enemy team rage, insults and rage quit ;)
18 May 2015, 16:48 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Permanently Banned
You people do not know the fundamentals of FHQ it seems. Allow me to educate you. You place it at a very forward point on the enemy side of the map at a cutoff/fuel point/major troop channel. Second The person who pops the FHQ spams CEs, conscripts, and atleast 3-4 45mm at guns. Other player goes t2 gets 3 mortars and maxims, 1 other player guards edges of map, last player supports. This ensures that the FHQ is well defended and allows you to keep pushing or hold outsode base and also makes sure you don't lose rest of map. Enemy mgs and mortars are worthless against 3 mortars under FHQ buffs.

Its hilarious, pro FHQ abusers like myself cannot be beat by tthe ol "get some mgsand mortars". By the time you get stukas we rush you with t34s, mortar halftracks are the most threatening, even then they are nothing when t34s arrive at the 9 minute mark.
18 May 2015, 16:53 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

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mortar halftracks are the most threatening, even then they are nothing when t34s arrive at the 9 minute mark.

9 minute t34s?

yup, calling bullshit
18 May 2015, 16:56 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Permanently Banned

9 minute t34s?

yup, calling bullshit

In a 4v4 where you hold both fuel points? Yeah just proves you've never cheesed this with your friends.
18 May 2015, 17:00 PM
avatar of Rasputin

Posts: 57

This thing is literally so easy to counter. Get a mortar halftrack, use the incendiary round and boom, house burns down and soviet player just wasted 80 fuel. If its a concrete building(wfa introduced quite a few of those) then it will take some more than just on incendiary round, unless you get really really lucky. Still, absolutely worth it and essentially a no brainer.

If you dont have the commander or you already went for a different one, counter it with support weapon spam. 2 mgs to lock it and its surroundings down. They cant shoot at you while they are suppressed and if they retreat, their bonuses and foward healing are useless to them. 2 mortars to constantly shell the buildings and/or the blobs reinforcing next to it. Even though soviet reinforcement costs are relatively cheap, youll get a good bleed going that way. Also get a Pak asap. The pak can help shoot at the building and also prevent a quick AA halftrack rush etc. Use your grens to go and cap elsewhere while the blob is busy getting suppressed.
18 May 2015, 17:02 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned

In a 4v4 where you hold both fuel points? Yeah just proves you've never cheesed this with your friends.

every allied player focusing one side will result in a loss. especially since I can get a mortar and basically shut down this entire strat, leaving one player with a shit doctrine.

I love how u glassed over the one unit that hard counters the FHQ to make up some "unbeatable early game" situation.

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