
russian armor

All Factions Vehicle Skins Database

27 Nov 2014, 02:14 AM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

All Factions Vehicle Skins Database

Idea and concept by: AshFall
Skin images used originally by: Janne252/Cocaine Accessories/Sarantini/CasTroy
Proposals: nigo
Assisted by: Blackart/capiqua

Last Update: January, 3rd 2017

While searching for information about CoH2 vehicle skins on the CoH2.org forums I found various threads with different details on this subject. So I decided to summarize these information in one recent thread.

okwokw The Oberkommando West okwokw


From February 1943 to August 1944 the German factory standard vehicle skin was overall in "Dunkelgelb". On August 19th, 1944 the German High Command (OKH) ordered their manufacturers to combine the colors "Dunkelgelb", "Olivgrün" and "Rotbraun" simplyfying the camouflage. This factory standard three color skin was later known as the famous "Hinterhaltsmuster".

Tanks were given the Panzergrau coat during production in 1940 in order to save paint, but this practice was discontinued in 1943. Since the vehicles were never to be repainted, in subsequent years many camouflage variants were made by rubbing camouflage paste over the base grey.

Brown and green dapple over Khaki was so effective at blending in with undergrowth that vehicles that bore the pattern were sometimes further adorned with leaves and shrubbery to give them the appearance of heavy follage.

Dark and khaki was a simple and effective scheme suited for concealment
against golden grasslands.

White, jagged stripes over brown proved to be very effective concealment when the Germans launched their surprise counteroffensive through the densely forested Ardennes in December, 1944.

okwokw War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by RitaRush:

An ad hoc, crew applied ambush pattern. Late war paint shortages meant that vehicle crews used whatever was available at the time.

okwokw Historical Skin by Starbuck:

Field applied ambush camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles.


From February 1943 to August 1944 the German factory standard vehicle skin was overall in "Dunkelgelb". On August 19th, 1944 the German High Command (OKH) ordered their manufacturers to combine the colors "Dunkelgelb", "Olivgrün" and "Rotbraun" simplyfying the camouflage. This factory standard three color skin was later known as the famous "Hinterhaltsmuster".

Tanks were given the Panzergrau coat during production in 1940 in order to save paint, but this practice was discontinued in 1943. Since the vehicles were never to be repainted, in subsequent years many camouflage variants were made by rubbing camouflage paste over the base grey.

Brown and green dapple over Khaki was so effective at blending in with undergrowth that vehicles that bore the pattern were sometimes further adorned with leaves and shrubbery to give them the appearance of heavy follage.

Dark and khaki was a simple and effective scheme suited for concealment
against golden grasslands.

White, jagged stripes over brown proved to be very effective concealment when the Germans launched their surprise counteroffensive through the densely forested Ardennes in December, 1944.

okwokw War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by RitaRush:

An ad hoc, crew applied ambush pattern. Late war paint shortages meant that vehicle crews used whatever was available at the time.

okwokw Historical Skin by Starbuck:

Field applied ambush camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles.


This skin is exclusively for the German PzKpfw.V Panther Command Tank which is available with the German OKW Commander: Special Operations Doctrine only.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

usfusf The U.S. Forces usfusf


With the beginning of the war for the U.S.A. in 1941 most equipment of the U.S. Army was painted in U.S. Federal Factory-Standard Olive Drab. Ironically the used Olive Drab was not standardized in its brightness until 1950 so various variations of dark and bright Olive Drab overall skins existed.

The large horizontal stripe served the purpose of breaking the lines of the vehicles silhouette. Crews used whatever was available in the field and hand applied to suit the climate and locale.

The US army did not use standardized camouflage schemes. Most patterns were unique to the unit or even the crew the vehicle belonged to, usually tailored for the tank at hand.

Stark black and white borders enhance the contrast of the main camouflage colors.

This improvised pattern was necessitated by the sporadic snow falls that plagued the Battle of the Bulge. White was partially applied over top of factory painted green to better blend with the snow-engulfed woodlands.

#Thanks to Blackart

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Airborne Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Mechanized Infantry Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Support Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Ranger Company.

usfusf War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by f_x:

Operation Husky was the codename for the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. This skin is inspired by historical research into the actual vehicle paint shemes and markings used during this period.

usfusf Historical Skin by Starbuck:

A simple but effective vehicle camouflage for the US Army.


With the beginning of the war for the U.S.A. in 1941 most equipment of the U.S. Army was painted in U.S. Federal Factory-Standard Olive Drab. Ironically the used Olive Drab was not standardized in its brightness until 1950 so various variations of dark and bright Olive Drab overall skins existed.

