So, obviously I want to see Fury. Like, very badly.
I'm getting to that age where I absolutely fucking hate public spaces like cinemas / movie theatres or whatever you call them where you come from. Bovine adolescents chomping through snacks and tapping away at their phones like lobotomized chimps. Seriously, I could go postal in that environment. I want to watch tanks blow the shit out of each other, not get into a fight with a bunch of eighteen-year-olds. Who would probably stab me and take selfies of them posing with my twitching corpse.
I don't want to wait to see this movie on the TV. OK I have a nice big HD TV but it's not the same as having Dolby stereo as 88mm guns go off, is it?
I want to drink beer while I watch the movie. I can't drink beer in a British cinema.
So what do I do? Short of ringing up Brad Pitt, explaining that I have a serious man-crush on him and want a private screening somewhere with a bar?
So, CoH2.org, WTF should I do?