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Community Patch to Relic

19 Feb 2015, 01:24 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

That's the sense I've gotten, sadly. Wasn't like that during beta, but things change I suppose. Taylor Fales was an anomaly in that he was given pretty much complete freedom to put together his patch as a goodwill gesture to the community before CoH2 was announced. It was really quite impressive how he worked with the community for that patch.
19 Feb 2015, 01:33 AM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

The most annoying thing was that when we were testing the mod tools quite a few bugs that were present were fixed by changing some variables in the attribute editor.

The modders forwarded this information on to the devs who proceeded not to bother with the fixes. Taking months to fix the bugs in a completely different way or not bothering at all.
19 Feb 2015, 01:51 AM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

You say you're optimistic, I say you're a shill -- as your recent news post aptly demonstrates. (To clarify this point before I am accused of acting inappropriately, I am talking about the concept of being shown NDA-covered content in an effort to convince the community the future is bright, despite being able to say nothing about it, whilst still claiming a degree of independence. Thus, the cap fits).

I'm glad you got that off your chest. I say you're irrelevant. It could be the constant loads of poop you post, or, maybe the fact you don't play the game yet somehow feel your opinion matters. Move along, other communities deserve your special attention.

Some of the ideas here could be incorporated into the Open Beta but I'm unsure Relic is at that point to be able to take the feedback. The job opening for PQ's position is still open.

19 Feb 2015, 02:11 AM
avatar of James Hale

Posts: 574

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2015, 01:51 AMNapalm
I'm glad you got that off your chest. I say you're irrelevant. It could be the constant loads of poop you post, or, maybe the fact you don't play the game yet somehow feel your opinion matters.

Just a minor correction, if I may.

If you wish to go down that avenue (which is an interesting one, as I suspect it verges on strawman territory) then - as of posting this - I have clocked up 872 hours in-game and 291 hours in the mod tools.

I suspect what you mean to say is that I don't play automatch, which generally speaking is true, although I will be playing with VonKluge again on Friday.

Just wanted to correct that piece of misinformation as I'm not a big fan of the somewhat elitist 'doesn't play automatch = doesn't play the game' line of thought, which is (sadly) pretty common round here.

That's all. Thanks.
19 Feb 2015, 02:13 AM
avatar of luvnest
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jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2015, 01:51 AMNapalm

Some of the ideas here could be incorporated into the Open Beta but I'm unsure Relic is at that point to be able to take the feedback. The job opening for PQ's position is still open.

That's where we could step in. Helping out in the balance department while Relic lacks the manpower.

I like your idea Juan. But yeah you guys are right, without Relic's interest in that endeavour our work will be in vain. There have been a lot of work in that direction already which were unnoticed by the devs.
19 Feb 2015, 03:07 AM
avatar of empirescurropt

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

well i get that most of " community " wants to help the relic on balanced but will be a nightmare because most of people were got different opinions so for hypekapatch and troolingkapatch i think that should be a proper communication between members of the community and the devs so to give "fresh" ideas and new view on the game play

so if there's a lot of different opinions on faction or units behave should be discussed first then applyed and then tested more opinions the bether

so i think that just a "especial" forum or some kind way for private conversation it devs and community and relic should be considered

just my oponion OFC you guys do wt you want "your game your rules"
19 Feb 2015, 04:00 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

lots of different issues here.

first, the community is fucking huge and, even disregarding the people who either have no fucking clue what they're talking about or are trolling, different people have different ideas. you can't make everyone happy. that's why a patch made by the community would be bad.

also, relic has shown zero inclination to fix anything that didn't break the fucking ladder. just look at the trello. it's got over a dozen major and/or gamebreaking issues. the latest patch addressed a dozen of those, some of which weren't entirely fixed, while introducing other bugs and making some wtf balance changes.
19 Feb 2015, 04:17 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2015, 01:51 AMNapalm

I'm glad you got that off your chest. I say you're irrelevant. It could be the constant loads of poop you post, or, maybe the fact you don't play the game yet somehow feel your opinion matters. Move along, other communities deserve your special attention.

Some of the ideas here could be incorporated into the Open Beta but I'm unsure Relic is at that point to be able to take the feedback. The job opening for PQ's position is still open.

I think his problem with you is that making an article that amounts to "I'm very excited about Relic being very excited" with absolute zero details about anything in particular for people reading the post to get very excited about is basically just public masturbation on your part.

We as a community know Relic has things in the works (not because they are actually tell us anything and had to find out through the game files).
19 Feb 2015, 04:37 AM
avatar of JuanElstretchyNeck

Posts: 226

Yeah but those guys will have to read tons of crap in order to find something usefull in it. And I don't really believe that top players and respected members of community have time for this.

