
russian armor

What good is the tiger tank?

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13 May 2015, 07:35 AM
avatar of Ztormi

Posts: 249

Tiger is fine and the last thing it would need is buff to it's survivability, it already has blitzkrieg and most of the times smoke which make finishing it off a frustrating effort.

I would like to see adjustments to IS2 armor to reduce frustrating RNG.

The thing that really grinds my gears though is the synergy of Soviet commanders. IS2+Incendiary strike and T34/85+Mark target are annoying to play against and really make countering them more difficult than it should be. I'd say the game would overall be more enjoyable without these 2 combos.
13 May 2015, 07:39 AM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

Because of the Incendiary the Pak 43 is automaticly countered + Pak 40's have to retreat all the time because of it. I don't see many Ostheer commanders have the same synergy.
13 May 2015, 07:53 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

bearing in mind: a game goes past 30minutes @50%map you're going to be facing 2 IS2's. that certainly doesn't help the Tiger's survivability.

Because of the Incendiary the Pak 43 is automaticly countered + Pak 40's have to retreat all the time because of it. I don't see many Ostheer commanders have the same synergy.

cmd tanks and light artillery are about as close as you get. maybe spotting scope + elefant, i suppose CAS and fragmentation bombs too: issue with all this being, and certainly similar to the double vision IS2, Wehrmacht aren't in the habit of stock piling resources.
13 May 2015, 07:57 AM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

For me, mostly of the time my resources aren't that high indeed. Depends on the situation and already upgraded units and stuff.
13 May 2015, 08:13 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

frankly i'm through with it. it feels like a liability. i'm going to give the elefant a whirl, or go to good ol' standby of cmdtank and paks, and just pray i don't either get outflanked or my paks don't turn into dreidels when the incendiary smoke falls. i swear i must be screwing up my micro or something 'cos they turn into whirling dervish's ....
13 May 2015, 08:21 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

Id rather see IS2 getting nerfed. Its not funny anymore.


Got tired of watching the same IS2 strats used in SCC.

IMO Tiger I is most balanced heavy tank in the game. It should be a reference on how or around what level of performance it is needed to balance all heavies.
13 May 2015, 08:30 AM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

jump backJump back to quoted post12 May 2015, 14:43 PMSwift
A tank with support is tank that's hanging around longer than one without.

Yes but the difference is that an IS-2 can go have a looksee without being too worried. Having a looksee with the Tiger is a gamble everytime. Why is the tank so slow and heavy if it's not the weight of the steel? Maybe it comes offmap with a bunch of fat partychicks in it.
13 May 2015, 08:43 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8


Got tired of watching the same IS2 strats used in SCC.

13 May 2015, 09:23 AM
avatar of Strummingbird
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jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 08:43 AMKatitof

Better be careful, or the NDA gestapo'll come knocking for you :snfBarton:
13 May 2015, 09:52 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 07:24 AMKatitof
There is a SINGLE TANK IN WHOLE GAME which Tiger doesn't penetrate reliably.

You know, that is quite debatable. Because if we replace the term "TANK" with "CALL-IN" which will be more accurate, things change. Because currently you can dispose of a Tiger with your dual 85s call in. Further, assuming the difference in range betwen Tiger and a TD with turret (therefore behaving like a tank when fighting against tanks), I can theoretically assume that a Jackson can dispose of a Tiger as well due to the fact I can keep my jackson's range advantage by constantly reversing and shooting with my recently buffed AT gun.

If we are tot ake into account all the aspects on the field, and all factions, involving the fact that every conscript or rifleman will be eventually able to damage the Tiger's engine through AT grenades, it's easy to understand why Tiger is not in a good spot right now. And don't tell me that grenadiers have pzfaust too, because, you know, volks have nothing to damage an engine.

There is no comparison between the IS2 and Tiger armor, especially when we talk about frontal armor which is the most important.

And it's not about krupp steel love or other stupid things you want to imply, it's about the fact that Tiger has no defined role right now. To expensive to use it as an AI unit, to bad to use it as an AT one. It's good at everything and in the same time good at nothing really.
13 May 2015, 10:06 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

I will NEVER understand the miNdset of a player that KNOWS call-in spam is coming, fails to prepare for it, loses, thenn comes to the forums to cry.


So i'm not allowed to use armor just because other side went call-ins.Excellent balance.:clap:
13 May 2015, 10:09 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 07:01 AMFlamee

-EDIT- Like said earlier in this thread, Wehr has a lot of issues - BUT TIGER IS NOT BIGGEST OF THEM :D

Agree.But still tiger currently is slightly weaker than it should be.
13 May 2015, 10:11 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

frankly i'm through with it. it feels like a liability.

This is exactly why i made this thread.Why does the final lategame armor feel like a liability?
13 May 2015, 10:19 AM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

The Tiger is may be arguably weaker, but there's still a Panther. Call ins are so tempting but why not beat Soviet heavy armour with a better tank destroyer than the Tiger. It's high time the meta evolved, instead of stagnating with the same units.
13 May 2015, 10:24 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 10:19 AMSwift
The Tiger is may be arguably weaker, but there's still a Panther. Call ins are so tempting but why not beat Soviet heavy armour with a better tank destroyer than the Tiger. It's high time the meta evolved, instead of stagnating with the same units.

Can't get to panther in lower game modes due to tech.
Can't punish soviet call-in waiters spamming zis wall because we have no incendiary call-in arty ,and my shitty pzwerfer locked out behind tech.Its extremely frustrating-this sense of helplessness.
13 May 2015, 10:25 AM
avatar of Fuzz
Donator 11

Posts: 98

When will people in this forum stop blaming their shortcomings in video games on minor balance issues? Really, really pathetic.
13 May 2015, 11:23 AM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 10:19 AMSwift
The Tiger is may be arguably weaker, but there's still a Panther. Call ins are so tempting but why not beat Soviet heavy armour with a better tank destroyer than the Tiger. It's high time the meta evolved, instead of stagnating with the same units.

There is absolutely no need for teching as Ostheer as Mechanized assault provides all the benefits of teching (forcing early enemy AT, strong early, mid and late game armor) without any of the downsides.
13 May 2015, 11:44 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

With this sort of stuff, I think we need to see replays.

So much of the game is how people use their units that theory crafting is close to useless.

The IS-2 is an awesome tank, but if I drive it backwards into a line of Paks, then of course it's going to die, horribly.

Likewise with the Tiger.
I'm sure Austerlitz is capable of not doing things like I've described (though given some of his posts, maybe I shouldn't be so sure), but we absolutely have to see replays so we know what really happened to his Tigers.

Maybe it was stuck in mud, maybe it was caught out in the middle of the entire Soviet force. Maybe it was gangbanged by fast moving Jacksons.

But in this thread all we see is Austerlitz saying Tiger's aren't good enough. Personally, I think Tigers are fine, especially given the overload of support options available to it, but we need to see how Austerlitz is using them. If he's playing stupidly with them, then it's not an issue and his arguments are void.
If he's playing effectively with them, using them effectively and reasonably and they're still getting smashed, then we have an issue.

So, Austerlitz, let's see some replays, then we can get some debate going.

13 May 2015, 12:02 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Better be careful, or the NDA gestapo'll come knocking for you :snfBarton:

13 May 2015, 13:03 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

jump backJump back to quoted post13 May 2015, 12:02 PMKatitof

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