On Ettlebruck with mines cons and AT guns in the North the B4 is not my personal choice. I combine it with penal battalions, lend lease Dshk and the Sherman's. I don't know what others do but when I see a vehicle that's just been disabled In some fashion I pursue it aggressively, wouldn't be much of a snare if it didn't punish you. However mines win games, sweepers win them back.
If you have some expensive/crucial unit just trundling down a common path which is where mines (strangely) gather In wild gaggles, and your not screening with something or sweeping. Then perhaps it's a stretch to say, hell ya! your unit should get killed by something. Weather it's a B4 a swarm of Sherman's or some other AT unit, at least it represents some fore thought on your opponents part. With its slow rotation speed, static nature and cost to place the B4 is the embodiment of forethought. Keep in mind the value of a mine is dependant on your opponent (buying sweepers) and yourself (pursuing opportunity)
In closing id point out that To reconnoiter an allied base is possible from the moment a recon ability is available to the axis and even unstoppable in the form of OKW flares. To say the same for the allies especially if it's an OKW base is not as practical. As has been stated recently here to present the B4 in a vacuum only serves to benefit one side. Present a two sided suggestion and maybe flame threads could be a thing of the past. This unit is made out as if it's produced by every soviet and kills every KT and JT on sight, until such data is available assumption will rage.
i sure hope this is not a response to what i said... if it is, you clearly did not get a word of what i have said.
first: you can hit mines cause you have to flee / fight with no sweepers at hand. it happens to the best of us. its not because one chooses to drive down every road on every map without sweeper support.
second: what vacuum? everyone claiming you can just dodge every b4 shot is looking at a b4 vs tank situation in a vacuum. im talking about the exact opposite. theres other stuff going on. other units to be micro'ed, other battles to be fought. only an idiot would shot his b4 at a vehicle without applying pressure beforehand and using the enemies inattention to his own advantage
third: never said it kills every KT/JT on sight... im complaining about the ability to oneshot vehicles that are a huge investment (read: everything but THE HEAVIEST tanks). and 640 dmg would still be enough to hurt KTs/JTs (50% of their HP)
Offtopic: are you swiss? i know you got the union jack in your profile, but who knows. i ask cause i live at the swiss border and im often in zürich. just curious, so no need to answer