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We should do a ladder reset

Should there be a Ladder reset
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Total votes: 63
10 Feb 2015, 18:10 PM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

If a balance patch is coming (and it very well maybe). I feel like it is in the best interest to do a ladder reset to even the playing field as well as possible getting people back into the game.

Does anyone else feel the same
10 Feb 2015, 18:21 PM
avatar of DasDoomTurtle

Posts: 438

To an extent yes becuase of the fact that with numerous bugs ppl have used to exploit the system so as to climb ladder rank. However, is it really fair to those who have not exploited anything and are just amazing players that have gotten their ranks from the beginning and have played the game when it was terrible (WFA Launch) till now? I think that due to this last point the ladder should not be reset.....just imo...
10 Feb 2015, 18:22 PM
avatar of JimmyC7A1

Posts: 94

I agree, with turtle ^^^ too unfair to genuine players who put a lot of time in
10 Feb 2015, 18:23 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

In the past Relic has reset all ELOs above a certain level to a baseline value, without touching stats like wins, losses, etc. It makes sense that they'd do this with CoH2 eventually.

The problem is, a stats reset fucks up matchmaking for a while until ELOs normalize again. With a small community like CoH2's, it could take a while for ratings to settle down.
10 Feb 2015, 18:30 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8


The only thing it would do is pitching high level players against lowbies more frequently for some time.
10 Feb 2015, 18:30 PM
avatar of niutudis

Posts: 276

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Feb 2015, 18:10 PMMittens
.... as well as possible getting people back into the game.


I think this will have no impact on people who stopped playing the game.

...but then again I don´t care much about ladders anyway, maybe there are thousands and thousands of players just waiting for a ladder-reset to come back to the game.
10 Feb 2015, 18:52 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Just make ladder decay work faster.
10 Feb 2015, 18:52 PM
avatar of alcoholic
Patrion 15

Posts: 93

i voted against. what would be the point? there is a rank decal in place if it is too slow, it might be a good idea to strenghthen it.

what i would like to see is an improvement to the ladder itself. it should be implemented within the main layout of the game and not through a browser, i would welcome added functionality like a ladder of the month on top of the current all time ladder.

10 Feb 2015, 21:16 PM
avatar of dbmb

Posts: 122 | Subs: 2

There is absolutely no reason for a ladder reset due to the aggressive decay system in place now.
10 Feb 2015, 21:21 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

No, because of what Inverse said. It's gonna take too long, and might drive away a lot of newbies.
10 Feb 2015, 21:24 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

This would fuckup matchmaking for WEEKS. No.
10 Feb 2015, 21:27 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

The game changed so much since release, so yes!
10 Feb 2015, 22:48 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

ladder reset!!! people can keep their stats but the ELO needs to be set back at 0
11 Feb 2015, 00:06 AM
avatar of _underscore
Donator 33

Posts: 322

They could maybe reset all the dispute nonsense if they ever manage to reduce that issue. Don't see the point of an ELO reset since it's hardly change resistant. Just play a few games and it goes up or down.
11 Feb 2015, 09:20 AM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

Yes! I could smurf my stats up much more! Because I lost lots of games in early days :)

11 Feb 2015, 09:50 AM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

Yes. A ladder reset is long overdue, but I'm afraid that...

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Feb 2015, 18:30 PMKatitof

The only thing it would do is pitching high level players against lowbies more frequently for some time.
11 Feb 2015, 10:05 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Feb 2015, 21:24 PMBurts
This would fuckup matchmaking for WEEKS. No.

Matchmaking? Never hear of.
Oh... did you meant MatchRNGing?
11 Feb 2015, 10:33 AM
avatar of spam.r33k

Posts: 503

i voted yes for the following reasons:

1. matchmaking is fucked up either way. im regulary facing top 100 even top 10 players although im mediocre at best. (oh CELO thou art a blessing and a curse indeed)

2. it would definetly be in order after all the game-breaking bugs/exploits that occured during coh2s history (i am not as much affected by that though. i lose because im getting outplayed mostly. yet for top tier players losing due to bugs/exploits is a very real thing)

3. usf no.1 slot. need i say more?
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