
russian armor

okw munis cost

9 Apr 2015, 13:49 PM
avatar of Bananainpajamas

Posts: 123

im just inquiring everyone's input on this but ever since the new patch I find okw munis even with lots of map control just get eatin way to hard.. since obers know require munis for upgrading and volks 90munis for a panzershreck it is hard too have enough munis for upgrades.. grenades are used very sparingly and mine play is also rare do too the need for upgrading.. it basically renders the elite armour with the panzer 4s commander absolutely useless do to its high munis cost for upgrades.. I don't no if it would help by making one shreck cost 60 munis like panzergrens..since there accuracy and range has been decreased. It also makes it very easy for the soviet faction to overpower okws infantry with guards dp and cheap molis and ptrs do to them not having to spend 90 muni per volk squad to acquire some at infantry. Anyway I just find okw a very high muni requiring faction and never seem to have enough munis..
9 Apr 2015, 13:54 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Each LMG34 is 2 nades.
Or you can get rocketen instead of shreck.
Its about munition management. Before everyone went for shrecks, because there was nothing else, now there is a decision aspect.

OKW doesn't have muni problems, Elite Armor commander is simply badly designed with all muni abilities and additional muni cost on P4s themselves.
9 Apr 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of Budwise
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Compared to other factions, yes OKW is starved in everything but manpower.
9 Apr 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

I find it much easier to have more spare munitions post patch. Since Rakkettenwerfer 43 is now actually a decent AT gun, I have found that you don't need 5 panzerschreks anymore. I just get 3 of them now and spend my munitions elsewhere. I've been having some success with using it on Booby Traps.
9 Apr 2015, 14:24 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

Forget about Schkrechs, maybe one of them mid game to aid your Raketen. Try not to use nades very much, good players will easily dodge them, go for Ambush nades instead (doctrinal). Raketen is very efficient now, put one in a house, protect it and use your muni for better upgrades like STG/LMG34 for ubers or later in the game, Pzschreck "to support" your raketen.
9 Apr 2015, 14:29 PM
avatar of sickpetey

Posts: 101

I only use granades when going special ops so I don't have the lack of munitions. Nowadays I mostly use them for ober upgrades,mines or that vet 1 granade obers and falchimjagers have because that thing is crazy when properly used.

9 Apr 2015, 15:36 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Nowadays I mostly use them for ober upgrades,mines or that vet 1 granade obers and falchimjagers have because that thing is crazy when properly used.

Quoted for truth. If you got a problem with mindless blobs, it has a solution.
9 Apr 2015, 17:41 PM
avatar of PanzerGeneralForever

Posts: 1072

Ostheer has the same problem. They need munitions for heal bunker, flamer pios,tank upgrades, and most importantly lmg grens. There's a reason Ostheer has convert fuel to munitions ability in 2 commanders one of which doesnt need it that much due to the ostruppen.

The only faction that doesn't require heavy munitions upgrades are the soviets. Thats why soviet mine spam and demos are very common. Soviets don't have tank mg upgrades (save for ISU and IS2) and cons only have cheap 30 ( or 45? ) munitions ppshs on some commanders. Guards don't need DPs as badly as before PTRS buff.

USFs need BARS and nades but almost or heal abilities to they are better off than the axis too.
9 Apr 2015, 18:06 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Ostheer has the same problem. They need munitions for heal bunker, flamer pios,tank upgrades, and most importantly lmg grens. There's a reason Ostheer has convert fuel to munitions ability in 2 commanders one of which doesnt need it that much due to the ostruppen.

The only faction that doesn't require heavy munitions upgrades are the soviets. Thats why soviet mine spam and demos are very common. Soviets don't have tank mg upgrades (save for ISU and IS2) and cons only have cheap 30 ( or 45? ) munitions ppshs on some commanders. Guards don't need DPs as badly as before PTRS buff.

USFs need BARS and nades but almost or heal abilities to they are better off than the axis too.

