
russian armor

Improving myself in 1v1 as USF

18 Dec 2014, 22:53 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

At the beggining I was 4v4 player.
After getting some experience, I switched to 2v2.
Now I'm trying 1v1, especially as USF.
I'm that bad... Last 6 games: 5W 1L BUT... I have a lot of issue I don't know how to react.
While watching replays, I see that I have great opportunities to finish my opponent in mid-game, around 13-18min. Point is I know that after watchig replay but during game it's hard for me to foresee when this window will open. Game I lost was because of King Tiger. I could push 3mins before with my 2 Shermans and wipe clumped units at med truck but I did not, because I did not know what he had there. So to figure out when is best time to strike with full power?
This is my main issue in fact.

Here is a replay. You can see that I had huge advantage around 17min and I could finish this game.
Most of my games are like: equal fight in the first 1-8min, little advantage around 8-12, huge advantage in 12-18, loosing advantage and going to defensive style instead of agressive pushes in 18+ and then, in late game I can take advantage again if enemy won't pull out King Tiger but if he will and combine KT with Obers and Volks, Im gardened.

So, what should I do to find out when is best time to finish game and how to defend in late game against King Tiger + Volks + Obers in one big blob?

And what are mine other issues maybe?

If you have a time and you are bored, please take a look at this replay and point me my misteakes :)

18 Dec 2014, 23:17 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Here is the one I mentioned with King Tiger.
I could win this but as I said, I did not know when I should strike.

That's why it's really painful because I could win this.
19 Dec 2014, 01:39 AM
avatar of Blackcurrent

Posts: 64

You are being are too predictable, you keep attacking from the same angle making it a luxury for your opponent.

Draw your opponent out of the foxhole. You've got two VPs, let him be on the offensive after all you got the advantage. I understand that having 3 VPs is more attractive but be more strategical about it. Draw him out and do a sneaky demo attack on his trucks for example.

Usage of R.E.T. at the beginning is good but mid to late game not as good, use for capping or as meat shield.

Get a suppression element with your blob. You can be more economical with having less men and replacing that with a .50 caliber in the back it is the same effect more or less.

Try and garrison buildings yourself, riflemen in buildings are dope. If you are having trouble with garrisoned infantry invest into grenades or better yet go rifle commander and get flamethrowers.

Using demos offensively like you are using grenades is bad idea, a good player can easily see this coming don't waste your ammunition save it for p47s or para upgrades.

I personally don't think T3 works well in conjunction with Airborne since both have AT elements. You don't go stuart nor get the AT from the building since you have 4CP 57mm. Zooks are bad don't get a captain for it. It is much more effective if you go LT then M20 then go T4. I'm addicted to laying mines with the M20 it is the most satisfying thing to watch a luchs or puma blow up with 1 hit.

You also mentioned you have trouble gaining intel. The M20 provides just that, it is a agile little bugger. It can be easily used for quick scouting missions or a quick cap on the cut off, it also has great vision at vet 1. You can use that with your Jacksons and Scotts well.
19 Dec 2014, 01:47 AM
avatar of pantherswag

Posts: 231

So watching that 2nd replay here's a couple things I noticed.

1) You got an AT gun way too early. OKW has no vehicle that you wouldn't have been able to deal with your Captain and rifle support until you got that Sherman out. Plus he went medic truck so there was no point to the AT gun. Plus your AB, so even if somehow he pulled out a super early Luchs or you caught an aggressive T4 off guard you could've just paradropped one in.

2) Then your troop movement. You spent hella long on the right side with all of your infantry when there was a Luchs there to corner you out. That entire time you were being stalled out on the right, he had the entire left side capped, and you didn't decap his munitions nor his fuel. Until this point he only had 1 raketen and 1 shrek. Once he had those munitions he was able to get up another 2 shreks on his guys, and plant mines everywhere.

The push on the T4 building was dope, but losing your AB squad to your own demo was not. Use shift commands to plant then immediately start walking away.

Then you get a Jackson, which was pointless. The only vehicle he has is the Luchs, and you've already killed his T4 which means no possibility of a panther.

