4v4 Ettelbruck_station
The south has more output amplitude units of the base area
- Remove buildings and debris in order to have amplitude, to enter with heavy tanks.
- Wooden Bridge to inf troops.
- Clean spawn on the North base. There are holes that obstruct units on the road to spawn.
- Move the crane a little backwards, to make way for heavy tanks.
- Make ramp to vehicles/heavy tanks.
This map there is an area very good. And another area which is poor mobility and sight.
- The green zone (playable area) show 4 capture points, by which players must fight for them.
- The red zone (unplayable area) is a mess. Thousand buildings to enter, narrow corridors for tanks.
- RECOMMEND: If the green zone is playable. Rework the red zone, to have 2 other green areas the same philosophy that the playable green.
4v4 Lienne_forest
This map in the late game, this VP middle is crucial to victory/defeat.
There are objects that impair entry vehicles/tanks, hinders the vision of them.
Therefore it is desirable to remove the objects listed below.
The early game is good 3 buildings to north, but bad in the late game that cannot pass the tanks.
South players have more advantage to late game for its amplitude of land, a great line of attack, greater mobility and sight.
- Change 2 small buildings for destructible objects such as trees or bush, because the north side defends VP with 3 houses and the south side has none.
- Remove 3 wagons, why not let the approach of tanks in the late game.
In South opened fences and make road. There should be easy access units between HQs.
3_1.2. There should only be a house. That blocks the sight. And it is difficult to defend with 2 houses together.
3_3. There should be a high fences shrub, which prevents the passage of troops and view across the road. Any enemy unit in these houses is very dangerous and very difficult to recover but the means to get help.
3_4. A road more. To the south can enter the village area. Because the north has more advantage
4v4 hill_331
Mud, puddles, in areas of healing/repair, it is very difficult to enter/leave spends much time
and is slow. Many players heal and repair at the base for that reason. The mud in these areas must be removed.
Mud in other areas should be removed by too slowly troops, the mud is like an equivalence
deep snow.
The mud in ALL sectors should be removed. Except in the corridors (whoever fuels must capture
pay the price to get in the mud)
4v4 city_17_winter
A balanced map, there is almost no buildings, but blizzards kill this map. I recommend leaving them blizzards to 1
every 20 min .
Objects (dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn. Units MG / AT make many unnecessary turns. This delays their departure
Clean deep snow on roads/spawn on the bases. Objects (dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn.
Remove giant object (coal elevator), hinders sight and pass units.
At this point FUEL is very complicated defense / attack. The removal of these structures it is very convenient.
- Giant factories nearby change for a build of 1 floor.
- Remove giant silo and adapt/remove tank traps.
Snow on the west side. Make clean roads and remove deep snow.
There is deep snow in the '1 'with coverage objects, in the area '2' should have also.
- In the city summer, there are roads from side to side.
- Make roads to troops to equalize sides.
North have better access to their tanks.
9_1 Move trinchere, are many tanks maneuvered.
9_2 Change building to a house guardicion can protect the front like '3'.
9_4 Remove to more amplitude of tanks
9_5 Move 'generator_l_01' to the left
9_6 Eliminate two deep snow areas. Easy pass to troops.
9_7. Make road side to side. Made road to VP
Make roads.
Clean spawn on the South base. There are objects (trees, dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn. Units MG / AT make many unnecessary turns. This delays their dispatch
4v4 city_17_summer
Remove giant object (coal elevator) of the factory, hinders sight and step units.
Delete some sections of trenches, for In / Out troops of very wide.
Certain items (dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn. A mg/AT have many unnecessary movements.
Remove trenches there are more output amplitude for tanks.
In game the mistakes of enter/exit of units heavy. In other bases, we can see a better entry units. In this base it should eliminate some trenches to In / Out units.
The great imbalance of this map are the south bases. The north is closer to the midpoints of the map. The south is more distant. The best solution is to advance the bases more to the center, having space. This movement impact of two sectors.
