In early October 1941, Heinz Wilhelm Guderian wrote pathetic and neglect:
"... The Soviet T-34 tank is a typical example of backward Bolshevik technology. This tank cannot be compared with the best of our tanks made true sons and Reich have repeatedly proven their advantage ... "
But by the end of October, inspired by the successful actions of the 4th Tank Brigade Mikhail Yefimovich Katukova against the 4th Panzer Division, "Heinz Greyhound" fundamentally changed his mind about the Soviet tank:
"I made a report on this situation, which is new for us, and sent him to the Army Group. I'm in understandable terms described a distinct advantage to the T-34 and brought to our Pz.IV appropriate conclusions, which were to affect our future tank building ... "
I fail to see your point. At the end of war the german tanks were still better. In 41 and 42 soviet tanks were surclassing german ones, yes, everybody knows that, but then untill war ended, the german tanks took the lead.
If you imply that the late german tanks were inspired by T34 project I must say:
1. Panther tank is the only one who somewhat looks like the T34 and my opinion is that german designers were inspired by T34 sloppy armor - for sure, but there is no actual prove of that. What about the soviet assault guns? SU 85, SU 100, ISU 152 and so on. Where were they inspired from?

Further, the T34 project is not - surprise! - a soviet one. No sir. The tank it was first designed by an american engineer, but the project was rejected and bought by russians. Now do you understand the difference between original soviet BT and KV models and the T34 model? Bingo....
2. Tiger - the best tank in the war (yes, that was the best tank in the war, not T34, shermann, or other thin cans

) was not inspired by any foreign model, it was 100% a german project.