I've noticed that there has been zero duplicate drops of these bulletins. I wonder why....
Actually I have duplicates of the SU-76 veterancy and the Katyusha veterancy bulletins.
Posts: 4928
I've noticed that there has been zero duplicate drops of these bulletins. I wonder why....
Posts: 1705
Posts: 1003
Aradan, Relic has said that accuracy is first in line in the dps algorithm so it's more impactufl than cooldowd or reload so even though it's a bronze bulletin it's better than those.
I think the 10% faster experience for units is the best bulletin and that every unit in the game should have one.
Posts: 1740
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Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
I used to stack 3 Shreck Bulletins for Volks so they cost 81 munition instead of 90 which was some kind of cool.
Posts: 935
Just a thing to consider:
+10% veterancy bulletin is best on units that hard to level and have very useful vet abilities.
Posts: 935
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
If your opponet play better, have better micro, mulittusking and positioning even RNG god woudn't help you.
Posts: 935
What do you prefer:
77 muni shrecks or 90 muni shrecks?
Posts: 935
For the Tiger case, being able to get 10% faster to vet1 or vet 2 can mean the difference between a dead Tiger (blitz) or being able to engage at 10+ increased range.
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
For the Tiger case I prefer to chose my target wisely. Instead of shooting at T34 I will shoot at shocks so my opponent would bleed more and I get more exp.
Ans so on and so on and so on.
Posts: 935
-On an equal skill level game.
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
1) There are no TWO Jesulin who play COH.
Posts: 935
Again, evading the question.
Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1