Back to your troop movements. You bunch up all of your infantry and move around in a group, which probably is what you need to do in 4v4s, but is not good for 1v1s. It makes your troops much more like to get torn up by Luchses and Leigs, which is what happened to your guys multiple. And you'll suffer from map control. In team games you have teammates to go around and cap, but in 1v1 it's all you. By bunching up all of your units, he was able to cap everywhere else and have a massive amount of munitions for mines and nades, which you just can't afford.

Also, you lost a bunch of infantry squads. I can't say for certain without actually watching you play, but it seems like you were too focused on certain engagements instead of the big picture, which caused you to lose some squads pretty carelessly. He had about equal infantry to you all game, and was floating like 1000 mp still.

By the time the KT came out you had already kind of lost due to infantry losses. Basically, I think you just need to focus more on your unit choices, unit placement and unit micro. Cap more, and keep your boys alive. If you don't use the tac map, I'd recommend you use it more.
19 Dec 2014, 05:41 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Thanks for watching and sharing! Be back in few hours so I can answer to You :)
19 Dec 2014, 11:34 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2


1. I don't know which one you are describing but I think it's the first one.
I was attacking from left side because I had AT gun there and I wanted to take down with it med truck. Such loss would be deadly for enemy but I did not manage to do this.
2. Got it.
3. So should I resign from 1 Rfiles for HMG or maybe use one of RE to recrew HMG?
4. I find Rifles inside building very weak. Stormpio can wipe them easily, same about Volks grenades. I did not spend fuel for grenade because I went for Paras. Rifle is great but it's hard to deal with Panthers/King Tiger and Obers without P47 and Paras.
5. Most of the time Im using demos to destroy trucks or buildings. It's high risk - high reward mechanizm.
6.Lt+57mm without Cpt is very fragile combination vs Luchs in my opinion. I killed Luchs only because Cpt+57mm. What's more, I use howitzer a lot if I see huge blobs. This tier is effective even in late game. On the other hand M20 is almost useless vs OKW (although I go for Lt vs Ost almost always) and I can't get HMG from Airborne.
7. About intel/vision, I think I need to improve the way Im using Pathfinders.


1. Fair point but at that time I havent knew if he went for med truck or rep station.
2. Im was trying to bait Luchs so I can kill it with AT gun. That was intended - did not work.
I think I was to focus on units so I forgot about other important stuff. I have to admit that in 4v4 or 2v2 you don't send 1 squad to capture fuel. In 1v1 it's different. It's just something I have to get used to it.
3. My misteake, I was clicking "Y" instead of "T" ... :gimpy:
4. Again, fair point. I did not paid attention for such things. I just thought I should get something AT.
5. I got it.
I fixed it in the first replay (second replay is older). Besides blobing at the beggining, I was moving my paras separately and I was tried to flank everything.
6. About big picture, fully agree.
7. Yes, Im using tac map often but only if I remember to enable my side mouse buttons for tac map and retreat. I forgot this time.

Thank You so much for advices. I will post here my new replays and again, you will have time, please share with me about your opinion!
19 Dec 2014, 12:02 PM
avatar of Schewi

Posts: 175

Just to point one thing (the biggest issue) out:
It is most important where you send your units. They fight on their on. You are the American player. You have mobile infantry and you should use that. You've got to spread out and not blob everything. This works in 4v4 I guess, but in 1v1 I'd be happy when I am your enemy. It is incredibly predictable --> I'd know where to position my MGs and just counter you. I'd never have to worry about flanks and can just focus on one side. The Axis factions are designed so, that they need to focus on a side in the early game. You play in their hands.
This is the reason why you want to spread your units out as US. Because if your opponent (especially Ostheer) is dumb enough to do the same to follow you, he is gardened.

Summary: Spread your units out, coordinate good flanks where spreaded units come together from different directions. being everywhere is a pain for your enemy!
20 Dec 2014, 23:00 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Dec 2014, 12:02 PMSchewi

Summary: Spread your units out, coordinate good flanks where spreaded units come together from different directions. being everywhere is a pain for your enemy!

