I thought it might be time to raise our glasses in recognition of the casters who stuck with us through the thick and thin, with an arrow to the knee, and kept the community casting and especially the competetive scene alive.
So please, gentlemen, join me in raising our glasses to:
Tournament arrangers:
-Amipolizeifunk (Our leader, forever.)
-Marcus2389 (Italian hottie and CoH2 Mafiosi!)
-Ipkaifung (Unsung hero. Really. If you dont know his name, you should.)
-Kreatiir (Our saving grace! Rewind Event to Forward, Ho!)
And other tournament arrangers, as well as co-casters, whom I will gladly add to the list once someone reminds me..!
Without your work, there would be no competetive tournament scene for the upcoming ESL partnership to play off of. You guys, at the core, made all of this possible.
And for streaming and/or casting replays, an absolutely awesome list (in no particular order, and some who are no longer with us). Without you, what would we watch between tournaments for our vicarious CoH2 fix? Each and everyone of you has contributed to our enjoyment of the game, and our community, with your time, effort and enthusiasm.
So again, gentlemen, hats off please to:
-ImperialDane (Reliable as a rock)
-HelpingHans (We love you, man)
-StephennJF (Perfect gentleman)
-Cataclaw (Never stop da streaaamm!)
-Siberian (Fought hard. And always will.)
-RnP (Especially Rogers, whom is awesomely returned to us!)
-atre3uh (Your replay casts where first rate)
-A_E (Tried to teach. Those who know, listened!)
-FTN crew (Fatalsaint and Tommy)
-VonIvan (Need I say more? MVGame!)
-BartonPL (Showing us the latest Polish exploit!)
-Jesulinn ( Cant argue with a champion!)
-Lenny12346 (Banana-man)
-Lemon (Cast MOAR!)
-Romeo (

And many, many more whom I have forgotten to mention, but will gladly add to the list with a blurb of your choice.
And a big plus to up-and-coming casters/streamers!
You WILL be noticed, and your contribution, appreciated.
Thank you, to all of you.
Without any of you, we would not be here, today, with a thriving, admittedly small, but very energetic community.
And finally also (but not least) thanks to CoH2.org and all staff, for making and maintaining for us a home that is free, full of fantastic function and diversity, and so we dont have to catch cancer/herpes on official boards!
But no, I lied. Bad, I know...
One more toast is necessary.
To us, the community.
Even if you think the rest of this is absolute bullshit, atleast have a drink for yourself

GARBLBLARGH! (And down the hatch).
If you aint drunk by now from all this toasting, login and play a match in honor of our fine contributors, and yourself!
If you are drunk, do it anyways... badly!

PS: VonKluge: Dont touch this guy in anger, or I will visit the wrath of 10,000 Hindu Gods with many appendages upon you!
PPS: I see Janne252 lurking. Few of us will ever know the techno-magick this guy has cast upon us.