The large horizontal stripe served the purpose of breaking the lines of the vehicles silhouette. Crews used whatever was available in the field and hand applied to suit the climate and locale.

The US army did not use standardized camouflage schemes. Most patterns were unique to the unit or even the crew the vehicle belonged to, usually tailored for the tank at hand.

Stark black and white borders enhance the contrast of the main camouflage colors.

This improvised pattern was necessitated by the sporadic snow falls that plagued the Battle of the Bulge. White was partially applied over top of factory painted green to better blend with the snow-engulfed woodlands.

#Thanks to Blackart

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Airborne Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Mechanized Infantry Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Support Company.

Camouflage pattern awarded for completing Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
with the Ranger Company.

usfusf War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by f_x:

Operation Husky was the codename for the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. This skin is inspired by historical research into the actual vehicle paint shemes and markings used during this period.

usfusf Historical Skin by Starbuck:

A simple but effective vehicle camouflage for the US Army.


This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

ostheerostheer The Wehrmacht ostheerostheer


In 1943 the German High Command (OKH) decided to change the factory standard gray into "Dunkelgelb". New vehicles were camouflaged by their crews with additional colors dependent on local requirements.

Tanks were given the Panzergrau coat during production in 1940 in order to save paint, but this practice was discontinued in 1943. Since the vehicles were never to be repainted, in subsequent years many camouflage variants were made by rubbing camouflage paste over the base grey.

Nearly endless varieties of camouflage were applied in every German
armoured unit based on local requirements.

German tanks were usually sent to their units in the base factory "Dunkelgelb" with additional colors in paste form to be applied to suit specific local requirements. Variations are epic in quantity.

After almost endless variations of official techniques German armored vehicle camouflage
returned to hard edges and multiple colors.

Also called Hinterhalt-tarnung, the ambush patter hid vehicles in the
dappled light under trees.

During the 1942 assault into the Caucasus, Army Group South favored
a mottled brown and green pattern.

Spraying brownish sand color over the factory standard gray made for quickly applied but effective camouflage during the assault on Voronezh.

Late in the war, many German vehicles were delivered from the factory with yellow-brown sprayed in stripes over the raw red-brown primer in basic attempt at camouflage.

ostheerostheer War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Starbuck:

Field applied ambush camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles.

ostheerostheer Historical Skin by georider:

A three color pattern used on the Eastern Front during Operation Bagration in 1944.


In 1943 the German High Command (OKH) decided to change the factory standard gray into "Dunkelgelb". New vehicles were camouflaged by their crews with additional colors dependent on local requirements.

Tanks were given the Panzergrau coat during production in 1940 in order to save paint, but this practice was discontinued in 1943. Since the vehicles were never to be repainted, in subsequent years many camouflage variants were made by rubbing camouflage paste over the base grey.

The German Eighth Army painted whitewash over the green camouflage of its vehicles as the battle for Stalingrad carried on into winter.

Hand painted whitewash or lime wash paint was applied with brushes or rags.

Most winter camouflage schemes were hand applied in the field
with whatever implements were on hand.

Based on the ambush pattern, winter versions swapped the warmer
summer colors for harsh greys and whites.

Nearly endless varieties of camouflage were applied in every German
armoured unit based on local requirements.

German tanks were usually sent to their units in the base factory "Dunkelgelb" with additional colors in paste form to be applied to suit specific local requirements. Variations are epic in quantity.

After almost endless variations of official techniques German armored vehicle camouflage
returned to hard edges and multiple colors.

Also called Hinterhalt-tarnung, the ambush patter hid vehicles in the
dappled light under trees.

During the 1942 assault into the Caucasus, Army Group South favored
a mottled brown and green pattern.

Spraying brownish sand color over the factory standard gray made for quickly applied but effective camouflage during the assault on Voronezh.

Late in the war, many German vehicles were delivered from the factory with yellow-brown sprayed in stripes over the raw red-brown primer in basic attempt at camouflage.

ostheerostheer War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Starbuck:

Field applied ambush camouflage designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles.

ostheerostheer Historical Skin by georider:

A three color pattern used on the Eastern Front during Operation Bagration in 1944.


This skin is exclusively for the German PzKpfw.VI Tiger Ace Tank which is available with the German Ostheer Commander: Elite Troops Doctrine only.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

sovietssoviets The Soviet Union sovietssoviets


At the beginning of the war in 1941 the soviet standard camouflage sheme was a overall olive drab. During the war the Red Army experimented with multiple camouflage patterns.

The lighter green and almost orange of the contrasting color suited the more
arid conditions of the central front.

