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churchill AVRE
NigoLeaks Via swonvip
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churchill AVRE
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Posts: 2053
AEF = American Expeditionary Forces, so we will probably rather see british commander than british faction.
Posts: 618
Posts: 2181
AEF must mean something else, unless those files are for a WW1 scenario...
Posts: 618
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I joked with the Dev's during my visit to troll the community by putting false leads into the game code. I hope they deliver for my entertainment.
Posts: 556
I joked with the Dev's during my visit to troll the community by putting false leads into the game code. I hope they deliver for my entertainment.
Posts: 1130
Its funny many here come up with the terrible japanese tanks from WW2.
BTW the strongest and most advanced japanese tank in WW2 was the Type 97 Chi-Ha.
This "super tank" had 25mm frontal armor......Even the soviet T-70 or the german Panzer II had better frontal armor then these strongest japanese tank.
The Type 97 Chi-Ha failed against the M4 Sherman tank. In WW2 the japanese tanks lost every single battle against the US army tanks or Soviet tanks. With 25mm frontal armor the japanese tanks were often dstroyed by enemy machine guns. The history of japanese tanks in WW2 is a history of complete failure.
Wonder why you never heard of any japanese tank aces? They simply dont exist. Apart from a few american half tracks or Stuart light tanks the japanese tanks never destroyed anything.
I remember reading a book about the pacific theatre. there was a tank battle described. 13 japanese "medium" tanks attacked an american Position. The US army send in a sherman tank. It was a "Duell" 1 sherman vs 13 japanese tanks. Sherman easily won the "Duell". He destroyed 8 of the 13 japanese tanks the last 5 retreated.........very impressive combat statistic.
Japanese tanks had the weakest armor of any WW2 tank and were unable to penetrate the shermans armor. And People want to add These faction into CoH2.
About japanese tanks in WW2: Believe me guys they were just garbage and "stoneage" compared to US or soviet tanks.
Germany was the only axis faction in WW2 that had good equipment on there land army. Japanese land army equipment in WW2 was even worse then european WW 1 equipment.
Instead of making CoH about the pacific theatre better make a game about WW1 because you cant Balance the terrible japanese Equipment against the other factions.
Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2
Well if you admit it then its no fun
Posts: 556
I haven't seen everything. Just their short term plans. They could just as easily troll me. In time, when I revisit, they will receive high fives.
Posts: 1006
Posts: 1617
Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1
I haven't seen everything. Just their short term plans. They could just as easily troll me. In time, when I revisit, they will receivehigh fivesmaulings.