The Angry Bears are pleased to present The Cheese Series. A place to showcase the cheesiest of strategies. Do you have a build order and strategy that you have always wanted to share with the community but feared the reprisal? This is the thread to post it in. Why would we want to do such a thing? Everybody has their own reasons but all submissions should be submitted with the intent of Relic addressing them. E-sports, etc.
- Read the rules and follow them.
- Submit your strategy following the format template provided.
- Napalm along with special guests will rate the strategy and award blocks of cheese, with 10 blocks of cheese as a maximum.
- Submissions will be graded according the criteria listed below.
- At the end of every three months blocks of cheese per submitter will be tallied. The submitter with the most blocks of cheese will be crowned the Cheese Master Strategist.
- If the submission is really questionable PM me the strategy and I'll submit it anonymously.
- Use the template provided.
- Do not use glitches and hacks.
- Theoretical strategies will not be accepted. You may be challenged for a replay.
- Does a counter exist?
- Is it original?
- How game breakingly awesome is it?
- Ease of execution
- Can is be scaled up?
- Does it affect all game modes or just one?
Title Name your submission
Summary In a paragraph explain the cheese
Game Modes Applicable Which game modes does this cheese apply to
Doctrines Selected What doctrines are required
Build Order What build order is required
Replay Link Not required but preferred if you are going to post something outrageous
Notes Anything else you have to say? This is the place
- Romeo: Axis War Machine. To be graded.
- Napalm: USF need no base. To be graded by not myself.
- Romeo: Allied War Machine. To be graded.
- Romeo: #Esports. To be graded.
- Romeo: #Promeo. To be graded.