The Karelian front is an area of forest and sandy soil north of Leningrad where the Soviets and Finns fought themeselves to a stalemate. These colors reflect those conditions.

Bold stripes of sand-colored paint were slathered over factory-standard olive paint to create a makeshift camouflage pattern during the defense of the Caucasus.

In the wake of Operation Uranus, the resurgent Red Army experimented with many camouflage patterns, including this two-tone olive-and-sand pattern.

Khaki, sand, and light brown colors camouflage well against foliage baked
in the late summer and early fall heat.

Elaborate camouflage like this three color variant take time to paint and slow down production. And time was a luxury the Soviets ran out of in 1941 and 1942.

Four color camouflage variants appeared during the big Soviet summer offensives of 1944.

This rare improvised pattern had simple painted branches applied by hand over the standard winter white paint. Some crews even painted the rear parts of hatches and sights red which made it look rather festive.

sovietssoviets War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Puppeteer:

A unique Two Tone camouflage used by the Soviet Red Guards until the end of 1941.

sovietssoviets Historical Skin by Starbuck:

The Red Army used various types of paints and shades of green on their tanks. The Red Army Skin Pack includes a variety of common camouflage to the extremely rare.


At the beginning of the war in 1941 the soviet standard camouflage sheme was a overall olive drab. During the war the Red Army experimented with multiple camouflage patterns.

Big blocks of contrasting color are dramatic, but serve to diminish a vehicles silhouette.

The unique cobblestone pattern helped break up the silhouette of the vehicle.

Most winter camouflage was roughly applied by hand. The goal was not to completely cover the vehicle, as a pure white would stand out dramatically against darker backgrounds.

Chemically treated washable white paint over factory standard olive green helped create the stark bi-tonal winter livery used by the Red Guards.

The lighter green and almost orange of the contrasting color suited the more
arid conditions of the central front.

The Karelian front is an area of forest and sandy soil north of Leningrad where the Soviets and Finns fought themeselves to a stalemate. These colors reflect those conditions.

Bold stripes of sand-colored paint were slathered over factory-standard olive paint to create a makeshift camouflage pattern during the defense of the Caucasus.

In the wake of Operation Uranus, the resurgent Red Army experimented with many camouflage patterns, including this two-tone olive-and-sand pattern.

Khaki, sand, and light brown colors camouflage well against foliage baked
in the late summer and early fall heat.

Elaborate camouflage like this three color variant take time to paint and slow down production. And time was a luxury the Soviets ran out of in 1941 and 1942.

Four color camouflage variants appeared during the big Soviet summer offensives of 1944.

This rare improvised pattern had simple painted branches applied by hand over the standard winter white paint. Some crews even painted the rear parts of hatches and sights red which made it look rather festive.

sovietssoviets War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Puppeteer:

A unique Two Tone camouflage used by the Soviet Red Guards until the end of 1941.

sovietssoviets Historical Skin by Starbuck:

The Red Army used various types of paints and shades of green on their tanks. The Red Army Skin Pack includes a variety of common camouflage to the extremely rare.


This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

This skin was awarded for participating in the Make War Not Love 2 event.

The British Forces


Since many vehicles were being supplied by the US, part of the rationale to adopt Olive Drab was to reduce the need to repaint before deployment.

Black was painted over the factory colors in this manner as a countermeasure to aerial reconnaissance. The style was often referred to by the name of a famous rodent due to the orientation of the spots.

Primarily used from 1939 until 1943; this basic shade was used on vehicles in service in the Middle East and North Africa. It was often used in combination with other shades when creating disruptive patterns.

Composed of disruptive diagonal lines painted across the vehicle in a spliter pattern. The blue-ish hue was actually silver grey paint faded from the desert sun.

War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Choccy Starfish:

A british skin pack, based upon the desert camo-scheme employed by the 7th Armoured Division (Desert Rats), in the North African Campaign.

Historical Skin by Starbuck:

A historical vehicle camouflage based on the 11th and 7th armored divisions, 3rd infantry division, and the 8th army corps.


Since many vehicles were being supplied by the US, part of the rationale to adopt Olive Drab was to reduce the need to repaint before deployment.

Black was painted over the factory colors in this manner as a countermeasure to aerial reconnaissance. The style was often referred to by the name of a famous rodent due to the orientation of the spots.

Primarily used from 1939 until 1943; this basic shade was used on vehicles in service in the Middle East and North Africa. It was often used in combination with other shades when creating disruptive patterns.

Composed of disruptive diagonal lines painted across the vehicle in a spliter pattern. The blue-ish hue was actually silver grey paint faded from the desert sun.

