
russian armor

Why no one builds PAKs/Trenches ??

4 Sep 2014, 11:23 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

Im kinda new to COH2 Western Fron armies although i played a lot of COH ever since relic firste released it.

I usually play very aggressive in first few minutes and go on a complete defensive.

I like the Luftwaffe GF or Fortifications Doctrine.

I was curious why not many players build trenches barbwires tank traps and mines I only sees infy blobs in most early games and then i hear the rumble and tanks every where.

against hard/expert AI I will always win with trench + tank traps + barbwire + mine + PAK strategy..

I had a good amount of success against players as well but the really good ones will start pelting arty / incendiary mortars and a lot of indirect fire as soon as they see trenches.

I am still fine tuning the the best mix of static deference and mobile army to hold atleast 2 VPs in midgame in 1vs1.

But seriously im in love with the PAK emplacement put it behind LOS blockers and cover the flanks with tank traps and pioneer mines not the volks S mines. u will be locking down taht area.

I also get the upgrade for strums very early in game so they can bulid stuff quicker and repair quicker. U will amazed how fast a kubelwagen gets repaired after the upgrade in the initial few mins of game.

USE trenches they are amazing AT gun cant be flanked from behind in trench as it can change directions in a sec to face backwards unlike bunkers. So if you place trench next to buliding You are pretty much unstoppable they will have to face you head on and trench has more health than bunkers and wont kill the crew most of the times.

4 Sep 2014, 12:36 PM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

Because they are useless and low health. PaKs get destroyed easily because of little range and immobile.
4 Sep 2014, 13:09 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

Sorry to see the answer you got as you seem fond of that playstyle. This game on very rare occasions promote different playstyles. Either you adapt or loose. I have no clue why trenches and stuff are in the game as they are so hard to use in a gamewinning-way.
4 Sep 2014, 13:33 PM
avatar of vietnamabc

Posts: 1063

PAK 43 is just insane in Stalingrad, middle Semoisky, Kholodny Ferma and south Langreskaya, especially against US and Soviet who chose to spam E8, T-34/85 (No off-map 1 shot BS).
4 Sep 2014, 13:48 PM
avatar of BrickTop

Posts: 88

blobing is quite comfortable forget rests B-)
4 Sep 2014, 17:49 PM
avatar of Albus

Posts: 125

Why don't people invest in extremely expensive, pop-heavy static defences?

Cus' of these bad boys:

And all off maps....

Any off-maps or artillery what so ever completely fuck static defences over. Let's not even go into the fact that almost all the (useful) American doctrines have extremely heavy off-map artillery call ins which can absolutely decimate static defences (Literally one-shotting PaK40s and other static shit).

4 Sep 2014, 17:51 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidity"
5 Sep 2014, 00:36 AM
avatar of Milke Man

Posts: 26

Only static defense I use is Pak 43 and B4. A Pak 43 in the right spot eliminates all enemy armor, and the B4 is basically a reusable bombing run.

I'm a defensive player, but I mainly play vs AI or with friends
5 Sep 2014, 06:20 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

My observation of the AI is that it doesn't build the things that most hard counter fixed defences (on map artillery); nor does it use the off map abilities that mess them up (Bombs, Barrages, etc)

As such PAK43s and the ilk are a lot better in comp stomp than versus meat opponents
5 Sep 2014, 08:02 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2014, 17:49 PMAlbus
Why don't people invest in extremely expensive, pop-heavy static defences?

Cus' of these bad boys:

And all off maps....

Any off-maps or artillery what so ever completely fuck static defences over. Let's not even go into the fact that almost all the (useful) American doctrines have extremely heavy off-map artillery call ins which can absolutely decimate static defences (Literally one-shotting PaK40s and other static shit).

I agree that indirect fire is bad but instead of keeping strumpios idle i like to build trench every where so if start taking indirect fire i will move my HMG or Raketns to another trench. i do plant pio mines near the entrance of some of the forward trenchs in case if he trys to lock it down. but Strum pios with support pacakge upgrade repari these trenches very quickly..

