
russian armor

Next possible changes for Soviet fraction.

21 Sep 2014, 13:02 PM
avatar of ciazzz

Posts: 13

Hi, as we know soviets are most boring fraction in game, forcing u to choose tactic right at the begin of the game. When OKW can win the game with core units and commanders just gives a cherry on the top of the cake, soviets without call ins are dead soviets. We all now that they are bad design and it need to be change. Here is my idea, of course inspire by many other similar topics, how to change core soviets and turning them into more interesting fraction.

No changes

T1 cost 120mp 40 feul if t2 first 60 mp 20 fuel When teching t1 u would be able to get 150 mp 25 fuel upgrade to give dp-28 for all infantry. It will cost about 50 ammo and able to get only In base. Gourds will get double for 60 ammo without upgrade.

Snipers- as we now most problem is with 2 quys squads. Soviet player should suffer more for losing member of squad. Firstly the cost- should be 120mp. Secondly when losing spotter, sniper should lost LoS. When losing sniper- no one hit one death. This will force player to retreat squad
Scout car- I think it is fine, but why no real soviet car, like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BA-64 ? I would be something like 170 mp 5 fuel, fastest scout car in game, able to fight off kubels and harass infantry but lose to them when they are in green cover. When teching up it will gain ammo upgrade with more armor but losing speed.
Pentals- They should be long range guys with dps on highest range about 10-8. They dps line would begin from 18 like consp so giving them flamethrower will improved that

T2 no changes beside price as a second building to 120 mp and 35 fuel. Maxims are fine imo, they have lots of counters.

T3 cost 250 mp 100 fuel. Getting t3 or t4 will be necessary to get any call ins. When getting first t4, cost would be 200 mp 60 fuel

T34- 280 mp 90 fuel. It will be able to gain upgrade tank raiders for 50 ammo or when getting vet 1. 1 squad will be able to ride on them and capture points. Riding will be dangerous, they will be like in red cover and +25% accuracy bonus for enemy infantry. Ram will now on vet 1 won’t destroy engine- only main gun and damage engine. It will allow to go to back line in slow speed. RNG of ram damage to enemy like it is now.
Su 76- 250 mp 80 fuel. No changes for durability. Will be able to switch ammo from AT to HE like Sherman. When in AT mode it will work like now, but with more penetration like 130-110-100. HE mode like m8a1 but with longer reload.
Half truck- no changes

T4 cost 250 mp 100 fuel, when getting first t3, cost would be 200 mp 60 fuel.

T70- no changes, will work good here
Su 85- biggest problem of this is bit small amount of damage and penetration. While heaving good reload time, 200-180 penetration + 160 damage su 85 isn’t big problem for tigers, kingtigers or even panters, not saying about elefants or jagtigers. In med game this tank is fine, but in late it is turning to waste of fuel when u can save resources bit longer to get some call ins. So u should be able to get su-100. It would have 300-270 penetration and 200 damage with reload time a bit bigger than 85. HP of su 100 would be like 85 but armor buffed to 220 able to defect from tigers on range. Also su 100 will be 65 range with speed nerfed compered to su 85. Now how to replace su 85. The best idea will be unlocking the upgrade for it when reaching 10 cp. Upgrade would be 200 mp and 40 fuel and would not work on su 85 you already have. After upgrade you will be able to build only su 100 with price 450 mp 150 fuel. This will give some solid AT power without call ins.
Katiusza- It is still too weak against blobs. It should have 120 damage or barrage with all rockets at the same time.

Except b4 heavy arty is weak and not good option. First of all reduce of mp to 300 for 150mm and 380mp for b4. Biggest changes will be that now howiz will shoot for ammo. To use 150mm u will need at least 45 ammo for one shot. U will be able to fire max barrage with 8 shoots for 200 ammo (more shoots less price ^^ something like that: 45-65-90-125-155-170-185-200). Also u will be able to set how many big bullets u want to use. B4 shoot will cost about 60-70 ammo. Lass thing about the arty will be vehicles critis. Every direct shoot on tank should give some % chance of damaging track, engine and always should give crew shock critic. Price reduction + ammo will help with stuka + recon problem, losing 600 mp is pain, 300 not as big.
21 Sep 2014, 13:33 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

300mp for howie and 380mp for b4 hahahaha
21 Sep 2014, 13:33 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Sep 2014, 13:02 PMciazzz
Hi, as we know soviets are most boring fraction in game

Who are "we"? Plz stop with this ridiculous rhetoric it makes my eyes sore. Instead write "I think soviets are the most boring fraction in the game."

Otherwise some good suggestions. But a complete faction-overhaul would be to hard to balance. It would take years to get proper balance.
21 Sep 2014, 13:36 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

300mp for howie and 380mp for b4 hahahaha

They are in placed in underused-commanders so why not?
21 Sep 2014, 14:18 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

Buff Conscripts, Penals and T34 (Prices should be adjusted then)
Move T70 to T4
Delete SU76 from game and give some AT or support unit to T3.
Decrease cost from T3/T4 if the other tier is already built.