War Paint Contest Winner Historical Skin by Choccy Starfish:

A british skin pack, based upon the desert camo-scheme employed by the 7th Armoured Division (Desert Rats), in the North African Campaign.

Historical Skin by Starbuck:

A historical vehicle camouflage based on the 11th and 7th armored divisions, 3rd infantry division, and the 8th army corps.

sovietssovietsokwokw Non-Historical Skins ostheerostheerusfusf

Some known
sovietssovietsokwokw WFA and AA Faceplates ostheerostheerusfusf

...to be continued. :rolleyes:

27 Nov 2014, 02:28 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

This is beautiful. Any odds of adding the Ardennes Assault USF and OKW skins too?

After you sleep of course, good night!
27 Nov 2014, 06:46 AM
avatar of SlaYoU

Posts: 400

Nice post, waiting to see the rest ;) GN btw
27 Nov 2014, 07:38 AM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

This is awesome, thank dude. Looking forward to see more.
27 Nov 2014, 10:43 AM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 06:46 AMSlaYoU
Nice post, waiting to see the rest ;) GN btw

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 07:38 AMRMMLz
This is awesome, thank dude. Looking forward to see more.

Updated as promised with all soviets skins. Enjoy.

This is beautiful. Any odds of adding the Ardennes Assault USF and OKW skins too?

I did not purchase Ardennes Assault yet, so I am not able to get a skin image or the correct description at the moment. But I am sure I will get acess to them and add those in the future. I am curious how they do look, espeacially for U.S. Furthermore I heard about an AA skin for OKW which is completely grey, but I have never seen a picture of it so I can´t confirm this.
27 Nov 2014, 11:16 AM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Why aren't OKW and USF skins still not purchasable?
27 Nov 2014, 12:23 PM
avatar of Pedro_Jedi

Posts: 543

Great post, beautiful skins indeed. I'm very curious about the decals (if they get painted on vehicles, of course).
27 Nov 2014, 12:44 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

especially like the small descriptions under each patterns. +1
27 Nov 2014, 13:01 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

I didn't know Tiger ace comes with a unique skin. Can't wait for decals
27 Nov 2014, 13:47 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

theres more skins unreleased by relic:


StuG III skinned with “German Rotbraun” Pattern
27 Nov 2014, 14:14 PM
avatar of Frost

Posts: 1024 | Subs: 1

When skins after finish he Ardenes Assault Will be able here?
27 Nov 2014, 14:28 PM
avatar of Blackart

Posts: 344

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 02:14 AMCasTroy

Description unknown

I have it. Here is the description:

I don't have AA, got it as drop.
27 Nov 2014, 15:03 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 2181

All skins that exist in the UI files, so does not contain unrleased or the tiger ace because they wont show up in the UI anywhere yet
27 Nov 2014, 15:04 PM
avatar of SlaYoU

Posts: 400

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 13:47 PMnigo
theres more skins unreleased by relic:


StuG III skinned with “German Rotbraun” Pattern

It looks a lot like "Latewar pattern" to me. Or i'm maybe wrong ?
27 Nov 2014, 15:40 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 13:47 PMnigo
theres more skins unreleased by relic:


StuG III skinned with “German Rotbraun” Pattern

Nah, that's exactly the same pattern as the Late War Factory one, but with a different name.
27 Nov 2014, 15:43 PM
avatar of ludd3emm

Posts: 292

I would kill someone for the Green White Stripes and the Three Colour Field Pattern.
27 Nov 2014, 16:06 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 2181

two color disruptive is sooooooo ugly btw. It sucked people used it all the tiem because it was the only free one
27 Nov 2014, 19:49 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2014, 10:43 AMCasTroy
I did not purchase Ardennes Assault yet, so I am not able to get a skin image or the correct description at the moment. But I am sure I will get acess to them and add those in the future. I am curious how they do look, espeacially for U.S. Furthermore I heard about an AA skin for OKW which is completely grey, but I have never seen a picture of it so I can´t confirm this.

I'll be honest, this is the sole reason I requested AA skins. I want to see that bloody skin! I keep hearing about it but nobody has taken a picture ;)
27 Nov 2014, 21:13 PM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

I have it. Here is the description.
I don't have AA, got it as drop.

Thanks for helping, Blackart! Skin description is updated. :clap:

All skins that exist in the UI files, so does not contain unrleased or the tiger ace because they wont show up in the UI anywhere yet

Awesome stuff, Sarantini! Will update it soon. :crazy:

27 Nov 2014, 22:24 PM
avatar of Erguvan

Posts: 273

Nice work.. It is good to see them all together.. Steam store is toooo hard to compare them each other.. Hope you will add the ones missing
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