Hi comrades of the glorious Soviet Union 
I want to ask you all about the viability of combined arms vs OKW and OST. What do you guys do and how does it work out for you?
I don't think I can micro well enough to keep my sniper useful in the early game so I always build a T2. I build a couple of Maxims, conscripts and mortars and I try to support all my units whenever I push or defend. I also pump out an AT gun eventually if I think the enemy is going for a vehicle. The barrage ability is also very nice for blobs or campers. If I see that our team is winning, I go T3 and build tanks. If the other team is camping a lot or blobby, I build T4 and go for a Katyusha and SU85. I really like this strategy and I do alright with it (but the wins aren't coming 
Obviously I don't play at a very high level, and only teamgames (you can look at my shitty player card). Just wanted your opinions on combined arms versus Axis
Here is a solid combined arms strat I refined over the course of Coh2 for soviet vs Ostheer:
build T1
Maxim, mortar, or zis depending on the map and what is spotted
Maxim, mortar, or zis depending on what you spotted earlier and did not buy last (I.E. if you got a maxim, get a Zis)
from here probably another guard squad
T3 or T4 depending on what doc you chose (if you chose guards motor, no need to get T3, get T4)
This strat was originaly for ISU mech support doc (I loved the ISU since coh2 came out even though it sucked)
You'll notice there are no HQ upgrades. I generally do not get molotovs, but AT nades and Healing is essential to the game. you should get at least one of the upgrades before T2 is dropped and the other before T3 is dropped.
Key points with this build:
first M3 is for either a penal squad or an engineer squad. It is ment to flank, chase down weak units, or drop off a penal squad to satchel a bunker. This M3 is very important in keeping your opponent forced back, Do not over extend this unit unless it is for a large gain. Keep it in the back as a mobile defense/ support unit
This build is munitions starved, try to ration out your abilities and mines
after the second penal is out, Cap points in pairs, one penal and one conscript squad. Keep your guards along your defensive line near your weapons teams. Guards with DP's are key to holding the line effectively
Original this build was ment to have T4 only back when Su-85s were awesome and T34s sucked something terrible. T3 is a much more valid choice in current times, though on some maps getting an SU-85 is really good.
last of all, combined arms only works if you are using combined arms. What this means is your units need to be in arms reach of each other to be effective and supported. A lone guard squad can get picked off easily and like wise if you accidentally have two penals on one side of the map a 221/222 will ruin your day