Soviet faction fixed. Profit.
21 Sep 2014, 15:56 PM
avatar of Kallipolan

Posts: 196

Personally, I think the issue with Soviets goes beyond the performance of individual units. I don't see how Soviets can ever work properly with a tech structure that actively discourages you from diversifying your forces. It's absurd that its not viable to even access all of your units, because the tech costs are too crippling. None of the other armies suffer from this - Ostheer has linear tech; OKW and US branch but only at one point, and the costs make it viable to unlock all tech buildings over the course of a single game.

Basically, I think something needs to be done to make breadth and combined arms (rather than spam) a more viable option, especially in the late-game, which is where the biggest problem lies due to the 120 fuel price tag on tech buildings. My suggestion would be to add a one-time, significant fuel investment that unlocks both tech buildings for a lower cost. This would allow you to build both whilst preventing super-early T34/T70 rushes. Basically, the American Supply Depot from vCoH (US had the same tech structure then as Soviets do now, but without the problems).
21 Sep 2014, 16:00 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

300mp for howie and 380mp for b4 hahahaha

why do you come in to threads to nitpick one single thing to criticize out of a person's post and then not comment on the rest of the ideas?

SU76 looks a little expensive, but the option for AT/HE is cool. I think If it lobs projectiles like m8 then it could be an interesting AI unit. Perhaps it will be built by players with this change.

Katyusha daage could be moved to 100. What is it now, 80? 100 would be a good number to try out first. The damage on the Katyusha has been a "sensitive" thing hehehe.

I like the idea of having a SU-100. Right now, There is absolutely no point to build SU85 in the late-game. Core armor options just suck for the Soviets. And people wonder why there is a call-in problem for USSR.

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Sep 2014, 14:18 PMGreeb
Buff Conscripts, Penals and T34 (Prices should be adjusted then)
Move T70 to T4
Delete SU76 from game and give some AT or support unit to T3.
Decrease cost from T3/T4 if the other tier is already built.

Soviet faction fixed. Profit.

Nice ideas Greeb, but i think the reliance on call-ins still remain.
21 Sep 2014, 16:31 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Sep 2014, 16:00 PMNinjaWJ

why do you come in to threads to nitpick one single thing to criticize out of a person's post and then not comment on the rest of the ideas?

SU76 looks a little expensive, but the option for AT/HE is cool. I think If it lobs projectiles like m8 then it could be an interesting AI unit. Perhaps it will be built by players with this change.

Katyusha daage could be moved to 100. What is it now, 80? 100 would be a good number to try out first. The damage on the Katyusha has been a "sensitive" thing hehehe.

I like the idea of having a SU-100. Right now, There is absolutely no point to build SU85 in the late-game. Core armor options just suck for the Soviets. And people wonder why there is a call-in problem for USSR.

Nice ideas Greeb, but i think the reliance on call-ins still remain.

Because im done with writing long posts because no one will read or consider them anyway. So i come into threads with funny suggestions to make fun out of them. I've seen so much shit on these forums already, im usually better off having a good laugh than an arguement, let alone a reasonable discussion.
Everyone with experience in and knowledge of the game can agree that most of the suggestions are ridiculous. Especially the suggestion with the 300mp normal and 380mp b4 howie. Haha, im still giggling bout that..
21 Sep 2014, 17:59 PM
avatar of Bulgakov

Posts: 987

Because im done with writing long posts because no one will read or consider them anyway. So i come into threads with funny suggestions to make fun out of them. I've seen so much shit on these forums already, im usually better off having a good laugh than an arguement, let alone a reasonable discussion.
Everyone with experience in and knowledge of the game can agree that most of the suggestions are ridiculous. Especially the suggestion with the 300mp normal and 380mp b4 howie. Haha, im still giggling bout that..

380MP B4 would help Soviets break Axis armour, 2-shot kill on KT and Jagd, this is necessary for soviet because they have weak mans. If soviet mans buffed to Obers level, and B4 380mp, game is balanced!

But seriously, OP, why are you only proposing buffs?

Soviets have weak units that need to be stronger but they have goddamn strong units that would need to be weaker.

And any changes that don't involve the soviet sniper losing his little buddy = bad.

Change the sniper, delete the goddamn ht from T1, buff the core inf, nerf dem shocks a bit, make the su-85 useful (it seems to have no real role), buff the t34 a bit.

and definitely DO NOT reduce B4 cost to 380 MP, nonono.

21 Sep 2014, 18:20 PM
avatar of Beinhard

Posts: 161

Would love to see some elite-non doctrinal sovjet infantry, as a counter to Obers.

Also, a Su-100/122P would be nice units for the sovjets, as they kinda lack late game AT.

21 Sep 2014, 19:24 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

300mp for howie and 380mp for b4 hahahaha

And the part you need ammunition to use them?
Eventhough that is a nerf for the 152mm and a buff for the B4.

300mp + 45muni per shot >> You'll need 125muni to barrage at the same rate as now. That puts you at a disadvantage cost on your second barrage. 300mp + 250muni (500mp) = 800mp No thx you.

While with the B4: 300mp + 70muni >> It's cheap for it's first 2 barrages and even then it is not as costly as with the 152.
21 Sep 2014, 19:45 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

380 MP B4? DansGame
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