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RELIC-how about you tell us what is in the march 31 patch!

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19 Mar 2015, 14:49 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

I dont have gaming laptop, but still I can easily play Dark Souls 2, Skyrim, Diablo 3, Xenoverse on very high setting and BF4 on medium-high with very good performance.

But CoH2... I have the lowest yet when 2 B4s shoot at once at my units it's just...
19 Mar 2015, 15:05 PM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

to be fair the probably won't say anything about balance as the work on it till the final day.

I would like to know features tho!
19 Mar 2015, 15:27 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

No, what people want is to win all the time in the easiest manner possible.

They will then complain that the meta is stale and expect someone else to fix it for them

Very few are willing to take risks and experiment

Blaming players for the metagame doesn't really make much sense when you're talking about a competition. If there's one style of play that clearly gives the best odds of success, it's obvious that people are going to use it more often than other styles. It's up to the game to encourage, and to make viable, a variety of different styles. Players can help it along, obviously, but it's unreasonable to expect people to handicap themselves in the name of manufacturing variety. The best way to encourage variety is to make it a competitive advantage.
19 Mar 2015, 15:40 PM
avatar of van Voort
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jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2015, 15:27 PMInverse

Blaming players for the metagame doesn't really make much sense when you're talking about a competition. If there's one style of play that clearly gives the best odds of success, it's obvious that people are going to use it more often than other styles. It's up to the game to encourage, and to make viable, a variety of different styles. Players can help it along, obviously, but it's unreasonable to expect people to handicap themselves in the name of manufacturing variety. The best way to encourage variety is to make it a competitive advantage.

Except that I'm never talking about Competition, and even I was that's a tiny, tiny fraction of the games played.

People who are playing "for fun" - which is basically everybody - aren't obliged to chose the optimum consensus load out. If they do it's because they want to win all the time, or they really care about ladder rank. That's a valid option, but then they don't have the right to complain that they are bored doing the same thing all the time.

What people often seem to want is for Relic to randomly change unit stats rather then explore alternate play styles of their own volition.

It is possible for the meta to change without patch, which I believe Relic have mentioned on Stream

We have had B4 be very popular, and Axis players have learned to adapt to it and change their loadouts accordingly and on-map artillery is now not so common

We have also, and in relation to that, had CAS and, to a much lesser extent, Advanced Warfare become more widely available and used. The meta around those has not yet settled down, but I think I am seeing much less CAS then we did a month ago.

Also we have people experimenting with Fear Propaganda and using those Commanders.
19 Mar 2015, 15:49 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

To be fair; either play the meta or lose. Meta is the way to play, not a choice.

Also the game mechanism is pretty rubbish atm.
19 Mar 2015, 15:54 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

But every time you play against another person, you're competing against them. It doesn't matter if you're taking the game seriously or not, when you play against someone and try to win, you're competing. You don't have to be a tournament player to want to win. If you're playing a multiplayer game, you have to accept the fact that the vast majority of players are playing to win. For most people, winning in a boring way is a whole lot more fun than losing in a unique way. Nobody goes into a game of CoH2 and says "I'm going to try to lose". You're playing to win against an opponent who's also playing to win; that's the very definition of a competition.

Of course the meta can change without patches, but that requires a game that encourages variety. Unfortunately, CoH2 lacks a lot of the traditional RTS elements that encourage variety in other games. It's all about finding the optimal unit composition, which is a tough thing to do with so many units in the game, but once it's been found there's little incentive to introduce variety on the player's part because unit composition is really the only strategic outlet players have.
19 Mar 2015, 16:04 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2015, 08:50 AMKatitof

Not hard to call it since they always do that :D
But all it takes is the basic communication within the company to get patch AND the notes at the same time.

CoHo was a prototype of CoH2 and that is as far as it goes.
We know less about possible DoW3 then jaigen about playing allies.

