My assumption with all the cheap bs like loiters, blob frontline re-inforce / heal, and the faster tick rate for pacier games, was that it was built that way for the console port, and Relic were doing the maximum they could to suit the game to consoles while trying to keep the core PC base happy. Of course they've got it disastrously wrong.
Completely agree re team games: I simply stopped playing Coh3 many weeks ago because even if you were microing as intensely as in Coh2, you just wouldn't have any sense that you were having fun. There were no exciting big moments in a game or any of the fun risk/reward situations you could build up to. |
Yep - overwhelming feeling I had while filling out the form was: Relic senior management have started internally asking the questions along the path to ending support for the game and moving on. |
Some things that are annoying:
- You can't press R to retreat if you are in a build menu for the infantry unit. I.e. if you have an engineer and you're in the build menu when you get attacked, pressing R will do nothing because it's not a shortcut within that menu (so your squad will be wiped). You have to exit that menu and then press R, which defeats the purpose of it being a quick way to save your unit.
- On subject of unhelpful / confusing re-used icons, why is the coh2 tank blitz icon used in coh3 for tanks to slow down and fire more accurately / quickly (DAK and others)? It's the exact opposite of what the icon signified in coh2.
- Completely agree re shading on abilities that are in use (e.g. air attack / mortar barrage). There's no change to show they're in use; there's only a visible change when they're in timed cool-down. Similarly, using that ability might mean other abilities can't be used concurrently, but there's no change to indicate this.
- Teamkilling is still in the game. Other players can destroy your base, and even worse, you can't even tell who it is because there's no identification of whose unit it is in MP.
- No option to have chat permanently on screen, as in coh2 (used to click player list then press ' ).
It basically feels like NONE of the QoL stuff people complained about in coh2 has been acted upon (no auto-reconnect; still teamkilling; no punishment for afk etc.), whereas you can't even surrender anymore, nor call out the player who is ruining it for everyone else. It feels as if Relic is trying to hide the fact it hasn't (can't?) made any improvements around managing player conduct by making everyone anonymous so no-one can accuse anyone else of anything, but the bad actor is free to do what they were doing before.
Watching the credits at the end of the campaign, it seems astounding that there were hundreds and hundreds of people working on this game, but few of the big coh2 complaints were acted upon. |
You can imagine what nub mode 4v4 is like with these offmaps / skill planes. Just 8 players constantly throwing one click hugely powerful abilities at the other team. Any push is immediately responded to by one or two rocket loiters, any flanking move is ripped apart with one click etc.
I'd go as far as to say the flow of the game is primarily being controlled by cheap offmaps: it feels like players casting powerful spells and constantly throwing them at each other rather than anything to do with WW2 RTS.
Coh2 had that Typhoon loiter, but most air abilities were strafes / bombing runs that could be dodged. |
Some of the offmaps are ridiculous: arriving very quickly, and huge,almost random area of effect (squads being wiped half a screen away from the marked target radius, despite being moved the second the offmap was called). Basically no counter-play at all, which I'm sure the competitive scene will rage about. I'm sure these will be toned down.
Haven't tested yet in launch package, but assuming no change in the last month, the Axis bunker has 360 degree firing coverage with an mg crew inside (i.e. zero flanking in early game if a player puts a bunker on a key point with an mg). With mortars being ineffective on bunkers, it leaves the only counter as waiting for AT gun (but the bunker with mg crew can be built in minute 1), or smoke + some kind of demo.
Agree with you re USF. Seem a very versatile army. |
Been saying this for years. If you're talking about nub mode 4v4, then if you get dragged into the vortex of ELO hell (say, rank 6 and below) during a bad streak, it's almost impossible to get out, unless you're a top level player.
At those levels, most games are simply decided in the first second, because almost every game will have at least one afk (1-3 out of 8 is normal), a genuine novice who doesn't know how to build units, or a full-time troll, so for 70%+ of the games, you simply can't have any influence on the outcome (over a large sample you will win half, as you'll be on the auto-win start as often as the auto-loss), meaning the pool of games where you can outperform your rank is very small. In most games at this level, your best chance of winning is to have your three team mates quit at the start, because 95% of players at rank <6 are completely outmatched by CPU Easy and can't deal with the CPU capping and applying map pressure.
As Aerafield says, if you're above average and play tryhard, over a long period of time you can probably drag yourself out (I'm sure it's straightforward for top 1000 players), but for most players, once you're in those ELO brackets, you're not getting out.
What would be great in coh3 would be to have a provisional re-ranking window available every few months. Being in ELO hell in coh2 is one of the occasions where I had some understanding of what it must be like to grow up in crap circumstances: it's really hard to escape from your situation when everyone around you is a low achiever / troublemaker and there are very few opportunities for you to shine in the eyes of the system.
Obviously at a minimum coh3 needs to have afk / team killing punishments, as it seems most players alt+tab when searching and only return to actually play the game if they remember, or are bored with the other activity they were doing.
[I'm an average player within overall player base of coh2. Rank 13-15 in 4v4 with 3 factions, but ELO hell rank 1-3 with a couple of factions where you simply can't get out because EVERY game is a total mess]. |
It's happening ALL THE TIME in 4v4. Plenty of people now complaining on Steam forums and chat, but doubt it affects many here as mainly 1v1 players.
When any player now leaves in-game, the screen text log states they have left, but the player list does not update to recognize they have left, and move to CPU control. So all that player's units freeze for 30-60 seconds before the player list is actually updated to record the player has left.
Maybe 50% of the time someone leaves, it's leading to all other players being unable to control their units (presumably lost connection) for the 30-60 seconds period, before it states connection lost and defeat (win always goes to the player who left and triggered the connection problem).
Prior to server maintenance this never happened. The only time there was ever some connection problem following a player leaving was when multiple players left a few seconds after each other, but that was very occasional.
I will send a log next time it happens. |

Retreated captain while he was 5 man. Went down to 0 man while retreating in position for about 20 seconds.
I thought that my connection was lost, but I could move infantry and I could move my RE. About 2 minutes later. All of my units froze, not just the captain and an automatic Defeat and every player dropping.
Was captain retreat in position also some weird connection error even though I had sent and the server executed orders for other units at the same time?
It's the bug since the server maintenance a couple of days ago. In team games, every other game when a player leaves its leading to connection being lost for everyone and the win being awarded to the player who left. When the player leaves, other players can't input new commands but the units continue what they were doing before, then 30-60 seconds later when the game records that the original player left, it's connection lost for all the remaining players.
Not any mention of it here on .org because it's almost all 1v1 players, and for the same reason I doubt it will be fixed soon because all the main player advocates for getting stuff done are the 1v1 community. |
If you're playing 4v4s and you're relying on other players to provide recon and ways to wipe arty, then you only have yourself to blame.
As Ostheer, I will always have Close Air Support commander ready to go, as 90% of the time the rest of your team are not not interested in using commanders to cover capability gaps and instead just want big tanks and powerful infantry. Same with Soviets; the majority of the time in 4s I will use Anti-Infantry Tactics commander so as to have the ability to quickly cover for team-mates who can't handle basic blobbing, as well as to completely invalidate fixed arty play.
How it's possible that the vast majority of 4v4 players (i.e mostly nubs) never learn the utility of abilities like recon, as opposed to just supplementing the strong tanks they have with more tanks, I just don't know. |
If over 90% of players in PvP multiplayer at any one moment are playing team games, why would you continue to balance around 1v1?
We are heading to the 5th year anniversary and the 1v1 e-sports coh2 dreams are long dead. Why balance the game around that mode when almost the entirity of those still playing are in team games? |