
russian armor

Close Air Support Doctrrine->Stuka ANTI TANK strafe

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2 Oct 2014, 04:43 AM
avatar of Azurestrix

Posts: 24

So greetings everyone, i want to proclaim if someone can use that ability give me some tips maybye I am just that **** with it.
Back to the point i feel that all other abilities in that comamnder works out pretty well, but that one is a little bit lacklusters why:

1:Comparsion to the anti inf strafe: well that one also got smaller aim area but thats offset by the fact that it goes through everything pins everything in a much larger than the original "ability area" but i feel that balanced to offset the fact that the plane take lotsa time to arrive.
2:Comparsion to IL-2 SINGLE strafe: Much better "attack area", supression, and will loiter if no valid targets found (still 1 attack run).

Problem. No1: It has much smaller targeting cirle than the previous probably to "help it aim vehicles"?<- idiot conclusion
No2: That one also take a few year to arrive so most of the time it will only hit ground. ( couple these with the fact that it also drops smoke and the enemy palyer is alerted by the units and that the usability of this ability is only within LoS ->ps I know that i got recon run still)
No3: Too much "empty strike" ( cant hit anything )
No4: It will force attack the ground no matter what (maybye a little bit target locking but thats rly tiny) this coupled with the small circle makes too unreliable to hit tanks ( or atlest inf ).
No5: Both strafe got the same cooldown as the original ones however they are "weaker versions"
No6: AT strafe is on too high cp on its current performance ( dont mention with cost even with redisturbate resources ).
No7:With one of the recent patches plane attack range is indicated with circle. This will make it even more "noticable".
1:Retain the original targeting circle+plane speed flare and everything but give it better dmg and target leading. ( Here the main problem lies in the fact that i noticed the problem is not with the dmg itself but the plane will most of the time with atleast 60-70% of the bullets will hit the ground ofc it got a bit AoE and the big strafe does the same but this will come more times + i think it does better job)
2(The wild but i still think balanced idea): Remove the flare from the 2 airstrike or atlest the anti tank (still voice alert)-> that would also give that commander an unique feeling+ yoou could still hear it and will se the plane.
3:Let the ability to be fired into FoW so that we can use it agains retreating vehs ( no other attack ability has that property so.. not likely will devs do it )
4:Make it a targetable ability so that the plane will hunt the targeted veh( thats the tricky one this would take away the current ability what is AI and At in the area but would bexome an "execute skill" but in that way it would maybye also need a little buff so that it isnt only "scratch" things and we wouldn't make it another Il-2 attack.
5: Make it cheaper or let it refound itself if it isnt done any dmg.
6: Let it loiter a few like the soviet counterpart.
1: Other than tell me yout opinion on the suggested how do you feel about that ability?
2: If it just only me using it wrong tell me how to use it.
3: No i dont want OP airtsike, just i feel that this ability is a bit ignored.
4: I am speaking about the (i think?) 90 muni SINGLE strafe.
5: How much dmg possiblity this ability has i mean if everything goes right what can it kill in its current state. (Researched: Random cause this ability attacks ground and not target sometimes cant kill scout car sometimes does good dmg to tiger)
6: Dont troll, and dont feed it have a nice day.
7: One bit more well not actualy tweaking would be to give the recon run a "starting place signal" so the first use of it wont the just to identify the palnes entry angle to the map.
8: Thx Katitoff for the reply on org since that i adapted the fact that this is a support donctrine and not attack but i still find it sadly that I am reliying on luck with this high miss/ ->low<--med? dmg ability is not fun :/ today i will make some tests maybye so that i can see its kill potential.
9: Thats a revived thread from long time sry but i felt that this havent got enough spotlight. ( Only 1-2 meaningful replies )
2 Oct 2014, 05:17 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Its fine as it is.

Its close air support.
Not close air armor deletion.

Its a supportive ability when you fight armor, not main damage dealer, just like IL-2 strafe won't kill anything healthy.

Its balanced both cost and performance wise against IL-2 loiter and there is no need to change anything.
2 Oct 2014, 05:43 AM
avatar of Romeo
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Benefactor 115

Posts: 1970 | Subs: 5

I don't know if I agree with Katitof, every time anyone has ever used it against me it completely missed and did nothing. It seems to take forever to arrive, it's so easy to dodge. Considering you're trying to target vehicles with this ability, I think a quicker arrival would be justified.
2 Oct 2014, 05:48 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2014, 05:43 AMRomeo
I don't know if I agree with Katitof, every time anyone has ever used it against me it completely missed and did nothing. It seems to take forever to arrive, it's so easy to dodge. Considering you're trying to target vehicles with this ability, I think a quicker arrival would be justified.

Use it on engine damaged tanks or during tank engagements(put it slightly behind opponents tanks, so the smoke won't scare them away and allow for stationary target.

Arrival time as with all the abilities of these kind is 100% map dependent.
2 Oct 2014, 09:57 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

funny ability. use it on a pair of katys. it'll kill one and do 150 damage to the other, leaving it with 10 hp.
2 Oct 2014, 10:05 AM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

its too inconsistent.
2 Oct 2014, 11:31 AM
avatar of Azurestrix

Posts: 24

Use it on engine damaged tanks or during tank engagements(put it slightly behind opponents tanks, so the smoke won't scare them away and allow for stationary target.

Arrival time as with all the abilities of these kind is 100% map dependent.