Read what? I'm not following sorry :/

Also, I agree Ipkaifung. I think we'd need a small miracle for relic to even give us a yes or no for this endeavor, let along wholeheartedly support it. But hey, it's worth trying.
19 Feb 2015, 11:26 AM
avatar of pussyking
Donator 11

Posts: 551

Relic isn't making the patch. The community would be handing over a finalized patch over to Relic in the end.

Well, the Men of War 2 resealed a huge bug fix patch 2 gb couple of days ago.

I suggest the communty to play MoW2. Its playable now. Bugs are fixed.

Relic should think about losing customers to mow2 and start working.
19 Feb 2015, 11:49 AM
avatar of rejfor

Posts: 99

Well, the Men of War 2 resealed a huge bug fix patch 2 gb couple of days ago.

I suggest the communty to play MoW2. Its playable now. Bugs are fixed.

Relic should think about losing customers to mow2 and start working.

MOW is not RTS, COH is RTS so please don't mention this game here.

All we can do now is to pray for Relic's kindness. Relic, please, hear us! Sometimes I think that community wants AWESOME COH2 more than Relic itself.
19 Feb 2015, 11:55 AM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Well, the Men of War 2 resealed a huge bug fix patch 2 gb couple of days ago.

I suggest the communty to play MoW2. Its playable now. Bugs are fixed.

Relic should think about losing customers to mow2 and start working.



19 Feb 2015, 20:41 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

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jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2015, 01:51 AMNapalm

I'm glad you got that off your chest. I say you're irrelevant. It could be the constant loads of poop you post, or, maybe the fact you don't play the game yet somehow feel your opinion matters. Move along, other communities deserve your special attention.

Pretty funny that you mention this. I remember you posting constant crap about Relic until a certain point in time. Even tough James Hale is the worst mod in the history of the internet, I'd say he's less irrelevant than you are.
20 Feb 2015, 11:50 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Pretty funny that you mention this. I remember you posting constant crap about Relic until a certain point in time. Even tough James Hale is the worst mod in the history of the internet, I'd say he's less irrelevant than you are.

And yet Relic have seen fit to have him visit not once but twice.

Thereby suggesting that whatever Napalm might or might not have done in the past they clearly don't have an issue with it, or, shockingly that they might have decided to launch a PR campaign to get one of their critics back on their side.
20 Feb 2015, 12:20 PM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

Could ou guys just calm down? It's not girl's club in here.

20 Feb 2015, 12:31 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

That's not me

1: I have D Cups

2: I wouldn't be seen dead in that outfit
20 Feb 2015, 12:40 PM
avatar of willyto
Patrion 15

Posts: 115

And yet Relic have seen fit to have him visit not once but twice.

Thereby suggesting that whatever Napalm might or might not have done in the past they clearly don't have an issue with it, or, shockingly that they might have decided to launch a PR campaign to get one of their critics back on their side.

And that's exactly my thought. Relic trying to make us trust them trough a member of the community because they know most of us lost faith in them and no longer trust.

As lovely as it was to have a whole news post dedicated to Napalm visit it was just empty of content. It didn't say anything relevant or important that the community could find useful.

The freaking NDA is :loco:
20 Feb 2015, 13:20 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

A patch including the whole community sounds like a hard experience. A patch including only the top-players is also a naive idea. Whenever you look at a stream its just repeat and repeat. Top-players are good at mechanics, at microing and winning - they are good at what is.
But a good patch demands other skills, probably some abstraction - what could be. Even though PQ made some ok patches he couldnt in his mind foresee the volks/oberblobs. I think Cruzz has shown that he has the skill to put in a good balance-patch as he seems to think about not what is but what could be.
20 Feb 2015, 15:13 PM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

they might have decided to launch a PR campaign to get one of their critics back on their side.

All they had to do is say sorry; sorry for saying that the game won't have any game play elements behind a pay wall and going back on their word; sorry for that dumb ass post noun made which came off that it was content creators fault the community was toxic; sorry for calling alpha testers unprofessional, people who volunteer to find bugs and provide solutions and seemingly do a better job than their QA department does; sorry to the tournament organisers who they are trying to kill off with their ESL programme.

A simple sorry is all it takes but they are too proud to EVER say that. Instead of repairing bridges they'll just bribe some new guy with cake and coffee but they WILL do something stupid and piss that person off and they will just have another angry person.
20 Feb 2015, 15:34 PM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Could ou guys just calm down? It's not girl's club in here.

Oh gosh that is great.

*Edit: Who says clan wars are dead?
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