So the whole new engine, true sight system, weather, new penetration system, received accuracy system, pathing system, is just a maguffin right? Or are you actually one of those people who thinks DoW is a spin off of CoH :rolleyes:

Except that I'm never talking about Competition, and even I was that's a tiny, tiny fraction of the games played.

People who are playing "for fun" - which is basically everybody - aren't obliged to chose the optimum consensus load out. If they do it's because they want to win all the time, or they really care about ladder rank. That's a valid option, but then they don't have the right to complain that they are bored doing the same thing all the time.

What people often seem to want is for Relic to randomly change unit stats rather then explore alternate play styles of their own volition.

It is possible for the meta to change without patch, which I believe Relic have mentioned on Stream

We have had B4 be very popular, and Axis players have learned to adapt to it and change their loadouts accordingly and on-map artillery is now not so common

We have also, and in relation to that, had CAS and, to a much lesser extent, Advanced Warfare become more widely available and used. The meta around those has not yet settled down, but I think I am seeing much less CAS then we did a month ago.

Also we have people experimenting with Fear Propaganda and using those Commanders.

The problem Voort is that COH2 is as strategically deep as a dry puddle in a desert thanks to there being things like:

No upgrades
Commanders are often very similar
Extremely wonky counter system
Factions are to similar
Factions are balanced around being good at certain times, rather than having a logical power progression
Extremely unreliable systems like true sight and the suppression system.

No, what people want is to win all the time in the easiest manner possible.

They will then complain that the meta is stale and expect someone else to fix it for them

Very few are willing to take risks and experiment

People experiment all the time, the issue is that the commanders are mostly all the same and the lack of upgrades means you need to always focus on having a bigger army rather than playing smart with a smaller one.

People want the meta to be shaken up because at the current point in time it's retardedly boring with how simple it is.

Didn't you get the memo?

The game is terrible; Relic are evil/incompetent/complacent/eat kittens and the only way anyone will say anything nice about Relic is if they are paid to.

You must be a sell out, otherwise everything I just said above (which is apparently held as an article of faith by just about everybody here) has to be wrong.

That would never do, because people would rather sit around bitching and being negative than having their beliefs challenged.

Relic is a game development company, as such people are allowed to expect a quality product for their money. Many people like me have dumped 80+ dollars into the game and would like it to NOT have rampant bugs, frequent crashes, poor battleservers, and massive times in between patches.

Relic isn't evil, but it is breathtakingly incompetent.

"Beliefs" lol, this is a game, not a religion.
19 Mar 2015, 16:06 PM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

So the whole new engine, true sight system, weather, new penetration system, received accuracy system, pathing system, is just a maguffin right?

The penetration system is pretty much the same, except there is no deflection damage.
19 Mar 2015, 16:11 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

The CoH2 engine isn't entirely brand-new, it's definitely a revamped version of the CoH1 engine. There were a lot of bugs and engine behaviours in alpha and beta (and even now) that were clearly carryovers from CoH1, like units jumping out of cover, decrewed AT guns sometimes continuing to move when their crews were killed while repositioning, and instant deceleration when you issue a directional move command directly on a vehicle.
19 Mar 2015, 16:17 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

The penetration system is pretty much the same, except there is no deflection damage.

It's still different, and with how important DoW3 is it's not a leap of logic to see how CoH2 could serve as a testing ground for new stuff.

The CoH2 engine isn't entirely brand-new, it's definitely a revamped version of the CoH1 engine. There were a lot of bugs and engine behaviours in alpha and beta that were clearly carryovers from CoH1, like units jumping out of cover and decrewed AT guns sometimes continuing to move when their crews were killed while repositioning.

There is some stuff in CoH2 that was carried over from DoW2 as well.
19 Mar 2015, 16:30 PM
avatar of GuruSkippy

Posts: 150

and stuff in DOW2 that was carried over from COH1 as well dude.

