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QUENTIN's Theory for help players to progress

29 Jan 2015, 23:52 PM
avatar of FeelMemoryAcceptance

Posts: 828 | Subs: 2

I had a feeling Kappa

All your choices is base on your feelings, right ?
All your mouvement, your choice of unit, tactic is base on a simple feeling ?

Sometimes your feeling is good, sometimes your feeling is bad.

My feelings are maybe good 90 % of the time actually ? Kappa
That's maybe why i have these ranks.

But this feeling come from what ?

I thought that is maybe from the memory, the principal key is the memory.

I think that "your head" make a mix of all informations from your memory and your expericence for create that feeling.

This feeling decide of your choice.

That's why i think that is very bad to look a replay from a top rank, because you will make something but maybe without a feeling, you will make something mecanic for be a clone of the top ranked.

In reality i think that you need to understand why he make these mouvement ( you do this when you see a replay maybe ), but it will be perfect if the players explain all his feelings from the game ... and you will agree or not but if you agree, you will make your futur choice by your own feeling Kappa.

Anyway, if you want to progress, work for get a better memory. Kappa

The experience without a excellent memory is useless ... Look some guys with many many games 1000 or +, i find them noobs.
30 Jan 2015, 01:40 AM
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30 Jan 2015, 08:02 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

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Obvious things are obvious, although you are saying right things. "Kappa"
30 Jan 2015, 08:16 AM
avatar of wuff

Posts: 1534 | Subs: 1

It isn't cool to say Kappa anymore because of this post.

RIP Kappa
31 Jan 2015, 08:39 AM
31 Jan 2015, 08:52 AM
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31 Jan 2015, 09:59 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

Watch StephennJF's stream, he's usually good at explaining why he does things while he plays.
31 Jan 2015, 12:10 PM
avatar of Kitahara

Posts: 96

Cause and action. The ability to understand the cause to take the apropriate action.

Also people dont make the right connections between what they do and what is happening in-game.

Emotions are a slippery slope to walk on while making decisions. Especially if you tend to blame the game instead of the choices you make...

Btw. quentin, gj on your progress. Make a replay pack dude!
31 Jan 2015, 12:31 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

I think that "your head" make a mix of all informations from your memory and your expericence for create that feeling.

This feeling decide of your choice.

RIP philosophy.
31 Jan 2015, 13:54 PM
avatar of FeelMemoryAcceptance

Posts: 828 | Subs: 2

The problem is that What is philosophy ? What is the good philosophy ?

I read Nietzsche for exemple or some other autors and i found them bad because they make generality, etc. prejudice.

But the problem is that all what do you think is base on prejudice ...

Like you think that you speak in coh2.org with humans, you think that i answer to you.

So simple think you can see that all your choices is depend of a prejudice. Like you go to use a knife for cut your bread but how you can know that knife will cut the bread ? Kappa.

Maybe he is not cutting, etc, you don't know.

THE PROBLEM IS THAT, i think that we can never touch the truth ...

All you can do is have the doubt of the reality and realize that YOU DON'T KNOW !

Others things are just a feeling of a situation, etc.

A feeling but which is maybe not the truth.

Words are not the truth necessarily
A old exemple from me : You see a mirror, you see you in the mirror, but How can you be sur that is you that you see in the mirror ?
MAYBE because you know the concept of the word mirror, but how you can be sur that the mirror have the function of the mirror ?

We play a game about WWII, you know that they used dummy tank. You see a tank but it's not a tank because he can't shoot, his weapon is a false weapon

That's why i had for conclusion that REALITY IS CONCEPTUAL.

Look Nazis, maybe they learned in nazis school who symbolise the truth ( school word ) that Jude are not human, or 50 % human and 50 % animal and that they are dangerous for human race ... don't surprise that some germans could kill easy jude without compassion.

Anyway RIP Truth i will never get you :( :( :(
31 Jan 2015, 15:34 PM
avatar of Zuckerhund

Posts: 38

I undersand what Quentin is trying to examplimate in this thread. He's saying that just looking at playermen like Von'd Ivan and MGPLOP! isn't going to get you the necessary skills to play the game the way you need to play it. It has to come from the heart inside of your brain, because if you just brain the game without heart, it just pale imitation, and in tough matches that imitation will fly away with all of your mistakes.

The importance of what Quentin is saying is thus:

CoH 2 doesn't exist and everything is in your mind, so just look at the ladder you're climbing and realize that you're already at the top and every loss you've ever had is really the result of your bad relations with all the fathers in your life.

You need to be a better human now.
31 Jan 2015, 16:17 PM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

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What the hell is the point of this thread

Quentin if you want to help players presenting your argument in a proof-read format would be a good start

2 Feb 2015, 12:59 PM
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2 Feb 2015, 13:00 PM
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2 Feb 2015, 13:02 PM
2 Feb 2015, 13:16 PM
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Medics, we need medics here MVGame.
2 Feb 2015, 16:20 PM
avatar of GuyFromTheSky

Posts: 229

I think people 200 years from now will speak of Quentin as one of the great philosophers of our time. We "regular people" just can't fathom the complexity of his ideas because he is so ahead of us.

2 Feb 2015, 16:43 PM
avatar of Twister
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2 Feb 2015, 18:15 PM
avatar of FeelMemoryAcceptance

Posts: 828 | Subs: 2

More : D : D

Vasa et twister i'm dead haha
2 Feb 2015, 18:38 PM
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