I just wanted to say that I am very grateful for everyone's support during my time playing the CoH series. Without you guys I wouldn't have been able to make my stream so successful

While I am in Japan I do hope to continue to stream if and when I can. I have still yet to buy myself a gaming laptop or pc so it might be a good while before I can. Furthermore I really want to concentrate on my studies the best I can and obvious gaming is a massive distraction. Therefore even if I do stream in Japan it will not be that often I'm afraid.
If you are interested in what I get up to in Japan I will be trying to make a weekly vblog and uploading it to my youtube channel.Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ZHytTltwA&list=PLwkm_w8wXFhi8NITp1Daj6DA11ka4w8eh
Thanks a lot guys and I hope to see you all soon in the future and I wish the very best success for the Relic and their franchises.