DOW1 -> COH1 -> DOW2 -> COH2 (...> DOW3 ...> COH3 etc etc)

You're weird dude.
DOW3 is not the ultimate goal here.
After DOW1, each new RTS produced by Relic had something introduced in the previous RTS.
And it will probably continue as long as Relic makes enough money.
19 Mar 2015, 16:33 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

DoW3 is the ultimate goal because that's what SEGA bought Relic for.
19 Mar 2015, 16:34 PM
avatar of GuruSkippy

Posts: 150

19 Mar 2015, 16:37 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1


Uhm, Relic has the unlimited Warhammer 40k license? Do you actually think SEGA spent 10's of millions of dollars for CoH when it has the fraction of the popularity of DoW?
19 Mar 2015, 16:48 PM
avatar of GuruSkippy

Posts: 150

Uhm, Relic has the unlimited Warhammer 40k license? Do you actually think SEGA spent 10's of millions of dollars for CoH when it has the fraction of the popularity of DoW?

again, source ?
There is no source saying Relic or Sega own unlimited WH40k license, there is only assumptions.
They own DoW rights, that's totally different, but without WH40k license, they can't produce a DOW3.
And if there is sources, then please, show them.

and where did you see that COH has the fraction of popularity of DOW ?
check the number of players on steam.

PS:I'm not saying there won't be a DOW3, I totally believe it will come sooner or later.
You affirm things like facts, but you can't proove them.
19 Mar 2015, 17:00 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

again, source ?
There is no source saying Relic or Sega own unlimited WH40k license, there is only assumptions.
They own DoW rights, that's totally different, but without WH40k license, they can't produce a DOW3.
And if there is sources, then please, show them.

and where did you see that COH has the fraction of popularity of DOW ?
check the number of players on steam.

PS:I'm not saying there won't be a DOW3, I totally believe it will come sooner or later.
You affirm things like facts, but you can't proove them.

Relic is widely know to own the only license to produce WH40k games without first getting the okay from GW, it's how they developed WH40k Space Marine.



it was revealed that THQ had sold Relic Entertainment to Sega for US$26.6 million as part of an auction of the company's properties

People don't play more DoW anymore because the last DoW game made is over 4 years old dude. DoW has always been more popular just because WH40k has a buttload of name recognition.
19 Mar 2015, 17:15 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8




Relics license for Warhammer 40k IP expired.
They have said so themselves.

If it is any different at the moment, it is because they have reneved it, but you are not a relic employee, so you have no slightest idea what you are talking about as thats just mad mans conspiracy theories here coming from you.

Oh, and just so you know, big producers don't but game designing studios to MAYBE get profits in FEW YEARS.
They do so, because they see opportunity in fast, easy dollar.
Now, Sega bought Relic when they were about to release a big title of famed and renowned franchise that was HUGE success and won reward after reward.

Yes, Sega definitely got Relic because of concept that might not even exist, not because of CoH2 being potentially a goos lying golden eggs :loco:
19 Mar 2015, 17:17 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Yeah, SEGA spent 23 million dollars on a game that was already in the final stages of development, instead of the best selling RTS franchise in history next to Starcraft and Warcraft :D
19 Mar 2015, 17:20 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Do you really believe dev studios sell for garage sell prices?
Are you really that stupid?
19 Mar 2015, 17:21 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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jump backJump back to quoted post18 Mar 2015, 23:05 PMDeaken

So, basically see things from your point of view and sip the "hopefully it turns out ok koolaid" or take from Relic's history of dropping the ball and assume the patch will be a disappointment. Either way it's discussion, even if you don't agree. I don't acre if some Relic employee gets their feelings hurt. I paid for the product and can discuss it how I please.

I think I'll go with past experience and expect a letdown.

Try not to place words in other poster's mouths, eh Deaken? Robust discussion is fine. Skewed debating points? Not so. :)

Just sayin' ;)

Oh..and ....welcome to the board! ..:) If you go to New Members, you can introduce yourself and tell us something about yourself : )


gl hf
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