Excatly thats 2 of my problems with it ( 1 new ):
1: With the recent patches plane loiter/atack area is shown on screen so anybody completely not afk will notice it. ( I already complained that planes simply have too many indicators->smoke, voice, plane, + circle )
2: The tank with little game knowledge and micro ( or luck ) can go through un or minimally damaged if it goes left or right from the center cause this ability is not a normal loiter just an attack ground ability<- thats why its so inconsistent.
+3: I get your target behind enemies advice, but i think also wrote about it: only in some cases ( even? ) you can aim so far behind the tank that with arrival time it will hit cause you cant aim this ability outside LOS.
2 Oct 2014, 11:35 AM
avatar of Kallipolan

Posts: 196

I think its fine as is. For me, the balance point for all off-map call-ins is that it should be possible to dodge them if the player reacts fast enough. Any call-in airstrikes/barrages where this isn't the case should be changed so that they aren't so punishing (this is kind of what you have with a lot of incendiary barrages - quick to land but they take time to actually kill stuff).

It may be frustrating that your opponent dodges your airstrike and it does nothing, but it would be downright game-breaking if he couldn't. As Katitof has mentioned, the key is combo it with things that impair movement, or to overload your opponent's micro in a large engagement so they get flustered and don't react properly.

I also think that these abilities aren't just about what you kill. Thinking laterally, a lot of these abilities can be used for 'area denial' - to control your opponents movement. For example, imagine your opponent has a tank that is taking fire from your AT guns. Placing the anti-vehicle strafe directly behind the tank makes your opponent choose between AT gun damage and strafe damage, and he may end up making the wrong choice. Another example would be placing the anti-infantry strafe to cut off an opponent's flanking route, keeping your MGs and AT guns safe. Basically, I think these abilities can win engagements without necessarily inflicting damage.
2 Oct 2014, 11:49 AM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

The anti-tankstrafe is for tanks!?
I thought it was something they changed and then forgot to rename. It does nothing against tanks, it kills some inf though. If it is meant for tanks they need to change it so you get something out of it. I am Sick, and tired of all the broken commanders.

Nice thread by the way.
I think youre nr.1 solution is the best. Its hard to hit tanks with this and at the moment if you hit youre not sure if you hit. I think it should be hard to hit but if you do, then you should get rewarded.
2 Oct 2014, 12:03 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

I agree with the OP that this ability is completely useless. The beefed up version in other commanders is also lackluster.

You really need to have a tank with a destroyed engine for this to work at all. Honestly you are much better off just planting two teller mines.

However, at this point in the game's life cycle I think focusing on other bugs/problems may be a much higher priority.
2 Oct 2014, 12:12 PM
avatar of Azurestrix

Posts: 24

1:I think its fine as is. For me, the balance point for all off-map call-ins is that it should be possible to dodge them if the player reacts fast enough. Any call-in airstrikes/barrages where this isn't the case should be changed so that they aren't so punishing (this is kind of what you have with a lot of incendiary barrages - quick to land but they take time to actually kill stuff).

2:It may be frustrating that your opponent dodges your airstrike and it does nothing, but it would be downright game-breaking if he couldn't. As Katitof has mentioned, the key is combo it with things that impair movement, or to overload your opponent's micro in a large engagement so they get flustered and don't react properly.

3:I also think that these abilities aren't just about what you kill. Thinking laterally, a lot of these abilities can be used for 'area denial' - to control your opponents movement. For example, imagine your opponent has a tank that is taking fire from your AT guns. Placing the anti-vehicle strafe directly behind the tank makes your opponent choose between AT gun damage and strafe damage, and he may end up making the wrong choice. Another example would be placing the anti-infantry strafe to cut off an opponent's flanking route, keeping your MGs and AT guns safe. Basically, I think these abilities can win engagements without necessarily inflicting damage.

1: Yep thats acceptable but this ability is still 'easy to dodge", and in damage very random. I stated already that even if you are in the ( really small ) target area this ability can still miss you big time. ( Meanwhile the ability user needed tons of micro, ->luck<-, and unit leading to force the veh/inf into the area in his LOS, and 90 muni even with the resource change )

2: My oly problem here that basically all units got a distinct "Airstrike" quote, and thats one of the most informating part of the game in a big fight what can and will force out an overloaded palyer froms its trance.

3: I already wrote infantry strafe works wonders. ( even outside of its range )
That tank will have tons time to react/ move out ( little bit game knowledgedge, focus is on bit ) beacuse crew will notify you that it is a plane + currently circle + that even into own base plane will take a year to arrive.
2 Oct 2014, 13:26 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Its a supportive ability when you fight armor, not main damage dealer, just like IL-2 strafe won't kill anything healthy.

I lost a full health Panzer Werfer to an IL-2 Strafe. It was parked in my base.
2 Oct 2014, 13:37 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Well, bad for you then I guess, because I have not seen it wipe full health squad since nerf.
2 Oct 2014, 20:33 PM
avatar of Darkripper

Posts: 58

This ability really needs a Buff, its cost 200 Muni and do nothing against tank.. instead the P47 calling that they come with 2 planes with very powerful rockets with the skill to kill 75% Panther and cost 40 muni more than the german strafe..

Im agree with Katitof, its a support power, but its very frustrating to watch how your plane die in the first fly.. or the plane only pass away firing to the dirt.. besides the time in the air of this plane its really short.. so for 200 munitions.. its really an underperforming ability.

13 Feb 2016, 20:55 PM
avatar of SpaceMariner

Posts: 3

No! It is changed just for tanks. So sadly it was "STUKA CLOSE AIR SUPPORT
A Stuka JU-87 will patrol the designated area, targeting enemy units with heavy 37mm cannons. " It is not just for tanks and worthless now thunder bolts more better than this planes now.
13 Feb 2016, 21:05 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Talk about necro.

This thread is so old, it gets pension from the state. :snfBarton:
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