I feel that this game urgently needs some strats to separate players skills. I know we arent a lot and this will make to wait a bit long for a match but is a must for seducing new players who try to play mp. I say "try" cuz its really imposible to play a team game if ur new.
I tried to bring some friends from sc2 but they fell frustrated in automatch cuz they always play vs skill players. And I sometimes get bored cuz my team is bad and the other is good. I dont care loosing, but if the match is super unfair its really boring.
I always end making closed matchs with my coh2 friends and we try to make fair teams and when that happens this game is really good and entertaining. You didnt notice a lot balance problems in similar skills team matchs.
Make different leagues so players with similar skills matchup togheter. It would bring motivation for new and avg players. And the most important, it would bring really good fights.