East-south. At the north do not have many objects blocking the sight to capture the point.
Therefore in the east-south have to remove some walls and sidewalks.
6_X Eliminate walls, curbs spline.
6_1 Move spline curb
6_2 Move 'fuel container'
In the south side have more amplitude. They have just houses. And they just land and few objects.
If the enemy goes into some of these houses, the game is hard to turn it around. This will make the North players has sight and have amplitude with tanks.
In this map there are many giant buildings/objects of 2 floors near the base, should be eliminated or
changed by other smaller. Give more output amplitude units.
- The 2 giant factories near the base change / replace for a build of 1 floor. Allow for more sight. South has wider sight.
- Remove giant silo. This will allow the tanks to maneuver less.
- Open fence.
- (1) In the south and the houses are joined together by a wall.
This is the most problematic area of the map. There is a glut of buildings near each point, seriously impair their
capture. This really hard to capture with machine guns inside.
- X white. Elimination of building and 'fuel container'. This will make for more amplitude in the late game.
- Replace houses by without garrison.
This will leave; Two buildings (1) defending FU for the North players and Two buildings (2) for the South players to defend the VP.
Clean spawn on the South base. There are objects (trees, dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn.
Move bunker to have better output units.
Open trenches to have better output units.
Clean spawn on the North base. There are objects (trees, dead stump, and more) on the road to spawn.
Open trenches to have better output units.
Should be open fence high, to have a player option for the north.
Add block of trees. That many players go through that area.
4v4 lazenrath_ambush
-If there is not snow in the rear of the house '1', It must not have snow in house '2'
-Opening in fence '3', to add a route more to the point of capture.
When a map has been completed is important the distribution with the point. I understand it has been a quick adjustment the VP, but this is unbalanced. About the book is right. But when playing the players of North has greater advantage.
The second picture I show how movements should be points and VPs. Replace two heavy blocks tree by small shrubs/trees and add high fences among them. In the late game, the tanks will be able to crush it, to greater breadth and sight of ground.
There is no fence 'A' that prevents the players to pass.
Eliminate trenches, by impeding the capture. The troops that capture should vault. Therefore in the process the enemy was killing it.
The vp is located correctly. But the north has more breadth to locate tanks faced the VP.
The South only has entries on the roads. So the (1) forest block should be changed to shrubs you can crush tanks. This would allow for a wide range tanks south. (2) block heavy of forest.
4v4 Rostov
The amount of houses in this area are difficult to defend / attack the point.
As a significant fuel, it is very difficult if a unit enters a house, the area is lost.
Change unnecessary houses, by cannot garrison-house.
Leaving 1 house for north players and 1 for south players. When it comes time to fight, will be more balanced.
X white. Remove houses, trees, thick bushes, fences; to make a big entrance in the city like the north.
The big problem with this map is in the late game. When they reach the tanks, the south side has a huge advantage on the north. The land is powerful. The resected River is based on the input players have to city and entrance to VP. Resect the defined area of the river, removing bridges and adapt to this. Removal of shrubs and trees, which prevent sight and input to VP units. Removal the docks.
2.1. Make forest or rocks
2.2. Change by smaller trees destructible by tanks.
Deep snow in 3 areas that interfere spawns of south.
Train this very near to small house front. Prevented the mobility of tanks.
- Move the train closer to the silos
- The sidewalks are too long. It is unnecessary for infantry. No need such a long ramp. Excessive length harms vehicles / tanks passing his side, causing poor maneuverability.
4v4 la_gleize
The south players have better position to defend the VP, fences having more perpendicular to the north.
The north has only one entrance. Therefore can only enter troops by a zone and accumulate in that area.
Opened fence to north. An open fence would equal conditions for both.
The north has 2 opens to VP/FUEL. South therefore should have more input. Open fence, so they can more easily enter the south.