I don't know what it was coded in minds of USF. seeing KT doesn't mean the game over you could still have 4-5 Jacksons with powerfull Sherman timing that hits even before OKW could have Panter. And if OKW player wanted to go KT you had even more units to influence the game because he can't afford any vehicles, all fuel goes to teching. For me this comunity is really wierd example of honor code everybody swears to his faction. For example one guy chooses Allies so he goes around forums sharing his experiences how Axis is op and how their tanks have no counters. The other guy choses Axis and goes around talking about how USF and Soviets are choking him early to mid game while his forces struggle to even keep map control. Problem is that truth is somewhere in the middle Axis wasn't insanely IMBA lategame and Allies earlygame wasn't unbeatable either. But Relic sees to have caught only the bad vibrations and nerfed Axis lategame (OKW vs USF and USF vs Ost(Jacksons vs Tigers)) and buffed Allies lategame (on USF part anyway) and to be honest kinda screwed game in the long run.
ok first of 4-5 Jacksons
Second off in the previous patch with said 4-5 jacksons how did you manage the Obers and shreck blobs? I have never sworn by any particular faction, I love playing them all (too bad I'm a hipster and couldnt bring myself to play OKW much the past few months

) but in a 1v1 or 2v2 even match, It was really hard to deal with the behemoth that was. At least now Allies can consistently deal with the tank rather than praying to the RNG gods and hoping to penetrate. See we all want Consistent influence-able play (reason why nobody likes plane crashes), With the prior armor the glass cannons of Jacksons were very inconsistent and made it frustrating to play against. Further more nothing short of an IS2 did reliable damage to it meaning that even if you try to counter it appropriately it was still a huge uphill battle (there is a video of a KT driving into a mine in front of 4 Zis guns and killing them).
Blitz was a terribly unfair ability that did not deserve to be on a super heavy tank. Blitz single-handedly countered jacksons.
This patch in terms of the KT made it countering it more influence-able and got rid of the ridiculous Blitz mechanic which allowed Terrible play go unpunished.
The KT still is a monster of a tank, you just now have to play well with it now like all tanks