This^. I also started with 2v2 and have now moved into 1v1 with Soviets. I find the most success is when I spread out and attack everywhere. Especially against OKW, since that faction is made to blob and has no non-doctrinal MG, it makes it very tough for them to guard multiple areas. Also use USF AT gun to take out SchwerPanzer HQs they have more range than the Flak cannon, although you need to move infantry up to sight for them.
28 Dec 2014, 12:40 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

New question.

How to deal with Truck pushing out of the cover, pinning Kubel and Stormpio?

Most of the time OKW guy will resign from his fuel just to prevent me from taking my fuel and while Im struggling with fuel he makes Volks and slowly takes his own.
Result is simple. He has both fuels and I can do nothing.
6 Jan 2015, 00:31 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Any tips for this?
I would be grateful!

Please check the description in replay thread before watching :)
6 Jan 2015, 17:33 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

New question.

How to deal with Truck pushing out of the cover, pinning Kubel and Stormpio?

Most of the time OKW guy will resign from his fuel just to prevent me from taking my fuel and while Im struggling with fuel he makes Volks and slowly takes his own.
Result is simple. He has both fuels and I can do nothing.

build 3 RE's 2 Rifles hes wasting time and bullets if he tries to kubelsturm the RE's and if he kubel sturms the Rifles then you can kill the kubel with the RE's. in the meantime try to secure and hold enough territory to rush an LT then m20.. Dont forget that 2 strat points or 1 strat point +cache is > than 1 fuel point/cutoff and barely any captured territory.

when the OKW player does this you can just outproduce him fuel wise. just keep your cool and rush an LT m20.

However if the OKW player is really good at this and you cant do what i mentioned above you might as well surrender
6 Jan 2015, 23:01 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

What do you think about Recon doctrine? I just literally smacked OKW player with Greyhound (35kills) and Pathfinder's barrage - took down 3 trucks. Such tactic needs tons of ammo but I think it's pretty nice. What do you think?
7 Jan 2015, 00:33 AM
avatar of AssaultPlazma

Posts: 300

What do you think about Recon doctrine? I just literally smacked OKW player with Greyhound (35kills) and Pathfinder's barrage - took down 3 trucks. Such tactic needs tons of ammo but I think it's pretty nice. What do you think?

Yes it works nice but I find it rather cheesy and dont like to use it too often wish they would nerf the ability and make the M8 itself useful.....
7 Jan 2015, 08:43 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Yes it works nice but I find it rather cheesy and dont like to use it too often wish they would nerf the ability and make the M8 itself useful.....

To be honest, I think Greyhound with this ability is right now the only allied light vehicle, that can achieve similar amount of kills like Luchs.
Stuart or T70 with 30+ kills? I don;t think so...
Luchs? No problem.
Greyhound is a more fragile, needs tons of ammo and it's little harder to get such many kills.
7 Jan 2015, 15:52 PM
avatar of AssaultPlazma

Posts: 300

To be honest, I think Greyhound with this ability is right now the only allied light vehicle, that can achieve similar amount of kills like Luchs.
Stuart or T70 with 30+ kills? I don;t think so...
Luchs? No problem.
Greyhound is a more fragile, needs tons of ammo and it's little harder to get such many kills.

thats more of a problem with the stuart to which I believe almost everyone will agree needs a buff in survivability and damage. With that being said with canister shot being nerfed the greyhound itself should be capable of doing actual damage with its weapons.
7 Jan 2015, 18:33 PM
avatar of Gbpirate
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1153 | Subs: 1

In 1v1s as USF, I like to build RE Rifle fuel cache Rifle Lt M20. Its possible to get an M20 out in under four minutes. This works great against Ostheer players (just watch for faust from grens) and against OKW, regardless of their tech choice (med truck or mech truck). The biggest issue with this is if my opponent goes for the mech truck as OKW, but the solution is simple: get the M20 crew out of the vehicle and put in the rear echelon squad instead, and tech to captain. Airdropping AT gun from airborne is viable, but puts you at a disadvantage because of the cp cost.

The biggest issue to face would be a flak half track that can suppress the m20 crew/captain. Just get an AT gun, then. Or out-micro them and use AT nades/M20 .50 cal in rear to kill it.

