i've recently purchased the coh2 and coh TWFA. i was anticipating the game so hard but when i read the reviews about how the game is pay2win and the reviews on steams were actually a let down to me. i've played original coh back when it was released and i didn't have the chance to play it a lot online due to my location and internet was terrible at that time.
with the last sale i couldn't resist biting

I watched the tutorials and tired some solo missions. but i feel i need to learn a lot more before jumping into the game online.
The first thing i didn't know what it was is the the stuff i got at the top right corner when i started the game. i read the description and i understood that these are commanders who will give you access to different units. "correct me if i'm wrong"...
One last thing before i leave this post. please explain the imbalanced weapons/units the steam community was talking about.
Finally.. my apm isn't terrible and i feel i will pick up if i started playing the game. but i just don't know where to start and what should i work on first.