
russian armor

6 consecutive losses against arranged teams

3 Apr 2015, 19:52 PM
avatar of malecite

Posts: 139

I came back to try the patch, and I have to say I think I may finally be done with this title.

The patch did wonders for balance but the dwindling community and lack of any separation between pub matches and arranged teams is just the straw that broke the camels back.

Game 1:3 UEF clan memebers vs random pubs and me. Game ends in 20 min.
Game 2: CBZ clan, one of our guys leaves instantly. Game over in 30 min.
Game 3: Actual decent match with pub players. Game over in 40 min.
Game 4: Same 3 man team as game 2. Game over in 15 min.
Game 5: 4 man team on Steppes. Game over in 20 min.
Game 6: Same 4 man team on Steppes again (lol). Game over in 20 min.

I mean I respect the fact that the devs are trying to improve the game, and the reason for doing that is a viable community. But quite honestly this has to be stupidest thing I have ever seen in any online multiplayer.

Mechwarrior online had exactly the same problem until they changed the automatch to only allow random pub players to play together. It basically got to the point where the title almost died completely as new players were so turned off to the game they just quit. Now if you want to play with your friends you are placed in a separate pool of players, which makes complete sense. It's actually a blast to just drop in and play against random opponents online knowing you aren't going to get completely decimated by people with headsets. Conversely if you join a team match you are probably playing against 4-8 man drops on teamspeak who will completely fuck you up.

At least the guys from Game 5 and 6 were polite about it, and when I asked if they enjoyed stomping pubs all day the replied it wasn't their fault and they didn't particularly enjoy it either. Personally I don't see the challenge of having an overwhelming advantage and just winning over and over again, but to each their own.

I guess I'll have to finally bid farewell to this title, it's a shame really as I think the new changes were halfway decent for the gameplay, but this constant pubstomping just disgusts me, would it really be so hard to just program a button in that says "random team mates"?
3 Apr 2015, 20:07 PM
avatar of boc120

Posts: 245

I'm sorry you don't have friends to play with. There is a thread for looking for teammates here on the forums. Separating the players was done in CoH1 and games were hard to find.
3 Apr 2015, 21:14 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

Dear OP: Welcome to random auto-match. Feel free to add any competent players you come across in-game to your friends list and play in arranged teams and discontinue posting whine threads post-haste.
3 Apr 2015, 23:41 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

It's not LoL with 30 MILLION players. You can expect separate ques for AT/Randumb. If you are really inclined to play 4v4, just find 3 competent players.
4 Apr 2015, 01:19 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Or play randoms and take your lumps
4 Apr 2015, 01:23 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

The alternative is waiting 20+ minutes for a game. Most people would tell you that's unacceptable.

You wouldn't have this opinion if you ever tried to play team games in CoH1. CoH1 had separate queues for random and arranged teams, and it was largely terrible. 2v2 and 2v2AT were kinda okay, but even then it was very hard to find AT games during off hours, and 3v3/4v4 random and AT queues were entirely unused because it was impossible to find games in a timely manner. The CoH2 approach is vastly superior given the size of the community.
4 Apr 2015, 01:53 AM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned

And also losing games isnt the end of the world..
4 Apr 2015, 02:27 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1


And also losing games isnt the end of the world..

I don't think you, Queen "5 loss's as OKW then ragequit" Rachet are one to be an authority on rolling with the punches.
4 Apr 2015, 02:37 AM
avatar of malecite

Posts: 139


And also losing games isnt the end of the world..

I do know how to play.

In fact I was one of the very first people to own COH1 one when I preordered it all the way back in 2006, I have been playing ever since.

I enjoy that phrase "learn how to play", I think what you really mean is "your opinion doesn't matter to me".

Which is fine.

I suppose what people is saying is correct.

If the alternative is having to wait longer I suppose that justifies an incredibly lopsided match making system. I do however find it extremely frustrating to have matches that either oscillate between crushing your opponents or being crushed continually.

I have a number of people I have met over the years that own the game, however,I find it increasingly difficult to get them to even load it up without an extreme amount of cajoling.

I suppose that itself is an answer, no one really wants to play this game, so I take back my rant. Hah, I myself just came back from... a 4 month hiatus? I actually couldn't stand playing with the WF armies and the ridiculous imbalance the OKW created. Team games devolved into basically picking German or losing as soon as the super heavies hit the field. Not fun.

The problem really stems from Relic, I am reminded of *tales of valor* with the nearly 1 year reign of the super pak bug and the travesty that was the Roo rushing. On that note I am pretty disappointed, as much as I think the balance changes were necessary I feel like the 6 month silence from Relic demanded a little more than some minor number changes. Maybe that's why I am so incredibly annoyed with the match making? You come back and expect something to be better than when you left it, but apparently less people play this now than before.