I usually lay M20 mines like crazy; they take half health off a panther and immobilize it, and they kill any light vehicle. If you play the map right, you can deny your okw opponent muni for shreks; an Ostheer player not having fuel is great too.

I don't have the time right now to explain this in as much detail as I'd like, but having that fuel cache early game really helps with fuel output and getting a fast Sherman, or doing the double T2-T3 tech, then still having decent fuel income to get a sherman out relatively fast.

In 1v1s, Shermans are great. With the right mix of M20 mines, At gun(s), you may only need one Jackson + your zooks to kill tanks. Your Shermans/M8s (scotts and/or greyhounds)/rifles massacre infantry when they get vet. BARs and M1919s are you best friends.
7 Jan 2015, 18:59 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

This is too much for me... OKW is starving fuel? Good one...
I destroyed med truck, 2x flakbase (he still built third one).
From first flakbase he took out Luchs and Panther, I killed both.
At the time before he built third flakbase, he had only 1 blob.
No vehicles, no med, nothing, just one blob going around the map.
3 obers, 2 panzerfusi, 3 volks, 1 raketen, 2 stolen 57mm.
I killed Panther, Luchs, med truck, 2x flak truck and he still was able to make third one and call another Panther!

Shermans were useless, they were dying in a seconds after shot, pack howie useless because of obers (which I could not stop with Sherman because of AT and Volks).

So huge effort to kill trucks, Luchs and Panther and still one huge blob of infantry can counter everything I had.
8 Jan 2015, 01:01 AM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

This is too much for me... OKW is starving fuel? Good one...
I destroyed med truck, 2x flakbase (he still built third one).
From first flakbase he took out Luchs and Panther, I killed both.
At the time before he built third flakbase, he had only 1 blob.
No vehicles, no med, nothing, just one blob going around the map.
3 obers, 2 panzerfusi, 3 volks, 1 raketen, 2 stolen 57mm.
I killed Panther, Luchs, med truck, 2x flak truck and he still was able to make third one and call another Panther!

Shermans were useless, they were dying in a seconds after shot, pack howie useless because of obers (which I could not stop with Sherman because of AT and Volks).

So huge effort to kill trucks, Luchs and Panther and still one huge blob of infantry can counter everything I had.

What did you lose killing the HQ trucks? Killing a flak truck means nothing to OKW really if he already has the obers and panthers/luchs out.

Only time losing a flak HQ hurts is when it was destroyed before it produced crucial units like obers and luchs, panther. without those units most OKW players dont know how to play so they're toast before they build another HQ and said units,but if its already built then its pointless.

Basically only try to destroy it if its defending a VERY important point like a VP/cutoff or if it was freshly set up and units havent been built yet.

Attacking it when you're not really ready results in you getting bled to death while you frantically try to destroy it,at least in MY experiences

EDIT* now that i read it again;seemingly you gave 2 57mms to the OKW trying to kill the Flak HQ im assuming.. which is just not good news for you at all. 57mm may be average against german tanks but against american paper its blatantly OP. it pens every shot with a wide arc and good damage,and once an OKW 57mm hits vet 1 you might as well surrender. not even a scott can really touch that.

In regards to the OKW fuel, well 40+40 for 2 meds and then 2 flak trucks and luchs and panthers is honestly not that much fuel for OKW in a long drawn out game,(which they obviously excel at causing.) as long as he doesnt build anything from mech truck or a JP4 he'll have 2 panthers in ~30 mins or 1 KT in ~30 mins. youll have to kill the flak HQ probably 3-4 times to completely deny him armor and elite inf.. which doesnt even stop him from simply electing not to rebuild the flak HQ and just stalling for a KT.

like i said,it only delays things by 5-10 mins per flak truck(Which isnt very long for OKW to stall,and they can probably pull this off a couple times a game if you arent neccessarily playing well.)

8 Jan 2015, 01:16 AM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

8 Jan 2015, 13:53 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

Desytoying the FlakHQ is ALWAYS a good idea. The only time its going to bite you is if he had all that out already and he has PERFECT preservation. Because whiping out Obers without the ability for the OKW player to replace them is priceless. No to mention 1 Panther is bad but 2 is a nightmare.

But its much better to get it earlier.
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