I wouldn't say that, USF feels even more filled with munition sinks than Wehrmacht.

Like most, weapon upgrades and grenades. Bunkers, like Wehrmacht. Pintle MG upgrade like Wehrmacht, but only on Shermans unlike Wehrmacht - though it does cost 10 more. In addition to that, USF has plenty of walking munition sinks - REs basically only technically do damage and exist to spend munitions on suppressive fire, M20 has a 70 munition upgrade like the 222 but unlike the 222 mostly exists to lay 60 muni AT mines later game since its gun does no damage outside of close-range making it really hard to be worth microing into combat when the 222 can more realistically kite and kill infantry, 57mms need to spend 30 munitions every time it fires at any vehicles that are at least PIV-level in toughness, Stuarts are only really useful with their (expensive) abilities. Some of their commander options are even worse about this, like Greyhounds.

I feel way more likely to go "OK I got my upgrades, now to make some strategic choices with my munitions" on Wehrmacht than on USF where it's more like "I NEED MOAR MUNITIONS FOR SOMETHING"...when I'm not losing, of course, which is not common when one is playing Wehrmacht.
9 Apr 2015, 23:15 PM
avatar of SturmtigerCobra
Patrion 310

Posts: 964 | Subs: 11

Raketenwerfer 43 is situational and wont work well on all maps, especially not against a skilled USF player that have shermans + big blob of M1919 LMGs or flamers.
Raketenwerfer 43 dont have the same AT + AI mobility as Panzerschreck volks and also has less durability than other AT guns. Using Raketenwerfer aggressively similar to pak40 + suppport against USF without faust nor Werh's long range target weak point is very risky. Playing OKW without Panzerschreck feel like playing a WW1 game (to defensive). Using a Panther against M36s are also very risky now due to less mobility, less durability (easier to kite with M36/M10), no smoke and bad options to clear M20 mines. It's also much safer trying to flank M36/M10s with Panzerschreck rather than AT guns. So without alot of Panzerschrecks that Panther will have to be used defensive as well.

The problem with OKWs mid game now is that they have poor flexiblity and mobility without alot of munitions. OKW dont have medium AI/AT tanks so they rely on infantry support to carry their mid game armor.
OKW still dont have any good non-fuel counter arty (the stuka which are risky to get early in 1vs1), so playing OKW defensively mid game are not really viable against a skilled opponent that are abusing OKWs lack of counter arty options.

One of the best way to fix OKWs mid game are to buff fuel to munitions conversion from the truck so they can play similar to the Werh close air support commander.
9 Apr 2015, 23:53 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

One of the best way to fix OKWs mid game are to buff fuel to munitions conversion from the truck so they can play similar to the Werh close air support commander.

So basically you're saying they should be able to Obers and Schreck spam like the last patch, but without Volks being bulletproof.

I'm going to have to disagree with the notion.
10 Apr 2015, 00:06 AM
avatar of PanzerGeneralForever

Posts: 1072

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Apr 2015, 18:06 PMVuther

I wouldn't say that, USF feels even more filled with munition sinks than Wehrmacht.

Like most, weapon upgrades and grenades. Bunkers, like Wehrmacht. Pintle MG upgrade like Wehrmacht, but only on Shermans unlike Wehrmacht - though it does cost 10 more. In addition to that, USF has plenty of walking munition sinks - REs basically only technically do damage and exist to spend munitions on suppressive fire, M20 has a 70 munition upgrade like the 222 but unlike the 222 mostly exists to lay 60 muni AT mines later game since its gun does no damage outside of close-range making it really hard to be worth microing into combat when the 222 can more realistically kite and kill infantry, 57mms need to spend 30 munitions every time it fires at any vehicles that are at least PIV-level in toughness, Stuarts are only really useful with their (expensive) abilities. Some of their commander options are even worse about this, like Greyhounds.