Oh well, I guess another 6 month break is warranted. The diablo patch comes out next Tuesday.
4 Apr 2015, 02:57 AM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

The matchmaking simply sucks, if you want to win you need to learn how to carry your team mates, that's more important than your individual play. Write team mates what to do, where to go and you will be able also to win against arranged teams.
4 Apr 2015, 03:26 AM
avatar of YouGetGot

Posts: 71

I had someone drop on me before the game even started and they were replaced with CPU Easy - and no, that wasn't someone's name. That hurt worse that being rolled playing with someone against a clan match.
4 Apr 2015, 03:40 AM
avatar of MVwhine

Posts: 107

In pub games, try supporting your buddy instead of expecting your partner to support you. You'll see a totally different outcome.
4 Apr 2015, 11:03 AM
avatar of Immoraliste

Posts: 50

The "find some friends hurr hurr" line holds no water as far as I'm concerned. It just places you on one side or the other of a pretty pointless set-up: either you are in the pointless position of being stomped by an AT, or you're in the equally pointless position of stomping some helpless pubs. I can't see that appealing to anyone, bar weak people who were probably bullied at school and for whom safety in numbers completely overrides any desire for a challenge.

What I'd advise is playing 2v2. You may get stuck vs an AT, but it's easier to impose yourself on the game, and work with a single partner.
4 Apr 2015, 11:17 AM
avatar of GuyFromTheSky

Posts: 229

I stopped playing 3v3 and 4v4 because of the issues the matchmaker has with finding a good match and people dropping all the time. I currently enjoy the shit out of 1v1 and 2v2. I found a few guys trough random matches that i play 2v2 AT with now, i'll probably never go back to the bigger matches.
4 Apr 2015, 11:25 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

The "find some friends hurr hurr" line holds no water as far as I'm concerned. It just places you on one side or the other of a pretty pointless set-up: either you are in the pointless position of being stomped by an AT, or you're in the equally pointless position of stomping some helpless pubs. I can't see that appealing to anyone, bar weak people who were probably bullied at school and for whom safety in numbers completely overrides any desire for a challenge.

What I'd advise is playing 2v2. You may get stuck vs an AT, but it's easier to impose yourself on the game, and work with a single partner.


I don't find people dropping all the time, or not in my timezone, but playing vs a AT team is challenging once a day, not more. I have think many times to join a clan but in term of automatch it doesn't change anything. Instead of being stomped, you are the stomping one and honestly, masochist as it is, I prefer being on the wrong side - it is more entertaining and if not winning, at least your can found way to improve your playstyle.
4 Apr 2015, 11:38 AM
avatar of niutudis

Posts: 276

Funny to read the same statemants about matching premades vs randoms I got in mechwarrior online...
"deal with it" "find friends" "it´s your own fault" "blablabla I enjoy stomping"
A few months later the game was next to empty and the devs finally changed it.

Btw: sure it´ll take a few minutes more to find a match for premades, but thats better then finding games quick only to play 15min. and turn new players off before they actually have fun and want to find a team... which could result in more teams and faster/better matchmaking for premades too.
4 Apr 2015, 12:41 PM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

Don't take allied games seriously, or play with friends, or play axis and have fun. Allies just too limited in strategy choices and too dependent on all players to know what they doing in any moment of the game.

MM sucks hardcore.
4 Apr 2015, 13:27 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

The solution truly is to find someone to play with.. Why are you playing the team mode without your team?

Would you want to play a CoOp game with some random all the time? Of just in a pinch because you want to play a team game and none of your friends are on at the moment?

Or would you just press the invite button on your friends list?

Quitting because of that makes no sense to me honestly.
4 Apr 2015, 14:01 PM
avatar of Low0dds

Posts: 151

The alternative is waiting 20+ minutes for a game. Most people would tell you that's unacceptable.

You wouldn't have this opinion if you ever tried to play team games in CoH1. CoH1 had separate queues for random and arranged teams, and it was largely terrible. 2v2 and 2v2AT were kinda okay, but even then it was very hard to find AT games during off hours, and 3v3/4v4 random and AT queues were entirely unused because it was impossible to find games in a timely manner. The CoH2 approach is vastly superior given the size of the community.

This is exactly why I am getting in my 3v3s and 4v4s now before they revert back to vCoH match making. After that, it will be back to the lobbies with arranged team stacking and stomping for large games. :banana:
4 Apr 2015, 14:18 PM
avatar of Fanatic
Patrion 14

Posts: 480 | Subs: 1

The CoH2 approach is vastly superior given the size of the community.

I disagree since i prefer waiting some more minutes over getting matched with a random mate vs an arranged team. For the random team this is nothing but frustrating because you will most likely get stomped while a cheap victory is simply boring for the AT team. I have seen this problem from both perspectives and this made me stop playing any mode involving more than 2 players.

Just by the way, I never had any problem finding a 2v2 AT or 2v2 random game in CoH 1 and i played thousands of hours. I quit playing a few months ago because of the boring sniper spam meta game and the rising amount of bar counting players which lead to a CoH2 like situation in CoH1.
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