You guys might be amazed how much edge it gives early in game when you are say 2 to 5 CPs in game

I believe the Priest comes late till then you can hold and deny critical caps.
5 Sep 2014, 08:26 AM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

You don't have to keep sturmpios idle when you're not building stuff. They're great combat units :) I liked playing like this back when I first started playing CoH1 multiplayer as Brits, but it's a way of playing that you just don't get far with. It can be fun when you start out, and get you some success on the lower levels, but there's a reason there are no high level players who play like that
5 Sep 2014, 08:35 AM
avatar of Pepsi

Posts: 622 | Subs: 1

They should let the trenches walk around to map.
5 Sep 2014, 10:07 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

Actually, trenches are supposed to save your infantry from indirect fire...
5 Sep 2014, 10:27 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

Actually, trenches are supposed to save your infantry from indirect fire...

well it does save you from mortars but when priests start pounding u better get out 1 barrage will almost always take it out.

I also noticed that you can pull out a fallschrimjager out of an empty trench pretty handy if you can manage to build on early in the game at their side of cap points. :)
5 Sep 2014, 10:34 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

You don't have to keep sturmpios idle when you're not building stuff. They're great combat units :) I liked playing like this back when I first started playing CoH1 multiplayer as Brits, but it's a way of playing that you just don't get far with. It can be fun when you start out, and get you some success on the lower levels, but there's a reason there are no high level players who play like that

i miss the red devils from COH, hope to see them in future DLC for COH2.

I am trying to some what make the trench work vs players i have fare amount of success till midgame but as soon as artys hit the field i struggle a bit

I dont want to give up on static defence + mobile flanking army startegy. i don't like this game turn into a SC2 micro fest blob vs blob.
7 Sep 2014, 05:14 AM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

Fixed defenses are great against blots, but players at even a pretty low level know to insta-kill them by simply pressing a button (air strikes) or simply go around, which on some maps is very easy.
8 Sep 2014, 11:21 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

Fixed defenses are great against blots, but players at even a pretty low level know to insta-kill them by simply pressing a button (air strikes) or simply go around, which on some maps is very easy.

what i meant in the OP was to not to camp and build extensive field defence but to use them very strategically PAK emplacement is good if you hide it and press hold fire till their tanks are very near by and take them out ( you get heat round after 1 shot) then you have a window where they have armor disadvantage You will almost always loose the PAK after that to indirect fire but you will gain a window to breakthrough.

Same way trenches at CP2 and MG crew in CP1 are good very initially to contain the enemy plus trenches cost no MP so its free and if placed strategically it can deny some caps very early but it requires lot of skill to place it strategically else its a lost cause. It will force him to invest on indirect fire but its free for you minus the build time.

I will come up with a good replay soon after i fine tune the combination for now its totally map dependent i fair well in some in some i still need to adapt this strategy.
8 Sep 2014, 15:11 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

Trenches themselfs can be reasonably powerful, you just have to be prepared to put a lot of micro into rebuilding them often and moving your squads about.

Pak43 seems soo short range now, esspecially with low rotation and narrow firing arc. So situational now.
15 Sep 2014, 04:08 AM
avatar of Bootleg Usher

Posts: 39

Trenches themselfs can be reasonably powerful, you just have to be prepared to put a lot of micro into rebuilding them often and moving your squads about.

Pak43 seems soo short range now, esspecially with low rotation and narrow firing arc. So situational now.

I haven't played in a while. Did they nerf the Pak43s range?
15 Sep 2014, 04:45 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

I haven't played in a while. Did they nerf the Pak43s range?

All you guys should watch the replay uploaded yesterday USA vs PARA, USA had only 2 cap points he won with 1 VP vs 315 for his opp and guess what saved him PAK43 vet 5. :)

I agree its situational but with ubermind you will dominate
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