I feel way more likely to go "OK I got my upgrades, now to make some strategic choices with my munitions" on Wehrmacht than on USF where it's more like "I NEED MOAR MUNITIONS FOR SOMETHING"...when I'm not losing, of course, which is not common when one is playing Wehrmacht.

bunkers--> same for Ostheer
m20 upgrades and mines? --> same for Ostheer
sherman mg upgrade--> Sherman already has HE rounds so its not necessary for it to have mg. (little better than p4)
stuart? ---> Ostheer doesnt even have an equivalent that comes out so fast. (teching)

And the BIGGEST reason Ostheer needs munitions more than USF (but not by much) is because vanilla rifles > grens any day. Even with lmg the grens will have a hard time vs vanilla rifles.
10 Apr 2015, 00:10 AM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Sure, we can have OKW with regular muni if we increase their tech price in return. You cannot have an army that can have Shreks/LMGs running around and cheap tech cost at the same time.
10 Apr 2015, 00:37 AM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

Actually I don't see any major issue with OKW's mid game. Raketen is good, and it's also cheap so you get two of them. One in a building and another for support. Or you can get one raketen and 1 or 2 Schrecks to support it. Raketen also scales very well if you keep it alive, I'm very happy with it's buff.
10 Apr 2015, 01:28 AM
avatar of Remi

Posts: 17

You cannot have an army that can have Shreks/LMGs running around and cheap tech cost at the same time.

We already have that, it's called USF and they even get free zook/BAR squads when you tech.
10 Apr 2015, 01:36 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Each LMG34 is 2 nades.

That's correct! don't don't toss a nade except you really really need. I also think now IR-STG is a good option since you can now upgrade to that to deal with inf better in most cases (if the game allows u to pick Sp. Op. doc)

Or you can get rocketen instead of shreck.

No you can't! kappa

Shreck and rocketen have different usage. Volks are good/known only for their shreck. without shreck volks become useless mid/late game.

OKW doesn't have muni problems

Looooooooooool of the year! :D good job! ;)
10 Apr 2015, 01:43 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

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jump backJump back to quoted post10 Apr 2015, 01:36 AMAladdin
Shreck and rocketen have different usage. Volks are good/known only for their shreck. without shreck volks become useless mid/late game.

Vet. 5.

Which is inevitable as long as you keep them alive and fighting, regardless of them being upgraded or not.

I'd rather have to get Volks to get 5 upgradeless than REs to vet 3...the first one you can actually intend! REs getting vet 3 without weapons feels like an accident it happens at all.
10 Apr 2015, 01:55 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Apr 2015, 01:43 AMVuther

Vet. 5.

Which is inevitable as long as you keep them alive and fighting, regardless of them being upgraded or not.

I'd rather have to get Volks to get 5 upgradeless than REs to vet 3...the first one you can actually intend! REs getting vet 3 without weapons feels like an accident it happens at all.

Bro, do u even play this game at all?

Do you know how and why volks vet up fast, and why they are the units you can see (more often in comparison with other units) at higher vets?

It comes from the damage they deal using their shrecks bro!
10 Apr 2015, 01:58 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Apr 2015, 01:55 AMAladdin

Bro, do u even play this game at all?

Do you know how and why volks vet up fast, and why they are the units you can see (more often in comparison with other units) at higher vets?

It comes from the damage they deal using their shrecks bro!

Which is literally impossible without Schrecks.

Except the part where it isn't. Keep em' alive and fighting, receive vet. It's pretty inevitable for any OKW infantry (the weapon teams and vehicles are the harder parts).
10 Apr 2015, 02:09 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Apr 2015, 01:58 AMVuther

Which is literally impossible without Schrecks.

Except the part where it isn't. Keep em' alive and fighting, receive vet. It's pretty inevitable for any OKW infantry (the weapon teams and vehicles are the harder parts).

volks are the weakest basic infantry of all faction. As OKW, you need to use other infantry units such as obers, pfs, falls, JLI, or even sp. as AI units to play more competitively and effectively. while the advantage of keeping volks within your army is to give them shreck (cause they lose vs other faction infs 1v1)
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